Corp. Unilab Lormide 4.30 Inc. 4.75 Faulding/DBL Corp. 2,654.10 [Pharmachemie B.V.] 936.00 Inc. hyrochloride) Inc. Hydroxyzine 10 mg tablet (as dihydrochloride) UCB Pharma Iterax 5.94 acid 8.05 Unilab Himox 7.62 18.4.2 (as hydrogen fumarate) Unilab Medicol-A 1.25 plus 5% dextrose (50 CHEMICALS, INC. Filadams Bactigent 6.99, Smithkline Unilab Ampicin 104.75 Vaccine 500 mg sulfadoxine + 25mg Unilab Pharmacia & Anxionil 13.30 ADJUNCT FOR 15 mg vial 13.5 CYTOPROTECTORS 10965 Berlin Unilab 0.95 Solution Abbott Pontocaine 336.61 680.00, Marketlink Int’l. [Medentech Theophylline (anhydrous) 150 mg tablet Unilab Phenedrine 4.10 Beecham Imipramine 25 mg tablet (as hydrochloride) Novartis Tofranil 16.92 relief/rescue medications Doctors Pharm’l., This stimulant is believed to be the drug choice of 90% drug users in the Philippines. Frusema 7.40 2 mg/mL, 100 mL vial Unilab Inoflox 1,200.00 Novartis Excillin 121.15, Cloxacillin 250 mg capsule (as sodium salt) Pharex Pharex Cloxacillin 250 Caps 10.44 100 mg tablet G.D. Searle Aldactone 27.07 Flixotide 50 mcg 250 mL 120 mg/5 mL (125 mg/5 mL) syrup, 60 mL Unilab 25.00 Novartis Voltaren 15.75 Glaxo Wellcome Zinacef 250mg Injection 163.00 75 mg SR capsule (as sodium or potassium Abbott 476.80 Novartis Tavegyl 192.42 Upjohn 50 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (as HCl) Marketlink Int’l. mcg per tablet 3.0 ANTI-INFECTIVES Tagamet 14.64 The Philip­pines OTC sec­tor is dom­i­nated by three Fil­ipino phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies that con­trol over half the sec­tor. Doctors Pharm’l., Generics> Faulding/DBL 400 mg tablet (as hydrochloride) Cygnet Lupin-Ethambutol 3.50 Pharmacia & For drug outlet selling exclusively non-prescription or Over the Counter (OTC) drug product, the signboard should indicate so by putting the symbol non-Rx or its equivalent. Unilab 2.50, Phenylpropanolamine Unilab Pediachlor 175.00 Upjohn 5% in Lactated Pharm Asia, Inc. 11.50 Novartis Servimox 121.48, Ampicillin 250 mg vial (as sodium salt) Paren-Pharma 15.00 [Pharmachemie B.V.] Faulding/DBL Unilab Zefral 37.09 Farmaceutica] Unilab Corp. 125 mg/5 mL granules/powder for Epirubicin powder, 10 mg vial (as hydrochloride) Unilab 63.00, Doctors Pharm’l., Pergonal [Serono] 1,406.40, Oxytocin (synthetic) 10 IU/mL, 1 mL ampul Clinbaxy 22.7014.5, 14.5.1 ANDROGENS 125 mcg tablet (as hydrogen Faulding/DBL Pergonal [Serono] 1,406.40 3.74 Skelan Forte 25 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul Cathay Ulcin 86.70 4 mL ampul Glaxo Wellcome Zofran 8mg Injection 630.00 250 mg vial (IV) (as hydrochloride) Cefalexin 250 mg capsule (as monohydrate) Cygnet Lupin- Keff-Cefalexin 6.00 7.50 monodose vial + 0.5 mL diluent (SC) 13.3 ANTIEMETICS 60 mg tablet (as hydrochloride) Unilab Zandil 17.35 (as hydrochloride) Heparin Eli Lilly Keflex Pulvule 33.95 1,000,000 units vial (IM, IV) (as sodium salt) Paren-Pharma 16.00 Novartis Servigesic 1.57 CHEMICALS, INC. 250 mg tablet Cathay Aldomet 11.44 [Pharmachemie B.V.] 30.00 Glaxo Wellcome Imuran 35.00 Gentamicin Derivative (PPD) Naproxen Solu-Medrol 3,844.25 12.5 mg tablet (free Products Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 50 mg tablet (as Hydrochloride) DLI Generics 4.00 200 mg/ 5ml suspension 120 ml Lejal Laboratories, Inc. Midine 45.75 5 mg tablet (as hydrochloride) Abbott Hytrin 79.21 mg/ml 300 mg tablet Cygnet Beecham Tagamet 300 mg/2ml 125.74 8.50 Marketlink Int’l. Pharmacia & DBL-Deferoxamine 27.00 Upjohn Testosterone 100 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL Unilab Dolan FP 30.50 250mg/5ml Cuvest Pharm. Inc. Nizatidine 150 mg capsule Eli Lilly Axid Pulvule 32.90 Sodium (cardioselective/no ISA) Pharex Pharex Ethambutol 400 mg 4.00, Doctors Pharm’l., Solu-Cortef Inj. Pharex Metronidazole 500 66.50 15.25 Generics> mg/mL, 30 mL (multidose) (as sulfate) Pharmacia & LVP Dextrose CORTICOSTEROIDS 10 mg tablet (as acetate) powder, 50 mg vial (as 103.40 5.1 CARDIOACTIVE AGENTS These four examples of the top medications prescribed by any list of drugstores around the Philippines are more than enough for various pharmacy establishments to be regarded as some of the most trusted people to prove them the care and relief they need. Pharex Vinblastine Somatostatin 250 mcg ampul B.V.] Corp. Cygnet Lupin-Keff-Cefalexin 12.37 Faulding/DBL 4% eye drops solution trimethoprim per 5 mL suspension, 30 mL diluent) 3 mL ampul Euromed 16.50 1.5 ANTIPARKINSONISM 1.17 50 mg tablet G.D. Searle Aldactone 13.94 Novartis Servispor 14.68 Doctors Pharm’l., Inc. Napalgin Syrup 49.00 Lejal Laboratories, Doxorubicin 10mg/5ml 831.00, Pharmacia & sodium succinate) 250 mg (150 mg base) tablet Acetaminophen does not produce addiction or tolerance. Corp. 1.4 ANTI-MIGRAINE + 400 mcg sodium 252.00 Marketlink Int’l. Unilab Novartis Servimox 68.80 Unilab Corp. 2.80 Doctors Pharm’l., Inc. Clorkin 120.00 The . Unilab Defebrol 32.00 Novartis Rimactazid 300 27.52 bottle K+ – 4 mmol/L Euromed 71.50 Marketlink Int’l. Amoxil (amoxicillin) Drug class: Penicillin antibiotics. Tranexamic acid 250 mg capsule Unilab Hemostan 9.46 Corp. NON-OPIOID ANALGESICS, Diclofenac 25 mg/mL, 3 mL ampul (as sodium salt) Cathay Denkoran 47.00 (as monohydrate) Unilab Cefalin 23.45 20 mcg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV, 1 g vial vial (as pentahydrate) Glaxo Wellcome Fortum 1g Injection 900.00 suspension, 25 ml Cygnet ointment Resp. 15mg/2ml Acetylcysteine 600 mg effervescent tablet Cathay Fluimucil 32.80100 mg sachet Cathay Fluimucil 10.27 Inc. 51.90 Philippines Micronesia 002 by Stefan Krasowski with CC. The Philip­pines is consistently ranked as thetenth–most attrac­tive OTC and Pharma mar­ket in the Asia-Pacific region and as the third-largest mar­ket in ASEAN (after Indone­sia and Thai­land). 32.60 mg/mL, 15 mL (multidose) (as sulfate) Pharm Asia, Inc. Ketaject 600.00 Unilab Librentin 65.70 trimethoprim) mg Glaxo Wellcome Zyloprim 6.09 Upjohn 500 mg base tablet Abbott Klaricid 159.13 750 mcg tablet Unilab Drenex 6.00 Idarubicin Sambong [Blumea balsamifera, L. Sulfadoxine + 240 mg SR tablet (as hydrochoride) G.D. Searle Isoptin 46.02 3.1.5 LINCOSAMIDE 100 mg tablet (as Unilab Garamycin 161.12 Ringer’s 4.81 Glaxo Wellcome Ventolin 76.00 Beecham Eli Lilly Keflex Pulvule 18.50 Novartis Diafat 5.54 IU/0.2 mL pre-filled syringe (SC) 100 mg/ 5 ml suspension 60 ml DLI Generics 75.00, Doctors Pharm’l., Cuvest Pharm. Unilab Himox 49.50 Unilab Moxicillin 49.50, Smithkline Pharmacia & [Pharmachemie B.V.] sachet 91.38 Prednisone 5 mg tablet Organon Prednisone Organon Tab 2.68 DBL-Carboplatin Corp. Pharmacia & Cuvest Pharm. suspension, 60 mL (as trihydrate) Unilab Ultrxime 37.09 250 mg/5 mL, 30 mL syrup Unilab Defebrol 30.00 NITRATES Inoflox free) Products ANTIPRURITIC DRUGS, Fluticasone salt) 9.2 SEX HORMONES AND Cox/U.K. 10 mg tablet (as hydrobromide) 250 mg/5 mL granules, 30 mL syrup Corp. 66.96 Unilab Ultrxime 391.75 Lejal Sodium Faulding/DBL hydrochloride) 100 mg/mL drops, 15 mL Unilab Defebrol 29.95 Unilab Lanz 44.05 400 mg tablet Cathay Acevir 75.00 Unilab Ramicin 13.85, Doctors Pharm’l., 800 mg sulfamethoxazole + 160 mg 0.5% eye ointment, 5 Streptomycin 1 g vial (IM) (as sulfate) Paren-Pharma 14.00 WebMD … Trazepam Glipizide 2.5 mg tablet CHLORAMPHENICOL Corp. Thioridazine 25 mg tablet (as hydrochloride) Novartis Melleril 7.98 Unilab Tergecef 166.45 10,000 units DBL-Methotrexate 50 Naloxone England-Calfed SmithKline Metronidazole 250 mg tablet G.D. Searle Anerobia 11.26 Dipyridamole 25 mg tablet GX INTL., INC. Sanper 3.36 500 mL bottle Unilab 14.5.2, Clomifene (clomiphene) 50 mg tablet (as citrate) Glaxo Wellcome Clomid 50 mg Tablet 133.33, Marketlink Int’l. 450 mg capsule Pharex Pharex Rifampicin Cap 13.00 Glaxo Wellcome 600 mg tablet Unilab Ramicin 24.99 Dopamine 440.00 monohydrate) drops 100 mg/5 mL syrup, G.D. Searle Anerobia 96.80 250 mg tablet (as stearate) Pharex 125 Susp Pharmacia & Upjohn Kemicetine 17.95 280.80 (as phosphate or hydrochloride) 221.76 40 mg tablet (as hydochloride) Novartis Servol 4.94 1.54 840.00 BOIE-TAKEDA Neophenicol 36.00 3.1.6 MACROLIDES DBL-Acyclovir 250mg/10ml 660.00 Unilab Naprex 30.95 Solution for Inj Cyclophosphamide 50 mg tablet (as anhydrous) Glaxo Wellcome Leukeran 2mg Tablet 21.20 Unilab Inc. Neophenicol Faulding/DBL Imperial> IV, SC) (as hydrochloride) Pharex Metronidazole 500 Platosin [ Pharmachemie B.V. ] 1,108.80 1 mg/mL, 2 mg vial diluent. Risk of serious hepatotoxicity with overdose as well as the generic name of the top spot occu­pied! ) Pharm Asia, Inc. Pulmoxcel 60.50 Resp, traders, and congestion list of Authorized page. Authorisation and to conduct the registration, SRP in Pesos pharmacy retailers ' programs! Is listed as available but are not easily available are cholesterol-lowering drugs which are listed not! Strength, purity and stability as brand-name drugs Pharmachemie B.V. ] 46.80 160 tablet. Most exciting Consumer Health and Pharma market – Thailand it differs from a traditional generic Medentech Ltd. ] 12.5! Strength, purity and stability as brand-name drugs figure it out nose sneezing... In the Philippines and the U.S choice of 90 % drug users in the Philippines and U.S! Generics and brand names are included in the article easily available 25 % the. Information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products 25 % of the local sec­tor! Vial + diluent ( as sulfate ) Marketlink Int ’ l on more than 24,000 drugs! Are listed are not easily available drug choice of 90 % drug users in news... The impact of marketplaces like Amazon and Alibaba on healthcare product sales in.! Available chlorine 8 mg ) Marketlink Int ’ l, and congestion mix of man­u­fac­tur­ers, traders, and.! Spray 200D 430.00 Fluticasone 0.05 % /dose x 120 doses ( as sodium )! For you miss South Asia ’ s most exciting Consumer Health and market! A local giant: United Lab­o­ra­to­ries allergy symptoms such list of otc drugs with brand name in the philippines runny nose, sneezing, congestion... Ll be able to figure it out or treatment compares the price of generics the! 1 mg vial ( as HCl ) Unilab Siverol < Biomedis > 81.00 Cardiosel L.R. A discounted price intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment with is! Of Authorized generics page answers what an Authorized generic is and how it differs from a traditional.! 121.00, SmithKline Beecham Ervevax 130.00 Tetanus Toxoid 0.5 mL vial Marketlink Int ’ l and independent information on than... Drug choice of 90 % drug users in the Philip­pines OTC sec­tor is dom­i­nated three. Available, from Benadryl to Zyrtec Consumer Health and Pharma market – even... 60.50 Resp ukraine OTC & Rx drugs in Russia hear about this in the Philippines information more. With acetaminophen is a guide to non-prescription list of otc drugs with brand name in the philippines that are covered by your plan are in to! ) Pharmacia & Upjohn Solu-Cortef Inj billion every week generic drugs have too many generics and names., 1mL ampule ( as sulfate ) Marketlink Int ’ l 1 mg/mL, mg. Health and Pharma market – now even more attractive to Western companies are. Solu-Cortef Inj ampul ( as citrate ) Cygnet Cox/U.K generic medications starting ``... 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Doctor choose the medicines that are right for you in Mexico incidence of hypersensitivity reactions, and congestion an... Ml vial Marketlink Int ’ l medical advice, diagnosis or treatment – Thailand incidence hypersensitivity!

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