Owners of Nigerian Dwarf Goats rave about the quality and taste of the milk that their pet produces. Nigerian Dwarf Goat Origin and History. At a Nigerian Dwarf goat’s peak (1 week after she delivers her babies) she can produce up to a half gallon a day. If you are seeking a show quality goat or a proven breeder, the price tag will be a lot higher than a farm pet or brush clearing quality of goat. The Nigerian Dwarf is a Miniature Dairy Goat. Reputable breeders provide information when they sell goats. About five to six months after giving birth, the amount of milk will go down to around six cups per day. Nigerian Dwarf milk has approximately 6 – 10% butterfat, as opposed to approximately 2 – 6% for other breeds. There are many wonderful breeds of dairy goats. And the milk they produce is unique, producing a wonderful yogurt. They joined Toggenberg, Nubian, LaManchas, Alpine, Oberhasli, and Nigerian Dwarf goats in the goat milk market. Also, if I get a buck, the buck would already be "fixed" just in case that reduces or takes away milk. The Nigerian Dwarf is a Miniature Dairy Goat. Bringing a New Kid Home: What to Expect the First Few Days, Physical Traits of an Easy Hand Milking Goat, 10 Steps to Livestock Guardian Dog Wildfire Preparedness, 9 Reasons to Have a Website for Your Goat Business. Re: How much milk production can I expect from Nigerian Dwar The big milk production lines out there see an average of 3.5-4 lbs a day. A mini dairy goat can often produce two-thirds the amount of milk that a standard dairy goat produces while consuming half as much feed, which could be helpful as the cost of feed rises. How much milk does a Nigerian Dwarf Goat Produce? I have read that a good Nigerian Dwarf will put out about 2 quarts per day or 1 quart per milking. Our goats of course! The local NDG breeders all say they get over a gallon but I think they are exaggerating just a little. Don’t let their small size confuse you; these small goats are workhorses! Nigerian dwarf milk-goats are small, friendly, and cute. One Nigerian dwarf goat can produce enough milk to meet the needs of one family. Hi Paris, Any goat can technically produce milk, but they will only do so if they have babies. I typically just stop giving a bottle altogether, but a more gradual approach would be to give half bottles for a few days before removing a certain time of day from the schedule. The bad thing about milking a goat from behind is I always get pooped on at least once. February 20, 2016 at 10:42 pm. The best milking goats are dairy breeds like Nubian, Alpine, La Mancha, Oberhasli, Saanen, Sable, Toggenburg, and Nigerian Dwarf. Among the dairy breeds, Nigerian Dwarf goat milk has the highest levels of butterfat, making it so creamy that it’s often preferred over cow’s milk. Kids should be eating with the herd; on pasture in summer and on hay in winter. : 277 Lactation usually lasts for about ten months. If you get a goat, get a doe (female) or a wether (neutered male- pronouned "weather") If you are buying your goat from a farm, and pick out a little buckling, get them to wether him for you or take him to the vet. In the first couple of days, I monitor closely to be sure they’re getting enough. I do agree that to say a gallon a day is out of line. Try to find a breeder that has DHIA records, they are official and tested by a someone other than the breeder. If the weather is particularly rough or I have any other reason to be concerned, I will extend the 4 bottle routine another week. ilk is easier for humans to digest than cow’s milk. It’s naturally homogenized, with smaller fat particles evenly suspended throughout the milk. How to Decrease Bottles Nigerian Dwarf Goats are well adapted to heat and cold! The Nigerian Dwarf Goat Association allows 17 to 21 inches for does and 19 to 23 inches for bucks, while the American Goat Society allows a maximum of 22.5 inches for does and 23.5 inches for bucks. A saanen, if well bred, should milk at least a gallon, if not 2. Pygmies can produce anywhere from a quart to two-thirds of a gallon, with the average being one to two quarts. Many goat keepers have noted that does do not reach their full production capacity until their third freshening, or the third time their udder goes from being non-productive to producing milk. Just be sure there is free choice solid food available for them to make up the loss of milk nutrients. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. When milking, they produce between three and four pounds of 6% to 10% butterfat milk per day. I believe that Nigerian Dwarf goats fit the bill for a family homestead goat for a lot of people. Increase to 6-8 ounces per feeding, continuing 4 times per day until the end of week 3. We believe happy goats produce the best milk, and we take great pride in the care of our Nigerian Dwarf herd. Reading Laura's info, it occurred to me that I may very well have been the milk tester for that record holding ND. Dry feed is considered her combined grains, hay, and forage. This makes them the perfect choice for smaller farms. Thanks for subscribing! The most popular dairy goat breed is the Swiss Saanen breed, as they produce the most milk out of all dairy goats (they can produce up to three gallons or 11.3 liters of milk a day!) How much milk does a Nigerian dwarf goat produce? Reply. The butterfat percentage is usually in the 3.5% range. And the fact that the cows milk from teh supermarket just doesn't taste too great is even more incentive. They don’t produce as much milk per day as Nubians, but we don’t need more than one to two pints of milk … I couldn't believe how good it was! Thanks! Be sure to cut a larger “x” with scissors before use. Feed four times a day, increasing to 4 ounces by week two. Suite 500, Troy, Michigan 48084 USA. For long-lactating breeds like LaManchas and Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goats, some goat owners will breed their does once a year for 3 years to push them to full production. That's an average of about 5 and a quarter pounds a day. I was the milk tester for the one day test and we did have a ND doe that gave just a bit over 6lbs. We do this in a kid creep for all kids, because dam raised kids figure out how to eat from their moms and teach the bottle raised kids what to do. We chose Nigerian dwarf milk-goats. Related: Prices of Rabbits in Nigeria . I always determine this on an individual basis by gently squeezing a kid’s belly after feeding. They can give three to four pounds per day of 6 to 10% butterfat. For a goat I’m concerned about, I’d be more inclined to gradually decrease. I believe it was 2004 when the AGS National Show was held in Stillwater, Ok. I'm a person that hates goat milk. When milking, the Nigerian Dwarf goat milk can go as high as 3 and 4 pounds of 6% to 10% butterfat milk on a daily basis. A lot of them are hard to milk because of their small teats, but others have been bred to alleviate this problem. I am still undecided if I should just jump and get a Nigerian or wait for the mini-nubians. We chose milk goats, but we didn’t choose Nubians. A healthy Nigerian Dwarf doe can produce a surprising amount of sweet milk for her small size – up to two quarts per day. Not official but at least a record. Bottle Feeding a Newborn Kid through Week Two Sometimes you can tell a kid is satisfied because it pulls off the nipple, but some will continue going after food even when they are beyond full. A healthy female goat (doe) will produce about three quarts of milk a day for ten months out of the year. If I’m bottle feeding because the kid was weak, I keep it in the house. The concern of pet goat owners would be if it is necessary for them to milk the goat even if they wouldn’t have any use for the milk. A healthy Nigerian Dwarf doe can produce a surprising amount of sweet milk for her small size – up to two quarts per day. Despite their size, Nigerian Dwarf Goats are very fertile. The milk fat content is 6.5% while the protein content is 3.9%. The most popular milk-goats are probably Nubians. I checked those weights and re-checked those milk weights! If you are looking for a new pet, maybe a side business, and really love goat’s milk, you can combine all three with the purchase of a Nigerian dwarf goat. Please check your email for the file - contact me at megan@littleavalonfarm.com if you don't receive it. Nigerian Dwarf Goat Milk Tastes Better. The Nigerian dwarf goat being a pet at home, with the lack of space and nourishment used in farming and livestock, can actually still produce a sufficient amount of milk. Nigerian dwarf goats can produce up to two quarts of milk per day. I am thinking about getting a Nigerian Dwarf Goat but i'm not sure if i should get a buck or a doe. Great goat milk means great goat milk soap! Between about 1930 and 1960 a variety of small goats of the West African Dwarf group of breeds were imported from Africa to the United States to be exhibited in zoos. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Both goat breeds produce high-butterfat milk. The average milk yield per lactation of the Nigerian Dwarf goat is 340 kg. It is critical to a goat’s future social health to learn from the beginning how to be a goat, so I do whatever I can to integrate them in the herd right away. They don’t produce as much milk per day as Nubians, but we don’t need more than one to two pints of milk … That’s 3.79 liters for you non-Americans out there. How much a Nigerian dwarf goat costs depends on a host of variables, including your location, and the quality of the animal up for sale. We use pull on lamb/kid nipples; the Pritchard style has never worked well for us. The Nigerian Dwarf goat breed is relatively young (recognized in the first registry as a breed starting in 1981), and one of the things I find most fascinating is how much the breed has improved (in dairy terms) in a relatively short time. Nigerian Dwarf Goat Cost. I'm currently only getting about 1/3 quart per miking from each of my 3 milking does. I … A doe that is in milk needs more and the recommended percentage is 16-18%. Can I get Pygmy goats that do not milk? This is on an ideal diet with no mineral or vitamin deficiencies and plenty of protein, being milked 2 times a day, and no diseases. How much milk produce a nigerian dwarf goat? Nannies produce an incredibly sweet milk that is often able to be consumed by folks who have an intolerance to cow’s milk. FF's last year were acceptable enough to try another year with them. They will produce milk for many months, some even for a year, but eventually their milk will naturally dry up and they have to be bred again to produce more milk. Nigerian Dwarf Goats and LGDs in Eastern Washington. If kids are eating hay well and seeming to grow well, this is when I reduce to 3 feedings a day: 8a, 2p, 8p. Average milk yield of dairy stock is 340 kg (750 lb) per year;: 284 the highest recorded annual yield is 782 kg (1720 lb) in a lactation of 305 days. Someone else said 1/2 to 1 gallon per day. The Nigerian Dwarf, like the American Pygmy Goat, derives from these, but does not resemble the stocky West African Dwarf in conformation – it has been bred to have the appearance of a miniature dairy goat. Some of our fans who have skin sensitivities have been amazed that they can not only tolerate the soap, but experience added benefits as well. The best indicator that they’re ready to wean is eating solid foods well and growing at the same rate as their dam raised fellows. The Nigerian Dwarf goat milk benefit is that it is higher in butterfat (6-10 percent) and higher in protein than milk from most dairy goat breeds. The milk from a Nigerian dwarf goat, however, contains the highest rate of butterfat content compared to other milk breeds. How Much Milk Do Goats Produce? We chose milk goats, but we didn’t choose Nubians. I’ve tried to pinpoint specific weights to give you an idea of how much to feed, but the best advice I have is to watch your babies and their activity level/overall behavior. Following closely behind these two are Nubians, Toggenburgs, and Oberhaslis, and As with anything, it’s important that the milk from Nigerian Dwarves is handled properly and that the goats are properly cared for. Nigerian Dwarf Goats, despite their small size, have relatively big utters which makes the milking process a cinch. Milking and/or nursing kids will take a lot out of a doe and she needs more to compensate. I choose Nigerian Dwarf goats because they’re small. The milk is not as sweet as a nubian or lamancha, but saanens give the most. There is certainly a lot to love about Nigerian goats. How much protein do goats need in their diet? With few exceptions, such as very weak kids or those who survived a traumatic birth and need extra support, kids go 8 hours overnight without a bottle from day 1. They average around 75 pounds. I missed this thread when it started two months ago. Mine average about a quart a day for ff's and 1.5-2 a day over their lactation for second+ fresheners. Goat’s milk is an excellent alternative to cow’s milk for people that are lactose-intolerant. Nigerian dwarf goats make for excellent milking goats. Breeds of Milk Goats. Currently we use the milk from Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Nigerian dwarf goats produce around two quarts of milk a day. My first fresheners have not even peaked and will give me 1.5 qts per day. Someone said three to four quarts a day. Subscribe now for instant access to my step-by-step guide on how we've eliminated conventional dewormers. Bottle Feeding from Week Three to Week Four. Cashmere Goat Milk - Can You Milk a Cashmere Goat? I have never once been unable to get a kid started on a bottle with these nipples. Pygmy milk ranges from 4.5 to more than 11 percent butterfat. I keep reading, twice in the past week or so, about now Nigerians give so much milk. I was told it was good, but didn't believe ot until I tried it. That totals to fifteen gallons per month. Increase to 6-8 ounces per feeding, continuing 4 times per day until the end of week 3. It should be fairly firm but never tight; too much feed can be just as bad as not enough. Begin offering free choice minerals, water and hay by day three. My doe produces around 1 lb 3 oz to 1 lb 12 oz per milking. We are not on DHIR yet but I have kept daily barn records for the last few years. How much milk do Nigerian dwarf goats produce? Can I get male kid Nigerian dwarf goats without them being aggressive? Goat milk produces a mild, gentle bar of soap that is rich in proteins and minerals which moisturizes and softens your skin. Though advertised as designed for soda bottles, we find that they work best with a glass bottle, so once a year, my husband takes one for the team and buys a 6-pack of beer, the empty bottles of which become my prized possessions for bottle feeding. How much is to get a nigerian passport in nigeria. Each year, we do either a 305-day milk production test or a one-day milk production test to see if the Bramblestone Farm Nigerian Dwarf does (that don’t yet have milking star designations) can earn their milking stars with the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) and the American Goat Society (AGS).. Nigerian Dwarf Goat milk taste just like cow's milk! So much of feeding bottle babies is intuition and individual decisions. An average doe produces about 2.5 pounds of milk a day, Nigerian Dwarf production ranges from 1 to 8 pounds of milk per day (one quart of milk weighs roughly 2 pounds). I don’t stick to a particular amount of ounces, but rather go with the way the kid feels. Although all healthy, female goats are capable of producing milk to feed their babies, not all goats produce enough milk to provide humans with a reasonable share of that milk.. The milk is rich in butterfat. We chose Nigerian dwarf milk-goats. If kids are eating hay well and seeming to grow well, this is when I reduce to 3 feedings a day: 8a, 2p, 8p. I can't even buy goat milk where I live, off a farm or in the supermarkets. How much horsepower does a 6.0 liter engine produce? Being an adaptation of the Saanen, Sable goats produce milk with a fat content ranging from 3 to 4% (depending on a variety of factors). Our herd has never been healthier! Thank you. Dwarf does can have several kids at a time, 3 and 4 being common and sometime even 5. Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats produce goat milk that is 3 times higher in butter fat (cream content) than any other dairy goat. On average, they produce around 1.5 gallons a day, but their milk is low in butterfat and protein. This makes their polyestrous nature favorable. Nigerian milk averages 6.5% butterfat, so even whole milk from the store is not really rich enough, but it will do for a kid that age. If she weighs at least 24 pounds, you wouldn’t have to continue bottle-feeding, but you could. Currently have a nd that gave very close to 3# a day avg for almost 250 days and another not far behind her. Anglo-Nubian. It can be used to make cheese, butter and soap. It’s important to note that Nigerian Dwarf goats do need to be milked daily, but with just a bit of work, you can quickly produce rich milk that can be consumed either on its own or in the form of other milk products. This is the feeding schedule we use for our Nigerian Dwarf bottle babies; you can approximately double the amounts and use this for standard sized goats as well. A goat milks more than a half a gallon. This means their milk isn’t the best for cheese or yogurt making, so keep that in mind when picking your breed. They’ll stay there until weaning, when you simply stop feeding bottles. They are an ideal breed for families with children. Bottle Feeding Weeks Five and Six Some Nigerian Dwarves give only about a pound (one pint) of milk per day, but others produce as much as 8 pounds (a half-gallon). Why is our soap SO different? So it is best to separate all Nigora bucklings from their sisters and other does by this age, just in case they decide to take after their Nigerian cousins in this respect. I would rather hear what they milk long term and if they can maintain any sort of lactation. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. In fact, the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) ranks … The Nigerian Dwarf Goat produces around a half gallon of milk per day. The Nigerian Dwarf was originally bred for show and as a companion animal. For long-lactating breeds like LaManchas and Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goats, some goat owners will breed their does once a year for 3 years to push them to full production. Total milk per day is 1/2 gallon or 15 gallons a month. DaNelle Wolford says. It contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements, electrolytes, enzymes, and proteins that are easier for humans to assimilate than similar content in cow’s milk. Nigerian milk typically ranges from 6 to 10 percent butterfat. I really don't want to wait because I'd like some milk today! Posted in r/AskReddit by u/micole88 • 0 points and 4 comments A forum community dedicated to living sustainably and self sufficiently. Nigerian Dwarf goats are exactly what you need for a fun, energetic new pet. They have been known to produce as much as 3 gallons of milk a day per goat. Nigerian dwarf milk-goats are small, friendly, and cute. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. A mini dairy goat can often produce two-thirds the amount of milk that a standard dairy goat produces while consuming half as much feed, which could be helpful as the cost of feed rises. As long as they’re healthy, there’s no reason not to do it whatever way you prefer. For Nigerians, the latest average for a 305-day lactation is 741 pounds, which works out to 2.43 pounds per day, or 1.21 pounds per milking. A single Nigerian Dwarf goat produces a surprising amount of milk and is basically a miniature dairy goat. Nigerian Dwarf goats produce milk for about 300 days per freshening, and breed throughout the year, rather than seasonally. Nigerian Goats. At that point, the number of feedings determine the total amount, not the size of the bottle. They are energetic and into everything at this point. Scared me to death! What makes the Naija Dwarf goats special as milking goats is that their milk is higher in protein content than milk from most dairy goat breeds. Total milk per day is 1 1/2 quarts, or 11 gallons a month. Your bet is to get what breed you like. And just how outstanding can a Nigerian Dwarf get? 4. How Much Milk Does Nigerian Dwarf Goat Produce? This breed is the result of crossbreeding of British and Indian goat breeds. During peak production, a goat can produce up to half a gallon of milk per day. That is something that a laboratory must do. Our focus is to produce animals with strong conformity to breed standards, natural parasite immunity, and strong milking abilities. Bottle Feeding Weeks Seven through Weaning We cull for milking ability. I can’t wait to get goats but need a solution to this problem !!! This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The Nigerian dwarf goat is the most popular and smallest milk breed goat. The influence of Nigerian Dwarf genetics may expand the breeding season past the fall months and also may increase the butterfat in the milk. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It was later also bred for dairy use. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Though cashmere goats are best kept for fiber production, one can milk cashmere goats. The Nigerian Dwarf goat milk benefit is that it is higher in butterfat (6-10 percent) and higher in protein than milk from most dairy goat breeds. It won’t hurt to continue bottle feeding until they’re several months old if you have the milk and inclination, but they need to be having milk until 8 weeks. This is the feeding schedule we use for our Nigerian Dwarf bottle babies; you can approximately double the amounts and use this for standard sized goats as well. If I’m feeling good about my bottle babies’ growth, I’ll go down to 2 bottles a day in early week 6, at 8a and 8p. How much milk can a doe produce in a day? I liked my FF does to be giving 3-4lbs, ( between 6-8 cups … For many people, the appeal of the Nigerian Dwarf goat is the combination of their milking ability and compact size. I figured 1-2 quarts a day was doing good for my Nigies when I had a herd. These animals have short and thin hair and are equipped with large ears. Bucks and dry does need 11-12% protein in their diets. She will also produce one baby (kid) per year which you can sell, use for meat or raise to produce more milk. They can also provide a surprising amount of milk for their size. Minis would be somewhere in between. How Many Ounces Per Feeding? Standard goats are wonderful but they produce too much milk for some people and are too difficult to handle. Needing very little space to play, Nigerian dwarf goats are small in size but big in heart. You can easily measure the weight of the milk, but you cannot measure the butter fat. Here is a website I have used to learn more about NDG: “When I think of what tremendous consequences come from little things, I am tempted to think, there are no little things.” -Bruce Barton. In general, a newborn kid will eat about 1-2 ounces, moving up quickly to a maximum of about 6-8 ounces. Many goat keepers have noted that does do not reach their full production capacity until their third freshening, or the third time their udder goes from being non-productive to producing milk. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The ND is a nice fit for a younger child to work with, less intimidating. Each of my 3 milking does from the Nigerian Dwarf goat milk taste just like cow 's milk rate... Browser before proceeding babies is intuition and individual decisions lb 12 oz per milking this.. You simply stop feeding bottles of goat from West Africa immunity, and cute when it started months... A quarter pounds a day is out of a doe that gave just a little combined grains,,... Are exactly what you need for a younger child to work with less... Give the most is 6.5 % while the protein content is 6.5 % while protein... Reading Laura 's info, it occurred to me that i may very well have been known produce! 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