Visit her website,, where you can find a collection of her articles, poetry, and lectures. Thanks for posting! When toxins exist in the indoor air spike, so do levels of stress/anxiety, which can lead to feelings of despair and hopelessness, otherwise known as depression. Hope my story provides a bit of insight... Phentermine andpre-employment drug screens. Anxiety with fast heartbeats. In the second experiment, 147 U.S. adults, with varying degrees of anxiety and depression were recruited via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing marketplace and given the same task remotely. I don't think women are educated about the effects of BCP on our bodies...I can't imagine where we would have ended up (had my husband not been the patient man he is) Makes me wonder how many marriages are rocked by the effects of BC, or how many women are prescribed anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications (which tamper with your body system even more, by the way). Anxiety And Depression From Yasmin You pump yourself up in the morning with Tony Robbins motivational talks, then in comes anxiety like a wave, totally wiping out all your positive, can-do energy. That has subsided thank God, and now I am starting to feel like my old self again. Yasmin vs Sprintec? The anxiety was unbearable. I have been crying everyday feeling a tighness in my chest, trouble beating, rapid heartbeats at times and an almost burning sensation throughout my chest and upper arms/shoulders. It may not cure cancer—but it's showing promise for anxiety and addiction. Coincidence? Apply a few drops to a washcloth (with or without lavender oil) and toss in the dryer with your clothes. However this pill worsened my situation. Scientists have concluded that the scent of jasmine has such therapeutic benefits that it could possibly end up being used as a medication alternative for depression, stress, anxiety, sleep, and other disorders. LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW! So glad i read your story. There have been times where I feel like I've totally lost myself when, before this started (in Jan) I've always been very stable and had a strong sense of self. Even just a few drops will have a noticeable effect before long. The first few months I was completely NUMB. And is it Safe? Use it undiluted for the best results. I stopped taking Yasmin and within the FIRST MONTH I felt like a fog had lifted. Your brain needs a sufficient supply of oxygen to function properly. I didn't put two and two together until October 2004, when I finally discovered this website. Yasmin is the founder, owner and chief executive officer of Creative Counseling and Studio. you're not as crazy as you might thing! I am seriously thinking about changing to another pill after reading your posts. I was unable to sleep and even afraid of falling asleep in case I … I've flooded my body with too many hormones and now that's why I feel upside down. I resorted to taking Xanax as needed. I just want to go back to how I felt before all of this started. When I telephoned Berlex (the distributor here in the U.S. for Yasmin) they admitted this to me. Now of course I know it was my body trying to fight the terrible changes been forced on it. I stopped Yasmin immediately, thinking the problem would just go away, but unfortunately, it got worse before it got better. He put me on natural progesterone too. I have been suffering form immense depression and anxiety ever since. Over the past 7 years the anxiety got worse and worse. ... lots of anxiety Yasmin in the beginning seemed … Next, I experienced months of DYSPHORIA. Then after three months, the anxiety got significantly better. I wake up feeling so consumed with this feeling and so out of touch with myself, that the only alternative now is to STOP the pill. Here are a few: Keep in mind that while jasmine plants/oils can help alleviate depressive/anxiety-driven symptoms, they are no substitute for proper therapy with someone properly trained and licensed to help you with any serious cases of mental disorder. I was told by someone that it would help regulate my hormones and reduce the anxiety associated with what was going on in my life. Reports are from official medical reports as well as online extractions from user reviews and forum discussions. Don’t worry about combining it with a carrier oil. Anxiety runs in my family so I am not about to blame that on my birth control pill. Stress and anxiety has been reported by people with multiple sclerosis, depression, stress and anxiety, pain, high blood pressure. The depression became so unbearable so fast that I had to stop taking the pill after a week. Either way, I would never consider going on Yasmin ever again. 24 adult Albino mice were distributed into 2 groups vehicle (n=12; 1 ml/kg) and Quer injected … JASMINE FOR ANXIETY, PANIC ATTACKS AND DEPRESSION Jasmine oil is derived from the white/yellow jasmine flower (often listed as Jasminum officinale), and therefore sports a pleasant, flowery scent. Depression and anxiety are both debilitating problems that often severely disrupt everyday tasks. Think about it - the hormones in Yasmin obviously caused our anxiety. I felt like I was losing my mind. I started Yasmin right before we got married. I have been on Yasmin for a year, and have really struggled with depression and anxiety. Since I have gone back on the Pill symptoms of OCD have increased. I know my story is very similar to many of yours, so I wanted to share with you what I've learned since then: I had essentially no progesterone as well. This past year, for reasons I still don't understand, I decided to go back on the pill. Thank you and good luck to everyone...There is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to open your eyes to see it:). She’s now almost 16 months postpartum and still struggles with it. In my case & in my friend's case, our anxiety disorders have been the result of a hormone imbalance, one made significantly worse by Yasmin. Since I have gone back on the Pill, my symptoms of OCD have increased that is what led me to begin researching this topic. For someone who had always felt so grounded, it was an absolutely horrible feeling. Do you have any advice for others in this situation? Is jasmine (or any other plant) really capable of helping boost your mood and relieve anxiety? I hate this pill. It has been used for centuries in Asia as a natural remedy for depression, anxiety, emotional distress, low libido, and insomnia. Scientific research has already shown direct relationships between stress and tainted oxygen levels. How long did it take for you to notice a difference with the natural progesterone? Im will definately stop taking it now and look for alternative contraceptions. Please hang in there, life does get better! I stopped taking it that night, which was about 2 months ago. I cannot tell you the difference I have felt. It's hearing from women like you that helped me see what was going on with my mind and emotions. I am also going to see my doctor today, so I will also request hormone testing to see if I am lacking progesterone or whatnot. I started the pill in general 7 yrs ago when my, now ex, and I started dating. (I'm Type A, but have, for my whole life up until these last few years, been able to manage stress) I didn't buy it. After that, I still had some anxiety, usually really severe around the time of my period. Then, this past Spring, a dear friend of mine (who I met on the forum, by the way) found a doctor who did some tests on her hormone levels & discovered that she had no progesterone. I 've been to 3 doctors for hormone issues and all recommend it and say that is by far the best they have seen. It’s common knowledge that one benefit of having plants indoors is that they help improve air quality by circulating oxygen freely. He did some blood work & guess what? I have always been a very stable person. Seeing her drastic improvement, and admitting to myself that after two years my anxiety wasn't completely gone, I went to the same doctor. He prescribed her some NATURAL PROGESTERONE (not the synthetic stuff), and she started feeling so much better! I have been helped so much by the ladies on this website, so I wanted to share my story so that if just helps one person, it's worth it. Yasmin and anxiety/depression Hi! Hi, I know it's been a while - like two years ago, since you wrote this, and I don't even know if you still check this, but, your story is almost identical to mine. I stopped taking it for a while being single and I had never felt better. London, ON Silvia experienced anxiety attacks while on both Yasmin and Yaz.She read online about the Yasmin/Yaz class action lawsuit, and now she wants to know if she qualifies. This GABA effect was bolstered by more than five times when exposed to jasmine fragrance, to be more precise, overshadowing the same effect caused by other scents. To be honest when I am not on Yasmin I feel much more emotionally balanced. I decided to come off it. No wonder that jasmine’s scent is found in more than 83 percent of all women’s fragrances and in about one-third of all men’s. I have a huge long term overseas trip coming up and im not one bit excited about it. Weight wise, I’m doing okay now, but I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression and have been on and off antidepressants since I … I was put on yasmin an sent on my merry way. 5 Movies That Best Portray Mental Illness, The Biological Effects of Trauma on the Brain, LGBT Suicide Rates Drop with the Legalization of Same Sex Marriage, Almost instantaneous soothing of nervous tension; alleviates spasms, Promotes feelings of contentment and happiness, Boosts cognitive performance, concentration, and alertness, even in the late afternoon hours when most people are beginning to slow down and “fade out” for the day, Balance of mood swings, blood pressure, PMS symptoms, hormones, menopause/hot flashes, and libido, Skin care; including reduction of visibility of scarring/scar tissue, You can inhale the jasmine fragrance through your nose or apply it directly to the skin. The present study evaluates the protective role of Quercetin (Quer), against immobilization stress- induced anxiety, depression and cognition alteration in mice using behavioral and biochemical parameters. According to Dr Doug Bremner, author of Before You Take That Pill, Yasmin became the most complained-about drug on, which monitors the side-effects of popular drugs. Watch your depression symptoms if you take one of these birth control pills. I felt paranoid and like I was out of control of my emotions. I am grateful that I was able to read your stories because its opened my eyes. The word Jasmine has evolved from the Persian yasmin, meaning “a gift from God” due to the patently strong aroma created by the jasmine flower. IF YOU'VE EXPERIENCED ANXIETY WHILE ON YASMIN, PLEASE READ THIS: I feel normal again. Thanks for all your stories. All along I just persevered with the pill because I thought it was just my body trying to adjust. I talked to another friend who had been confiding in me about the same experiences and had recently told me she had felt so much better all of a sudden. Like you said if you can help just one woman..... its helped me. Then, what seemed like BIPOLAR disorder. I have been on Yasmin for 7 years, and recently decided to go off of it. I was so relieved to discover that Yasmin had caused my anxiety (also some depression, and some OCD tendencies), and that I was not just losing my mind. He broke up with because he couldnt handle my ups and downs and how reserved I was in social situations, it was embarrassing for both of us. As time went on, my anxiety got better & better. I tried anxiety programs, relaxation CDs, deep breathing, etc., some of which helped, but the anxiety never completely went away. I have always had a low body weight, but after being diagnosed, I later developed an eating disorder. Jasmine’s scent directly impacts a brain/central nervous system chemical known as GABA, which results in the calming of the nerves, a soothing of anxiety/mild depression, and the facilitating of rest. ᴴᴰ Overcoming Sadness & Depression (Halaqa) By: Yasmin Mogahed Presented on November 13, 2011 Your privacy is important to us. Crystal. Audio Lecture • Yasmin Mogahed - Pain Depression And Anxiety - How To Heal • ... Yasmin recently released her new book, Reclaim Your Heart, which is now available worldwide. If you or someone close to you need to talk to someone about mental health issues that seem overwhelming, we can help. Globally, 14% of people suffer from mental illnesses.1 More than three-quarters of these people belong to low-income and middle-income countries.2 The magnitude of anxiety and depression is on the rise among the general population. Re: Depression/Anxiety on Yasmin My sister has pcos, skin issues, weight issues, took yasmin and within 3 months everything was GONE and loves it. How CBD Is Changing Mental Health Treatment Cannabidiol, or CBD, is touted as a remedy for all that ails us. Intensive Outpatient Program / Case Management, viability of aromatherapy as a mental health treatment method, 7 Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety Most People Don’t Notice, Blending Food With Mood: How Eating Right Affects Mental Health. I have been a very optimistic person for 30 years and this past year of being on Yasmin I have been depressed, anxious and super pessimistic. It's been a month since I quit Yasmin (I'm also off Fluoxetine) and my mental health has improved. Before we get into Jasmine for depression and anxiety, let’s first talk about the conditions themselves. For Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: “I took this medication Yasmin in order to regularise my periods and avoid PMS symptoms of mood swings. I should've learned the first time I used it, but I thought that I was still going through puberty and that may have been why it didn't work out. You can, however combine it with other essential oils, as well as with lotions, coconut oil, and for a variety of other household/personal uses. I've always been a little bit of a worrier, but it wasn't until my Sophomore year of college I began to have serious anxiety. Scientific studies show some other benefits of indulging in the scent of jasmine: What are the best ways to apply and enjoy the benefits of jasmine oil/plants? The hormones in the Yasmin Pill just don't seem to be compatible with my body. JASMINE ESSENTIAL OIL FOR ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION. Early on, I used to skip my period with no problems but over the past few years I have noticed that after I skip my period when I am next due to get my period I get really, really bad PMS for about 5 days before I get my period - anxiety, depression, constant crying, bloating etc and I feel like I can't cope with anything. I'm so thankful to the person who created this site and also thank you to the people who have taken the time to share constructive feedback. I usually just had it around the time of my period, and in some social situations. Ive been taking it again for about 2 months and have never felt so down and just wanting to lock myself away, anxious, irritable. My doctor even recommended I switch before I told her I had stopped taking it. Yasmin is a child, teen and adult therapist who specializes in art therapy, EMDR, CPP, DBT, trauma-informed and multiculturally sensitive care. I was placed on Fluoxetine (antidepressants) for over a year. Since then i have been experiencing mood swings and bouts of depression. Both are treatable, and their treatment usually leads to an improved sense of overall wellness and better sleep. I stopped Yasmin immediately, thinking the problem would just go away, but unfortunately, it got worse before it got better. I've flooded my body with too many hormones and now that's why I feel upside down. I think not.) It was awful considering the past year I got married and bought a new insane emotions were causing so many issues for me and my husband's relationship. I have been taking Yasmin for 8+ years. I am glad to know I am not the only one who has fallen to pieces over the dishes not being done, or something not being where I left it. Depression and Anxiety, the official journal of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), welcomes original research and synthetic review articles covering neurobiology (genetics and neuroimaging), epidemiology, experimental psychopathology, and treatment (psychotherapeutic and pharmacologic) aspects of mood and anxiety disorders and related phenomena in humans. I blamed it on transferring colleges and working really hard. I didn't put two and two together until October 2004, when I finally ... more ». eHealthMe is studying from 458,602 Stress and anxiety patients now. Summary: Depression is found among people who take Yasmin, especially for people who are female, 20-29 old, have been taking the drug for 2 - 5 years. Is Your Boss Destroying Your Mental Health? I have noticed my skin is a little more prone to pimples than it used to be and my hair has definitely lost some of it's fullness, but I've read that eventually that comes back just like after pregnancy. Reading all of your stories has really opened my eyes to what the root of my issues may be. Combine with other essential oils (e.g., citrus oil, vanilla, lavender, rose, sandalwood, frankincense, and others). It causes changes in your cervical and uterine lining. Yasmin provides individual therapy for … © 2017–2018 Copyright Solara Mental Health - All Rights Reserved, CBD Oil and Anxiety (Is it Legal? I mustn't take the next pack of Yasmin. One study indicated that the disbursement of jasmine fragrance into a roomful of sleeping test subjects noticeably led to less tossing and turning and heightened sleep efficiency, even without additional sleep time. Less well known is the fact that, as simple as it seems, there are several plants that can actually alleviate several mental illness symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. It seems as though all my emotions & anxieties become amplified when I am on the pill. I'm going to come off it and let my hormone levels return to how they naturally are. HOw long did yo utake the progesterone? Researchers have shown that jasmine essential oil and plant aromas can sedate lab mice quite quickly. I think it must be the chemicals in the pill that make my anxieties worse, I've been feeling unusually tearful like wanting to cry but not being able to; one minute I'm happy but for most of the day I feel like crying, it's a foggy out of touch depressed numb sensation. WHAT DO YOU USE FOR ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION ALLEVIATION?? Me being like i am when taking Yasmin cost me what could have been a fantastic relationship with a guy. The phase IV clinical study is created by eHealthMe based on reports of 47,151 people who have side effects when taking Yasmin from the FDA, and is updated regularly. I decided to come off it. Are There Side Effects? It seems as though all my emotions & anxieties become amplified when I am on the pill. Has anyone ever told you that when you start feeling stressed, or feel a panic attack coming on, to take a break and walk around the block for a few minutes to “clear your head”? I was on Estro-step (terrible side effects, suicidal thoughts, depression) and my doc change me to Yasmin, it works great for me. I mustn't take the next pack of Yasmin. On a … Helena Mathis, a 32-year-old Swedish woman who lives in Philadelphia in the US, began taking Yasmin while at university and almost immediately developed anxiety. It has been used for centuries in Asia as a natural remedy for depression, anxiety, emotional distress, low libido, and insomnia. Instead, you get that heavy feeling in your chest. By the way, it really does work! My question for you is, how do you feel now? That's when I put two and two together and realized this all started for me when I went on Yasmin my sophomore year of college. Well, because I had heard of some of the health issues with Yasmin I googled it one night and ended up coming across blogs like this talking about the depression and anxiety that Yasmin causes. Introduction. I was on it for 3 months and I fell apart immediately. I've been taking yasmin for the past 3,5 years now because I have really painful menstruations (painful as in having to go to the emergency room b - 82% more... Suzie_q- over a year ago - in Yasmin That was definitely a life change, but I've been through significant life changes before and could always find the positivity to make it through. The Best Reasons to Let Jasmine Plants and Their Essential Oils Help with Your Depression, Anxiety, and Panic Attacks. He told her that her own hormone imbalance coupled with the hormones in Yasmin, caused her to have her anxiety problems on Yasmin. I'm so thankful to the person who created this site and also thank you to the people who have taken the time to share constructive feedback. Some research has referred to the jasmine scent as being “as good as valium at calming the nerves without the side effects.”. I have always suffered from mild anxiety but after I decided to go on Yasmine, it has increased tremendously. (FYI - it takes 3 months for a BC pill to clear your system. At times I know it's just the anxiety, but when it's bad, I start to think all the scary thoughts from the anxiety might be true. Yasmin caused me to develop B12 deficiency, extreme anxiety, food intolerances, low libido and many more problems. Thankful for this blog. Taking Yasmin IS MY REGRET IN LIFE. Jasmine oil is derived from the white/yellow jasmine flower (often listed as Jasminum officinale), and therefore sports a pleasant, flowery scent. I can't even count all the times I feared my marriage wasn't going to work, for silly little things that I KNEW in my head were ridiculous, but emotionally, I was a WRECK. Consider reaching out to our expert team at Solara Mental Health at 844-600-9747. I am taking 100 mg. in a capsule form each night. I think it must be the chemicals in the pill that make my anxieties worse, I've been feeling unusually tearful these past few weeks, like wanting to cry but not being able to; one minute I'm happy but for most of the day I feel like crying, it's a foggy out of touch depressed numb sensation. It should come as a “no-brainer,” then, that one of your first lines of defense against stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression is to keep the air clean in your environment. “The heart palpitations would wake me up in the middle of the night. I refuse to believe I have some thing wrong with me and it just shows how quickly my personality has changed in a few short weeks since being back on Yasmin. Yasmin is a stay-at-home parent to two boys, Maddox and Alfie. Yasmin (Estrogen and Progestin) is an oral contraceptives, also known as birth-control pills, used to prevent ovulation and pregnancy. (I'm a psychologist, so I'm aware of the symptoms) It took two years for me to put it together, and it hit me head on with a PANIC ATTACK, for which I checked in with my doctor and she basically diagnosed me with PANIC DISORDER. The anxiety and ocd is almost impossible at times and I'm so sick of being on this roller coaster. The first three months off Yasmin were hell on earth. Number of Yasmin and Stress and anxiety reports submitted per year: The more chaotic things get, the harder it is for people with clinical anxiety and/or depression to make sound decisions and to learn from their mistakes. Are you still convinced it was the yasmin? Im so glad i found this website. My marriage has improved ten-fold (possibly because I'm not freaking out or bawling my eyes out over undone dishes...seriously, it was that bad) Consult with a mental health professional. I cried everyday for absolutely no reason and I was snapping at my best friend and bf over nothing. I didn't understand it then. Yasmin Tucker, Counselor, Omaha, NE, 68154, Are you struggling to adjust to life stress and/or survival of traumatic events? It was the worst 3 months of my life. I have experienced a surge of anxiety every single morning for the past 8 weeks...about a month after I started the pill. Required fields are marked *, We will gladly answer all of your questions, Coronavirus (COVID-19) — Solara Client Health & Safety Notice, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. Right away I felt better, however within a month I had THE WORST obsessive thoughts and anxiety I have ever experienced. Thanks ladies :). Best wishes to all of you. Ill be finding a doctor to check my hormone levels on Monday. I started Yasmin back in Feb. 2004, and started experiencing extreme anxiety & panic attacks a few months later. The first three months off Yasmin were hell on earth. She’s recently started a podcast for moms out there with postpartum depression, anxiety, and OCD. View detailed reports from patients taking yasmin who experienced anxiety. 2 weeks ago I re-read that diary I wrote 4 years ago (from when I was last on Yasmin) - in it are pages and pages of anxious accounts that I can hardly recognize as my own thoughts and barely have any correlation with the kind of pleasant, resilient personality I had before I began that specific pill. The hormones in the Yasmin Pill just don't seem to be compatible with my body. Your email address will not be published. I was so relieved to discover that Yasmin had caused my anxiety (also some depression, and some OCD tendencies), and that I was not just losing my mind. IF YOU'VE EXPERIENCED ANXIETY WHILE ON YASMIN, PLEASE READ THIS: I started Yasmin back in Feb. 2004, and started experiencing extreme anxiety & panic attacks a few months later. I am a 26 year old woman and i have been using the birth control pill yasmin for the past year and a half. Millions of women rely on the contraceptive pill and many are happy with it - but some find it has a devastating effect on their mental health. ), 7 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Boost Your Mental Health… Naturally. Scientists went on to say that this demonstrated link between jasmine aroma and relaxed mood may be among the strongest arguments in support of the viability of aromatherapy as a mental health treatment method. JASMINE FOR ANXIETY, PANIC ATTACKS AND DEPRESSION. Your email address will not be published. I have been going through a lot lately: a break up, change in family dynamic, etc., but my anxiety worsened after I started Yasmin. I consulted both a psychiatrist and a psychologist. Also started losing interest in daily activities, was short tempered, developed severe anxiety borderline depression. F: 26 6 years: 4/17/2008: 2: pregnancy prevention: fatigue, depression, nausea, anxiety: This was the 1st birth control I tried. To be honest when I am not on Yasmin I feel much more emotionally balanced. I hate to see so many people resort to anti-depressants & anti-anxiety meds, when it may be that all they need is to balance their hormones. We will never share your information with anyone. In that time I kept a diary to make note of my feelings and thoughts or any changes I noticed. Mental illness, anxiety and depressive symptoms are major public health issues. Go to a doctor in your area who specializes in natural hormone management & see what your levels are. Participants with high levels of symptoms common to depression and anxiety had trouble keeping pace with these changes. Or you feel tension and anxiety between shoulder blades and random places like behind your knees. Are you struggling with depression and/or anxiety? She lives in New York and was diagnosed with postpartum depression when her youngest was 2 weeks old. Depression and anxiety are both side effects of Yasmin. I just feel like crying all the time. My bf and I ended our relationship and I was looking for any way to help with my emotions. Jasmine was also shown to be more effective than anti-anxiety meds and sleeping pills in promoting quality sleep. My friends always say they love going out with me beause im so much fun and funny, not the last 6 weeks they keep asking me whats wrong and I cant give an answer because I have nothing to be unhappy about. Also, if you go do a search under "yasmin side effects" you will find a medication page with loads of comments remarking about the very same thing your experiencing. When exposed to the fragrance of jasmine, normally active mice will cease all movement and activity and “just chill” in a corner of their cages. Recently (about 6 months ago) it started changing into anxiety over irrational situations. And if you’ve never smelled jasmine, know that the scent rising off of the petals is delightfully sweet and inviting. Turns out she had been on Yasmin (which I didn't know) and the time period she started feeling better was when she stopped taking it. Finally, if you’ve had depression in the past, talk with your doctor about whether Yaz or Yasmin is safe for you. I suffered from challenging OCD 4 years ago during that time I was on Yasmin. I suffered from challenging OCD 4 years ago during that time I was on Yasmin. How soothing is it? Doesn't it make sense that the problem is inheritently hormonal? I am naturally a very relaxed happy person and can cope easily with lifes ups and downs, when im not taking the pill which in my case is also Yasmin. I still experience emotions, but I feel in control of them. Thanks. Try it as a massage oil or in candles/soaps. Sufficient supply of oxygen to function properly Solara mental health issues and my mental health - all Reserved... How do you feel tension and anxiety has been reported by people with multiple sclerosis, depression, anxiety and... Put on Yasmin for the past year, for Reasons I still do n't understand, decided... Which was about 2 months ago that her own hormone imbalance coupled with natural! To stop taking the pill symptoms of OCD have increased s first talk about the conditions themselves bit excited it. Try it as yasmin and depression, anxiety massage oil or in candles/soaps he prescribed her some natural PROGESTERONE ( the! Can sedate lab mice quite quickly ( or any changes I noticed to make note my. Placed on Fluoxetine ( antidepressants ) for over a year U.S. for Yasmin ) they this........ its helped me see what was going on with my body with too hormones... 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