If your cat is anxious or feeling unsafe, Feliway Classic is the way to go. Multicat aims to eliminate any tension between your kitties. Feliway Classic Spray is effective for at least 90% of cats and aside from spraying and scratching it also helps ease the stress due to loud noises like fireworks, travel, vet visits, and if moving to a new environment. By releasing pheromones, they’re basically marking this space, object, or, well, you as their safe and happy place. Pheromones are pretty amazing substances. We were recommended Feliway diffuser by our vet & saw online how happy people were with the product & how good it was meant to be. They seemed to understand that we had moved, maybe this was because I had begun moving a lot of our things in during that week and the cats could 'smell' that we'd been spending a lot of time in the house. If your cat’s really sick, you would be tricking it into thinking everything’s fine when it’s not. She was very distraught on being put in her cage and despite this, as soon as we were in the vet assessment room she was instantly calm and non-bitey and no growling. The pheromones used in Feliway Classic provide your kitty with a sense of security and contentment. One of them had to go! Once the third cat arrived we had terrible fights, even after trying to keep them apart for the recommended two week period and introducing them slowly etc. She used to run in terror from everyone. Pheromones, and Feliway by association, can’t be smelled by humans. This can cause loss of hair and bald patches. They’re clinically proven and have been approved by Valarie Tynes, DVM, DACVB, Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist. Feliway Classic could reduce your cat’s excessive grooming habits so that it doesn’t harm itself. The positive reviews outweigh the negatives, which means you might be one of the lucky ones! She has been super calm and mellow since. Kronen et al, 2006 - Feliway did not reduce struggling of cats for a blood draw, although FFPA cats appeared "calmer." Avoid plugging it near air conditioners and windows for optimum results. This Feliway diffuser review will tell you everything you need to know about a cat’s version of meditation. I will buy again for sure!! I paid $79 at my local vets ,but have found the product elsewhere for $46.It's best to search online for the cheapest option, but whatever the cost it is worth the price ! My partner actually started spraying it himself and especially around the couch and the boys both became so much more affectionate. As a matter of fact, it’s said to be good for cats that are old, sick, or skittish. Have you ever heard of aromatherapy for cats? Disclaimer: Some of the links in this article are affiliate links; we will earn a commision, at no additional cost to you, if you make a purchase through one of our links. I had considered this product for our anxious rescue cat but due to price and mixed reviews I decided not to get it. Shredded furniture and racing around at night emitting horrendous yowls. Cats release these pheromones several ways, including when they rub their head against you, scratch their faces against a surface, or, every cat owner’s all-time favorite, their kneading massages. © 2021 ProductReview.com.au Pty. She was very distraught on being put in her cage and despite this, as soon as we were in the vet assessment room she was instantly calm and non-bitey and no growling. It wouldn’t need to, once it gets a whiff of the smell of safety. i also find it makes me feel a bit sick. Companies can't alter or remove reviews from ProductReview.com.au. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. The theory behind the product is: wherever you apply the Feliway spray, your cat won’t want to spray there anymore. This prevents antisocial cats from hiding out. Ceva so i purchased it and have been using it all the time but there is no change in my cat at all. I am really grateful to the vet for introducing me to this product. It was agony for everyone until we bought the Feliway Spray. Since then (2 weeks) - he has not scratched anywhere else in the house. There are also studies that show a lack of success. He would also scratch furniture. The pheromones used are sort of like those a mommy-cat uses on her newborn kittens. as we have an assortment of allergies in the house? We have 2 male kittens at 5 and a half months old and have been generally well behaved. Funded by Abbott Laboratories, who also produce and distribute Feliway in the USA. For example, a controlled study in 2013 showed that a scratching post treated with a synthetic version of feline paw pheromones got more claw time than an untreated post. She's sleeping calmly and not jumping whenever I pat her if I pat her while she's asleep. It can prove quite useful if you have a new furry member of the family and the OG won’t have it. my cat has anxiety which is where this product specializes in. The only potential danger to using Feliway could be overlooking a serious problem. Feliway Spray. She was very skitty. Write a review on ProductReview.com.au! Love this, calmed my overly affectionate cat and reduced stress in my other girl! The cat calming spray is proven effective in 9 out of 10 cats. Purchased in August 2020 at Greencross vets for A$79.00. We found that this product line has fair to middling reviews and averages about 3-4 stars per product, with Feliscratch earning the lowest rating. What we can do, however, is reassure you that the numbers are in your favor. Ceva Feliway Spray. Buy on Amazon. She's not running from us, not biting, attacking the others and slowly, her litter habits are much improving, although we still need to monitor carefully. Here’s how to stop your cat from peeing outside its litter box once and for all. A bonus aside is that our other cat has also been much for playful! Imagine chilling at home, meditating alongside your perfectly well-behaved cat. Feliway doesn’t actually solve the problem underlying behind its behavior. If you’ve moved recently, for instance, your cat could very well refuse to eat. All the cats are getting along so much better, I even saw the new cat preening one of the other ones today. My partner, at first sceptical because of the price decided to gi...Read more, I can't review this product highly enough. We can’t tell you for sure that it’ll work; you’re going to have to try for yourself and wish for the best. It’s a scent unique to cats and cats alone. FELIWAY CLASSIC Spray offers calming on-the-go and additional support at home.. Makes travel and visits to the vet less stressful; Allows convenient and targeted management of the areas marked by your cat with urine or scratching in your home A new product that I recently read about in the local paper. Both products contain synthetic pheromones, but they are two different brands, even though some Comfort Zone products are advertised as containing Feliway. It’s not something that you have to reapply every couple of minutes, it’s ongoing. Few people actually know how truly horrible they are. I watch my diffusers carefully to ensure they don't run out, I have three spread around the house. This pheromone pray acts as a "detractant" – simply spray 8-10 pumps of Feliway on doorways, cat-flaps, furniture and other objects around the house that your cat may be tempted to mark. I always had issues with my two cats, occasional toileting inside and they weren't terribly friendly, choosing to spend most of their time outside. Mothers emit a certain pheromone so that her kittens get along well with their litter-mates. Feliway spray can help ease the stress of travel for vet visits and moves. If you’ve done your research then you’ve seen thousands of people raving about Feliway diffusers and their results. You can buy Feliway as a spray or as a diffuser (like a Glade Plugin). They were stressed by the move and it was unpleasant for them, however by the following afternoon they had settled in and we decided to let them explore the entire house. Th... ought this is another gimmick but approaching desperation, thought it was worth a shot. Who’s right? Hear us out. The vet noticed she seemed stressed on her visit in her cage. Make sure to plug your diffuser where it won’t be hidden by furniture or curtains. No more sprinting around the house in the middle of the night, no more toileting out of the litter. Our cat Kottr is 19 and has some cognitive decline that caused him severe stress, anxiety making him scream and wail regularly throughout the day and become even worse at night, preventing everyone from sleeping (including our dog). 93% of cat lovers observed enhanced serenity. just wondering what the ingredient/chemicals are in the diffusers? She probably thought she was being taken away AGAIN? I have no intention of stopping the use of them as I am enjoying my cats so much more now. I was hoping this would calm him down and stop it but unfortunately it did nothing. Feliway Friends / Multicat He would urinate in his litter but poo elsewhere! This week we're moving house and I had no idea how I was gonna pick her up to get her in a cat carrier. Anyway he suggested this product, so I hunted around...Read more. Not a happy customer so far!! Several vets actually prescribe and recommend using Feliway too. Here’s why you should consider going for a Feliway diffuser. However, this is where the trouble started. It doesn't contain any drugs, so it won't adversely affect your cat. For the past 2 nights, they have all been left together and not separated for the first time in 3 weeks! The cats began urinating on the couch and I felt like they were 'taking over' the house. To comfort your cat during travelling - Spray 8 to 10 pumps of Feliway ® at least 15 minutes before the cat is introduced into the environment (car, carrier, kennel etc. Purchased in August 2020 at Local vet clinic. The change in my cat was significant. Total chill cat now with no stress peeing ! Well, both and neither. My partner was about to give up on them, however, we consulted the vet who suggested Feliway. I buy in bulk online and use original Feliway diffusers, I recently discovered a Mortein diffuser in my cupboard that I must have bought at some stage to control flies. Preferred = The Feliway ® product most suited for the situation. 4 months later and still going good. I purchased this yesterday in a bid to calm one of our rescue cats that cannot be picked up. Frontline Plus for Cats Review – My Honest Opinion (2021), Recommended to ease the tension between cats. If you travel with your cat, our Feliway Classic Spray provides stress relieve on the go with our 60 ml of feline facial pheromone travel spray. The product works with some varieties of cats but the effectiveness differs between cats. From the first day, the boy who was pooping out of the litter box stopped immediately! And having come from a quiet house where he lived with just him and an old man, with no other pets, I find it quite a turnaround in just 6 months. This week we're moving house and I had no idea how I was gonna pick her up to get her in a cat carrier.The diffuser has been plugged for 22 hours now and I honestly have a different cat. Feliway products are safe to use. If Feliway wasn’t at all effective, we wouldn’t be talking about it now, would we? Manufacturer. I read all the reviews and was hoping it would help our male stray who we adopted. It could simply mean your cat is upset. After a week of the spray we decided to get 3 diffusers around the house to maintain consistency and it has remained just as effective as the first day, with the added benefit of the boys being less crazy. ed scratching. Travelling with your cat can sometimes be a stressful experience for both your cat and you! Sounds nice, doesn’t it? FAQ Q. So we bought him a scratching post (nothing horrendous and big) - and applied the Feliscratch product.We were skeptical and thought we had just blown $49.95 - but to our surprise - he went up to it straight away - and commenced "loving" the post - and then start...Read more. Analysis of Customer Reviews. Our very curious and confident cat became stressed from some changes around the home. The Feliway diffuser covers a large area of 700 square feet in a room with enough circulation, although it might include a lower range in a practical situation. It has used the product almost twice as fast. Supplement = Additional Feliway ® product which can be combined for added support. For instance, if the problem is your cat’s anxiety, the presence of pheromones in a room will make it feel safe there. It has seriously changed her life. They are used by animals as chemical signals to tell each other things. She sat and behaved while her mouth and body was examined. After a week of her hiding under the bed and stress peeing on my sons clothes, I bought the spray and the plug in. Thank you Feliway, I highly recommend. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Feliway Calming Spray for Cats - 60ml at Amazon.com. One of them had to go! Your trust is our top concern. Yep it works. I have three cats, having recently inherited the third one from an old uncle who lived alone. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work sooner, it’s pretty normal. That all changed when my cat had to get her teeth done at the vet 3 days ago. She was very skitty. I sprayed a blanket and a bed and although he walked off initially, I brought him back to the spot and not only did he settle ,but started purring. Th...Read more. I am turning it off and on as needed and all I can say is that I see a marked difference. It wasn't turned on but the vet said it had residual effect. Verified Purchase. ProductReview.com.au has affiliate partnerships. 13%. Day 1 of the diffuser being plugged in, all 3 kitties were so chilled! We then had construction start for a new apartment block start right next door and one of the boys started defecating on the spare bed daily. Cleaning that furniture well and using Feliway Classic could communicate to your cat that this is its safe space. Catego for Cats Review – Best Affordable Flea Treatment? Adopted an older kitty who is very scared. Feliway Diffuser Review: Is It Worth Your Money? My girl is so much calmer, they do still have slight disagreements but they don’t chase each other around agressively. I noticed the Feliway diffuser on the wall and mentioned it to the vet. You probably have your own diffuser, why shouldn’t your cat’s? Feliway Classic is the most commonly used formula. Not only was the move a breeze but our cats are happier than they've ever been. 2. By mimicking natural feline pheromones, Feliway® classic spray for cats can help control stress-related behaviors. We have just upgraded our lounge to a brand new leather one. With in 24 hours she is zooming around the place and playing with her toys. His appetite dropped dramatically and he became painfully thin . Choose a room where your cat spends most of its time, or where a recurring problem usually occurs. I am now dog sitting for my sister and needed to try this! But they never tried to run away, it basically took one night for them to accept the move. We believed the crazy sprinting around the house and consistent play fighting was normal kitten behaviour, particularly unneutered males (waiting for 6 months). To comfort your cat during travelling - Spray 8 to 10 pumps of Feliway ® at least 15 minutes before the cat is introduced into the environment (car, carrier, kennel etc. They certainly weren't lap cats. We decided to get her a sibling and ended up taking home a bonded pair who are very kind and gentle. For in-home use, our starter kit includes a Feliway diffuser plug in with a 30 day supply (48 ml). Feliway classic: This type of Feliway is a general stress-reliever, which is designed to send "happy" signals to your cat. It’s basically cat-talk for “everything’s okay,” only it will likely believe it. Ignoring the signs and going for Feliway straight away could make the situation worse. Feliway Diffuser and Spray (Pet Product): 4.4 out of 5 stars from 18 genuine reviews on Australia's largest opinion site ProductReview.com.au. I couldn't wait to get ours to stop our 10 year old cat pooing in the hallway everyday & scratching the carpet to bits!! Make sure your little buddy isn’t facing any health-problems before trying to change its behavior. We adopted a kitten when she was 8 weeks old. Feliway products are made of synthetic pheromones to improve your cat’s behavior. The majority of Feliway products either belong to the "classic" or "multicat" families, but there are also some "Feliscratch" products, which help with territory issues. After thoroughly cleaning the soiled spots and using Feliway Classic, your problem should be solved! Up till now, there are no known side-effects to using Feliway products. My partner was about to give up on them, however, we consulted the vet who suggested Feliway. Feliway is clinically proven. Much quieter and happier household. We have had the diffuser for nearly a month but it has not been effective yet! I was doubtful ,but desperate how...Read more. Recommend this stuff 1000%. We won't use it all the time so I expect it will last longer than a month. Further details in the disclaimer. No more scratching furniture, and just so much happier. Massive difference. Skip to content I bought one from the RSPCA shop at Wacol (the cheapest I could find in a bricks and mortar store) and plugged it in before my cat got home from the vet. You can also use it to restore your cat’s appetite. So I would definitely recommend getting the correct diffuser so you don't waste your product. I purchased this yesterday in a bid to calm one of our rescue cats that cannot be picked up. One week later when I moved the cats over, they spent one night separated in different bathrooms with their Feliway plug ins. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. We decided to get her a sibling and ended up taking home a bonded pair who are very kind and gentle. These do not influence our content moderation policies in any way, though ProductReview.com.au may earn commissions for products/services purchased via affiliate links. Purchased in May 2020 at Pet Circle for A$78.00. In fact, they’re doctor recommended. Some will tell you it works, others will say it’s useless. My partner has actually fell in love with them more and couldn't be happier, and neither could the boys. 9%. Feliway works with almost all cats, with a success rate of 90%. I have been coming home to a very anxious female cat, mostly because my male cat attacks her on a daily basis. See the Best Pet Products in 2021 as rated by Australians on ProductReview.com.au. Initially sceptical but our rescue cat has reacted really well. The way the product works is my mimicking a cats’ pheromones in order to make them feel more relaxed. She was even too stressed to be picked up or be in the same room as him. Feliway has had a miraculous effect. I was a bit sceptical about this at first but thought I'd give it ago. These “happy messages” help to ease your cat’s anxiety. Our vet recommended Feliway diffuser. Once the third cat arrived we had terrible fights, even after trying to keep them apart for the recommended two week period and introducing them slowly etc. This was not an issue for us at all and the old house was only 1km away. This is a public forum presenting user opinions on selected products and businesses, and as such the views expressed do not reflect the opinion of ProductReview.com.au. It’s safe to say everyone has an idea about how annoying cat-fights are. I have a 7yr old cat that has bad anxiety she would attack, pull her fur out pee and accurately spray, after a week of using this she has calm down and started using the litter. What is a pheromone? Behaviors like going outside of the box, inter-cat aggression, or destructive behavior/scratching can all be the result of medical concerns but they can also be behavioral problems as well. I purchased this online primarily because of the price difference - $50 cheaper than a bricks and mortar pet store (and no doubt a lot cheaper than the vets). I have two adult cats, One is always calm if not overly needy for attention, and the other been diagnosed by my vet as stressed out (from our neighbour's dog). He was unable to settle in any of his favourite spot or in any of the 5 beds we bought to tempt him. bottle delivers about 125 sprays RaiseACat.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Preferred = The Feliway ® product most suited for the situation. I have three cats, having recently inherited the third one from an old uncle who lived alone. Highly recommend you give this product a go. Day 6 now and it's like we have a different cat! It was agony for everyone until we bought the Feliway Spray. Since behavioral issues in cats can be traced back to unhappiness or emotional distress, unless they’re physically unwell, smelling a scent associated with happiness and safety ought to do the trick. I am now dog sitting for my sister and needed to try this!I was sceptical to try this but this stress was causing my girl to get serious UTI's (YES stress related UTI's are a thing) ...... who knew.....After having this in for the first day I noticed a small but increasing change, she stopped hiding, became more affectionate, and even stopped hissing at the other cat. Overpriced for something that may not work". You could opt for several diffusers if need be. byFELIWAY. Clinical studies have deemed it safe to use and effective. The price is high yeah, but we couldn't possibly go back. I always had issues with my two cats, occasional toileting inside and they weren't terribly friendly, choosing to spend most of their time outside. We believed the crazy sprinting around the house and consistent play fighting was normal kitten behaviour, particularly unneutered males (waiting for 6 months). Amazon reviews abound for Feliway products. The best product for calming a cat who has suffered a trauma. Yep it works. Not only is our cat calm and happy ,but he is also super affectionate again and even playing again.His appetite has increased and he his eating well. While it works sometimes, providing “magical” results, it might fail too. Register now and take advantage of ProductReview's Brand Management Platform! I heartily recommend this product . I now use it when people come to visit and she is almost a different cat. it is a very expensive product when the chances are it wont even help. The dog is not provoking anything. She even let my 4yo (who she avoids like the plague) pat her. I purchased feliway to help reduce her stress levels and to help with his dominating behaviour. Every other day for a few hours seems like it will be enough for our rescue baby. Adopted an older kitty who is very scared. 6,219 reviews scanned The 10 Best Toys For Cats 5,054 reviews scanned ... Feliway Calming Spray for Cats - 60ml 9.7 9.2 9.8 2: Feliway Classic 60ml Spray, 60ml 9.5 9.0 9.6 3: Not sleeping much and generally very hyperactive and rough. When a cat’s scared, it also releases pheromones. 1 star. We adopted a kitten when she was 8 weeks old. It wasn't turned on but the vet said it had residual effect. Shop Chewy for the best deals on Feliway Cat Vitamins & Supplements and more with fast free shipping, low prices, and award-winning customer service. All the websites I'd read had recommended two weeks locked inside to ensure they didn't try to return to the old house. The diffuser emits those pheromones into the atmosphere and the cat’s behavior changes upon scenting it. There are many online reviews and forums that say that the Feliway products have a higher concentration of the F3 feline facial pheromones when compared to Comfort Zone. Absolute game changer ! FELIWAY Optimum is the best FELIWAY solution to help solve all common signs of stress for enhanced serenity: New pheromone discovery for reinforced efficacy 9.1 / 10 Cat owner satisfaction rating. We started with the spray to ensure the entire house was treated with it and noticed an instant improvement. Feliway Claims that their product works on up to 90% of cats but reviews posted suggest the actual percentage of cats that respond to the treatment is somewhat less. Results of facial pheromone, used by animals as chemical signals to tell other cats there. Since then ( 2 feliway spray reviews ) - and applied the Feliscratch product 'd read recommended... 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