The copper sulfide is oxidized by Fe3+. The activity of copper-containing substances in the solution is 10−3 M and the activity of sulphur-containing substances is equal to 10−1 M at a total pressure of 0.1 MPa. Flotation of separate oxide concentrate as described below, Flotation of non-sulfide minerals is based on coating the non-sulfide minerals with a superficial sulfide surface (using NaHS), then flotation with xanthate collector. The presence of non-stoichiometric copper sulphides was not taken into account in the diagrams. After mineralogical examination, we decided to divide the ore into four species for characterization: Cp (100% CuFeS 2 ), CpPy (95% CuFeS 2 - 5% FeS 2 ), PyAs (70% FeS 2 - 30% AsFeS), and Sc (100% SiO2). Copper sulfate is an inorganic compound that combines sulfur with copper that has been registered for use in the United States since 1956. A typical structure is cell-core or side-by-side bi-component structure. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, Extractive Metallurgy of Copper (Fifth Edition), 2011, Production of Cu Concentrate from Finely Ground Cu Ore, Mark E. Schlesinger, ... William G. Davenport, in, Extractive Metallurgy of Copper (Fifth Edition), Hiskey, 1993; Lazarro & Nicol, 2003; Nicol & Lazarro, 2003, Production of Cobalt from the Copper–Cobalt Ores of the Central African Copperbelt, Frank K. Crundwell, ... William G. Davenport, in, Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel, Cobalt and Platinum Group Metals, Based on a Site Visit to the Nkana in 2008, Production of Copper and Copper Alloy Powders, Stanislav S. Naboychenko, ... Oleg D. Neikov, in, Slags of the Imperial Smelting Process for Zn and Pb Production, Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Thermodynamic Studies of Heterogeneous Systems in an Aqueous Medium, Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Introduction and the Significance of Electrometallurgy, 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Felipe D. Sepulveda, ... Edelmira D. Gálvez, in, Flotation is commonly used to concentrate, Flotation of bulk concentrate by froth flotation with xanthate collector, Autogenous grinding mills, particle size control cyclones, 8.5 m, 45% Cu, 4% Co concentrate. In order to determine these effects, detailed simulations of the behavior of the main mineral component of the metallic inclusions in the slag, i.e., cubanite, were carried out. [6], The bonding in copper sulfides cannot be correctly described in terms of a simple oxidation state formalism because the Cu-S bonds are somewhat covalent rather than ionic in character, and have a high degree of delocalization resulting in complicated electronic band structures. Typical operating conditions for copper electrorefining cells are (Habashi, 1998): 100–200 A m-2 at a cell voltage of 0.3 Vwith an electrolyte of 40 g l-1 of copper and 150–200 g l-1 of sulfuric acid. Copper /is/ essential for erythropoiesis in rats fed a milk-based diet. The residuum is removed from the cell and re-melted/cast into fresh anodes and fresh anodes are placed in the cell. TABLE 30.2. W. G. Mumme, R. W. Gable, V. Petříček, Canadian Mineralogist; (2012); 50; 423-430. Principal impurities are iron and precious metals (gold and silver). The cathodes start life as starter sheets and are periodically harvested as in electrowinning. Interspersed copper anodes and cathodes are suspended in an electrolyte. In addition to the iron sulphate, iron chloride is also used as an oxidation agent, especially because it is a far more efficient leaching agent than the sulphate. 7. Figure 8. Most minerals require the application of both an acidic environment and an oxidizing agent to leach copper as Cu2+. /Anemia was able to be corrected/ by the addition to the diet of ash from animal or vegetable sources. Copper sulfate helps in eradicating snails that harbor the parasite responsible for … Fume cupboard, Bunsen burner, retort stand, boss and clamp (steel/iron), heat-proof mat and tongs; EC#: 244-842-9. Sketch of a copper electrorefining cell from Evans and DeJonghe (2002). It is widely used in agriculture as a fungicide in fruit and vegetable farming.It is available as a dust, wettable powder, and as a liquid. Sulfate is the spelling recommended by IUPAC, but sulphate is used in British English. Flotation is commonly used to concentrate copper sulfide minerals, such as chalcopyrite (CuFeS2). The system considers the reactions between the potentially existing phases of the Cu–S–H2O system (equations 5.185–5.208) and ions and substances containing chlorine, Table 5.8. Figure 5.15 shows the E–pH diagrams of the investigated system at 100 °C with a change of the activity of copper in the solution. Salts, acid derivatives, and peroxides of sulfate are widely used in industry. Cu, Fe and S concentrations in ground water at a level corresponding to limits specified by the Polish law for wastewater and water discharged into waters and ground (Cu – 10−6 mol dm−3, Fe – 10−4 mol dm−3, S – 10−3 mol dm−3). Industrial details are based on a site visit to Nkana in 2008. Most of the copper ores mined today are oxide or sulfide ores. 5 °C – pH=5.9÷10.3 (∆pH=4.4); Eh=−0.58÷−0,30 (∆Eh=0.28). This table describes concentrate production. The data are approximate. 5.15. Production of high-purity cobalt from cobalt–copper sulfide concentrate. Curing \"Proud Flesh\" on Horses. 8. The estimated flotation stage recoveries and the feed mass flow rates are given in Table 1. For instance, anhydrous copper sulfate can be used as a dehumidifying agent. 5.14. 5.14. In dump leaching, the pH of the solution is maintained between 1.5 and 3.0, partly to preserve bacteria that promote and accelerate the oxidation of purity and copper sulfate minerals and also to prevent hydrolysis of iron salts. White metal compounds are low reactive and thus useful for bi-component fibre manufacturing. After mineralogical examination, we decided to divide the ore into four species for characterization: Cp (100% CuFeS2), CpPy (95% CuFeS2 - 5% FeS2), PyAs (70% FeS2 - 30% AsFeS), and Sc (100% SiO2). Whatever their source, copper sulfides vary widely in composition with 0.5 ≤ Cu/S ≤ 2, including numerous non-stoichiometric compounds. The leaching of copper sulfide and copper oxide ores entails partial dissolution to cupric sulfate with sulfuric acid and iron sulfate. It is the black, bluish black, or brownish black crystalline sulfide CuS occurring naturally as covellite and precipitated by hydrogen sulfide from a solution of a cupric salt —called also cupric sulfide. Recoveries from ore to concentrate: Cu 85%; Co 60%, Flotation of sulphide concentrate as described above. [7]) give the mixed valence formula (Cu+)2(Cu2+)(S2−)(S2)2− for CuS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic data give strong evidence that, in terms of the simple oxidation state formalism, all the known copper sulfides should be considered as purely monovalent copper compounds, and more appropriate formulae would be (Cu+)3(S2−)(S2)− for CuS, and (Cu+)(S2)− for CuS2, respectively. Alternatively stainless steel cathode blanks are used as described above under Copper Electrowinning. Table 1. The principal difference lies in what occurs at the anodes: oxygen evolution at the electrowinning anodes, dissolution of copper – the reverse of reaction [1], at the electrorefining anodes. In addition, the majority of its members are semiconductors. Extraction of sulfide ores is covered in more detail in Copper Mining and Extraction: Sulfide Ores (11–14), but is introduced here because an important by-product of this process is used for the extraction of oxide ores. [11][12]. Flotation is commonly used to concentrate copper sulfide minerals, such as chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2). The valence of copper in sulphides and selenides: An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study, Folmer J.C.W., Jellinek F., Journal of the Less Common Metals, 76, 1-2, ( 1980), 153-162, The electronic structure of pyrites, particularly CuS. SECTION 1. Precious metal impurities in the anode are not oxidized, at the anode potentials employed, but fall to the bottom of the cell as an ‘anode slime’ which is occasionally harvested from the cells and sent for recovery of precious metals. Ingredient: Copper (II) Sulfide. The chemical properties of copper sulfide are provided in the table below: TABLE 30.5. There is a resemblance to the cell of Fig. Sulfide concentrates ~2% Co, 12% Cu, 21% S with dolomite gangue (not the concentrates in, Concentrate/water slurry, specific gravity = 1.9, 695–705°C, chosen to give soluble sulfate calcine, Sulfate calcine (90% removed from roaster offgas: 10% as bed overflow), quenched from 700°C to 75°C and sent to cobalt–copper leaching plant (90% of sulfides are oxidized to soluble sulfates rather than oxides), Open agitation leach in pachuca air-stirred leach tanks, Copper solvent extraction raffinate, ~30 g/L H, pH maintained at <1.5 by adding fresh sulfuric acid, as needed, Sulfate leach solution 7 g/L Co, 22 g/L Cu, <50 ppm solids (after settling, filtration and clarification), Undissolved calcine, sent to washing and waste disposal, Solvent extraction raffinate (~7 g/L Co) from solvent extraction (about 30% of raffinate flow, remainder back to calcine leach), Removal of copper using secondary solvent extraction with LIX 984N, Raise pH to 3.5 with limestone and quicklime, Cycle 30% of solution through Zn solvent extraction plant (using D2EHPA, Precipitation of high-purity cobalt hydroxide, Raise pH to 8.8 with quicklime to precipitate Co(OH), Soluble sulfides and entrained organic removal, Filtered solution is passed through carbon columns, Cycle 20% of solution through nickel-removal ion-exchange column, Cathodes are crushed to 0.02 m × 0.04 m flakes in roll crusher, hydrogen gas is removed by degassing under vacuum at 800–840°C in ~1 m diameter, 7 m high electric furnaces, Polishing, assaying, grading, then shipping in drums ~230 kg cobalt each. Copper sulfides (and native copper) are leached by Fe3+, also assisted by direct bacterial action:(15.11a)2FeS2+7O2+2H2O→2Fe2++2SO42−+2H2SO4(15.11b)O2+4Fe2++4SO42−+2H2SO4→4Fe3++6SO42−+2H2O(15.11c)Cu2S+10Fe3++15SO42−+4H2O→2Cu2++10Fe2++12SO42−+4H2SO4, From: Extractive Metallurgy of Copper (Fifth Edition), 2011, Mark E. Schlesinger, ... William G. Davenport, in Extractive Metallurgy of Copper (Fifth Edition), 2011. Previously, the behaviour of copper and iron sulphides in a sulphate medium was discussed from the thermodynamic viewpoint. E–pH diagram of the Cu-S-Cl-H2O system for 100 °C, the activity of sulphur-containing substances of 10−1 M, the activity of copper-containing substances of 10−1 and 10−2 M at the unit activity of chlorides. Under these conditions, of the three minerals only bornite will be present. From the practical viewpoint in leaching, these equilibrium systems are used for theoretical examination of leaching of copper sulphides or copper and iron in the solutions of sulphuric acid, or using iron-sulphide, this is a relatively frequent case and is also utilised in industry, either for pressure leaching or leaching in normal conditions. Due to these redox transformations in the soil and water environment the balance of ions is maintained. TABLE 30.4. Cobalt and copper are extracted in the following steps: leaching (sometimes along with additional oxide concentrate or ore); solvent extraction separation of copper from cobalt; purification of the cobalt-rich raffinate; A flowsheet for a typical process is given in Figure 30.7 and operating details are given in Tables 30.2–30.6. Felipe D. Sepulveda, ... Edelmira D. Gálvez, in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2012. The Fe(II)/Fe(III) redox couple acts in a catalytic manner in these reactions (shown for elevated-temperature reaction conditions where the sulfur-containing product is sulfate, rather than the elemental sulfur that forms under ambient conditions): Under some conditions (especially biological leaching), elemental sulfur that forms as a reaction product can be converted to sulfuric acid: A Pourbaix diagram for the Cu–Fe–O–S system is shown in Fig. IDENTIFICATION. The copper ions are distributed in a complicated manner over interstitial sites with both trigonal as well as distorted tetrahedral coordination and are rather mobile. Research done by Havlik (2008) and others (Peters, 1977) has demonstrated that cubanite is not stable in a hypergenic environment and in the presence of water and oxygen is converted at a fast rate into chalcopyrite according to reaction equation: whereas the formed chalcopyrite in the same environment will undergo further conversion into bornite according to reaction equation: Bornite is a more stable copper and iron sulphide in a hypergenic environment than cubanite and chalcopyrite. This is cast into slab-like anodes. In contrast, recycling copper typically uses 90% less energy. Structural and compositional changes in copper sulfide during leaching and dissolution, Whiteside L.S, Goble R.J, The Canadian Mineralogist; (1986);. Due to these redox transformations in the soil and water environment the balance of ions is maintained. The stability of bornite is determined by a relatively narrow range of pH values and very narrow range of Eh values, nearly irrespective of the seasonal temperature (Figure 2): Figure 2. pH–Eh diagrams for Cu–Fe–S–H2O system. A decrease of the total concentration of copper below 0.01 M results in the area of stability of CuCl2−(aq). However, only low conductivities can be obtained. The anodes are dissolved to the point at which they start to fall apart. Prominent copper sulfide minerals include Cu2S and CuS. The precipitation and redissolution give the required concentration of Co in the electrolyte. In chemistry, a "binary copper sulfide" is any binary chemical compound of the elements copper and sulfur. It often highlights the green tints of the specific dyes. On-stream particle size and on-stream X-ray fluorescence analyses are key components of this automatic control. Sulfides ( as well as selenides and tellurides ) continues to be fully characterised [. In British English ( II ) sulfide?, Min are given in Table 1 area... E–Ph diagrams of the presented mineral composition in the United States since.... Cufes2 ) slags of the total concentration of Co in the United States 1956! The cathodes start life as starter sheets and are periodically harvested as in.... R.N: copper ( II ) sulfide?, Min anodes are refined. In parallel ) interleaved with anodes ( also connected in series and several hundred cells would be contained a! By IUPAC, but sulphate is a crystalline solid used as a source sulphur... Certain copper oxide ores entails partial dissolution to cupric sulfate with sulfuric acid and iron sulphides in a typical of... As a semiconductor and in photographic applications ( americanelements, 1998-2017 ) in order to provide... Outside of the solution is markedly textile-fibre-like properties with reasonable conductivity in manufacturing high-purity copper... 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