Self-performance Review Phrases That Would Help You Improve. _____ is a positive influence to those around him and inspires them to work harder. This one area is dragging down _____ review and must be improved. _____ has not been very successful in managing her staff to high performance. _____is a team player most of the time, but get frequent complaints with his follow through when other teammates need help. _____ creates an exciting atmosphere for his team; one in which new ideas are rewarded and encouraged. Try to use these positive, negative and self evaluation teamwork phrases and examples to write a performance appraisal feedback. No matter how you look at it, it’s in everyone’s best interest to come into a performance appraisal prepared. _____is not a dependable employee. _____ is a very creative innovator. He needs to learn how to handle customers in a more efficient manner. Ollie also has to complete a self-performance evaluation. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Help your employees know how to operate at their best by teaching them in reviews rather than criticizing them. _____has consistently high marks on his customer satisfaction surveys. Arrive ready to take advantage of this opportunity to express your views. It is a critical component of an organization’s overall performance management strategy. ( Log Out /  To help an employee benefit from a performance review, you should use descriptive language. _____ understands how to handle difficult employees and manage a high maintenance staff, yet we continue to have above average turnover on his team. 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This is especially true when the employee in question has been struggling on the job. _____ is a good person, but any constructive criticism devastates her. An employee performance review can be stressful for both the employee and the employer. If you want to generate more positive reviews, it helps to know what an excellent review really looks like. He has too many errors. _____ encourages people to work together towards a common goal. _____is truly an asset to the team;  he can effectively work with other teams and departments. _____ is a creative guy but he has a tendency to act before thinking. We cannot walk on egg shells around her if we want the team to get better. He can simply write down what he has done over the past year, failing to highlight his accomplishments. Setting goals can help you gain both short- and long-term achievements. Exceptional/Superior: It is such a remarkable characteristic of Robert to recognize and comply with his responsibilities in performing his job. _____ has a creative touch in an otherwise monotonous role; the ways she adds innovation and creativity in the day-to-day tasks is admirable. Personally, I’m not a huge proponent of the performance review as I believe feedback should be ongoing, but I understand why companies rely on them and how they’re used to help employees grow within their role and department. How to talk about your mistakes or failures in a performance review. How to talk about your mistakes or failures in a performance review. Active Listening Skills: Definition and Examples, Maintained good attendance throughout the year, Respectful of their co-workers’ time by arriving at team meetings on time, Consistently arrived on time to company-wide meetings and training sessions, Maintained good communication with team members and clients, Lacks leadership skills and the ability to effectively communicate when managing their team, Does not display active listening skills with customers, Achieved steady growth in the number of sales this month, Displayed an innovative way of approaching the project, Avoided high-priority tasks and assignments, Effectively trained other staff members in the new company style guide, Successfully acquired new accounts on a consistent basis, Showed initiative in learning new technologies and software in the workplace, Collaborated effectively with others through project completion, Maintained a positive attitude and demeanor despite unforeseen problems, Supported team members effectively and efficiently, Showed willingness to learn new skills and techniques in the workplace, Displays a productive attitude when problems arise, Lacked confidence in presenting ad campaign to relevant parties, Utilized great time management skills when considering the project management plan, 23 Performance Evaluation Phrases to Use in a Review. _____ doesn’t accept “we’ve always done it this way” as a solution; instead, he constantly reviews solutions to see if they are the most effective way of doing things. _____ is usually very steady in her work, but there have been several instances where she has not turned in her work in a timely manner. ______has difficulty understanding his team member’s different personalities and relating to them. A performance review can pose danger to you. _____ communicates very well through his reports and white papers. Ken’s attitude is an asset to his management skills. We’ve experienced a few issues with _____ in his new leadership role as it relates to his team that need to be resolved; these issues could be detrimental to the performance of the department and should be the focus of the next few months. Self performance review examples. _____ should keep his conversations work related. _____is one of our most proficient customer service trainers and demonstrates this when she’s working in customer care. _____ has a nice understanding of how to relate to people and make them comfortable. Develops creative solutions. _____ has a soothing personality which reflects in a very calm personality. There are many times we have tasks that are time sensitive. Performance Review Tips . He consistently demonstrates that he cares about his job, his co-workers, and the company. Change ). His constant cheer helps others keep their “enthusiasm” – both positive and negative – in check. ____’s average time per call is too high and needs to be reduced by 50% by the end of this year. _____has a knack for making people feel important. You can set professional and personal goals to improve your career. _____ is one of the best team players around; she understands how to help others in times of need. Make sure to maintain open communication with your employees and give them the opportunity to respond to your suggestions for improvement. In regards to weaknesses in particular, descriptive phrases will let them know the exact area where they need to improve. _____takes on new tasks with ease, but when it comes time to communicate with other team members and train them on these tasks, _____does not perform very well. ______ has shown a tendency to be a matter-of-fact manager, but in his position, thinking in a more resourceful manner would serve everyone better. _____knows that certain conversations provoke members of his team, yet he continues to be vocal about non-work related topics. While it may not seem like it when you have to hand down a poor performance review, workers actually crave the feedback that you provide them. _____ is very adept at managing difficult employees and turning their energies towards higher performance. _____ motivates individuals to work together to meet deadlines and perform effectively as a team. It’s intended to help yourself, your manager and the overall organisation. Along with descriptive performance analysis, an evaluation should include an area detailing an employee’s potential at the company. They must arrive on time, take the designated time breaks to ensure efficiency and productivity. However, having co-workers write performance reviews for each other is challenging because people might fall into one of two traps: being overly kind or overly critical. Although _____ is a very loyal employee, he is not a very dependable. _____ focuses her team on accomplishing individual tasks without thinking about what could be accomplished if the team worked more cohesively together. _____ holds too many meetings; fewer would be more effective. Specifically, he solved an on-going problem by looking for a solution from all angles. Detailing their strengths and weaknesses is not only beneficial for them individually, but it helps your team and company, as well. Teamwork Sample Phrases To Write A Performance Appraisal Feedback Or Self Evaluation Listens carefully to what others are saying without interrupting them. He has a gift in relating to people around him. Refer to the phrases above when adding descriptive language to your review. In this article, we review some common performance review phrases and what to include in an employee evaluation. In a self performance review, employees assess themselves using the same rubric as their managers would and submit them to HR and/or their manager prior to their official review meeting. He meets or exceeds all requirements with high productivity. _____ accentuates the positive in most situations. _____ is standoffish and  gives the impression of “superiority” to those around him. _____ does not work well with others – he constantly complains but offers no resolution. Argues aggressively when teammates do not listen to what he/she has to say; Hardly pays attention to any rules and regulations in the workplace . While it’s definitely important to personalize each review for the particular employee, that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from a handy appraisal comments bank to help you get started and then tailor the comments!. Well, that depends how often the reviews … _____starts meetings and ends them on time. He tends not to listen and is intent on people accepting his point of view. He continually builds people up, deals with difficult situations with incredible posture, and focuses on the positives. _____brings a level of enthusiasm to his job that few can. _____ needs to work on being able to think outside of the box, beyond the manuals, and troubleshoot technical issues that are not documented. Performance review phrases examples for teamwork to write a performance evaluation and complete your performance review form for free. ; I’m going to stop doing [action] because I know it results in [consequence]. What to Say If the Review was Tough, but Fair or Expected Sometimes we know a hard, less-than-flattering review is coming, even if we might disagree with its content. It’s up to you to point them out! In the coming year, we’d like Anthony to display good time management skills and be an effective member of the reporting team. _____ has received good feedback from his team and his managers. _____ makes a positive contribution to morale. ____ holds on to too much and does not delegate to his team effectively. In such cases, even though you have worked hard and are considered to be experienced, your self-performance review also plays a major role in getting you that appraisal. _____’s understanding of business is very good; however, he does not communicate effectively with his team members. _____works the appropriate schedule, but his “off-site breaks” affects co-workers as he is frequently late returning from break. I plan to do so by [action]. Eventually,  your mind goes blank, your eyes glaze over,  and you can’t think of anything else to say. _____is a very reliable employee; we can always rely on him to get the job done right. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. She needs to better manage the team to company-required schedules. _____’s performance reliability is questionable. _____ cannot be depended upon to produce consistent results. _____ gets upset when co-workers do not help him, yet he does not offer assistance to others. Over the past year, _____ has not performed very well in creating an honest and open environment for the employees he supervises. Performance reviews can be difficult for everyone, manager and employee alike. _____ has consistently low marks on his customer satisfaction surveys. _____can strike up a conversation with anybody. Self performance review examples. _____has not made the transition from co-worker to manager very well. A maximum of three strengths and three weaknesses is the most a manager can deal with effectively when combined with feedback from others. Here are some phrases you might use in your evaluation that pertain to productivity: It’s beneficial to have a positive attitude in the workplace. Descriptive words will also help your team members pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses. For positive performance. _____ focuses on getting his own work accomplished, but does not take the time to help those members of his team who are struggling to keep up. Was an employee particularly helpful, and did the customer leave the employee’s name in the review? You write one after another, trying not to repeat yourself, thinking that  what you write is supposed to be “tailored” to that employee. For the most part, _____ has been good with his schedule. In regards to the way your team members conduct themselves, you can use phrases like these in your performance evaluation: Maintained a positive attitude and demeanor despite unforeseen problems. _____ rarely provides new thoughts or innovation to finding resolution. _____ manages a tough schedule with his staff, yet always maintain adequate staffing levels. His manager’s review is not the only performance evaluator, though. _____has a creative personality which allows her to suggest original ideas and has great execution. Regularly upgrades knowledge as per changing rules and regulations of the Government; Highest number of instances where accurate financial reports were generated within specific … He continually builds people up, deals with difficult situations with incredible posture, and focuses on the positives. The sample of performance review phrases for Productivity is a great/helpful tool for periodical/annual job performance appraisal. 8. You won’t be the only one talking during your performance review. _____ consistently demonstrates poor listening skills when it comes to customer issues. ( Log Out /  _____ needs to work on being more resourceful on tasks and projects. _____is a decent task manager, but has had difficulties in setting a vision with his team. The sample of performance review phrases for quality of work is a great/helpful tool for periodical/annual job performance appraisal. In addition to an evaluation, you should also go over personal goals with your employee. 147) Always at the top of the performance-rating scale. However, his personality is rather aggressive, causing issues between him and other team members. The benefit of doing self-assessments have caused them to become a common part of the employee review throughout many companies. _____ is a good manager, but her mood changes too often for people to keep track of. _____ often runs behind schedule throughout a typical work day causing meetings to start late which affects others’ schedules. _____ is very prompt at the start of each work day. 11 Things to Never Say During Your Performance Review. If you use a positive phrase, it should clearly outline the employee’s strengths in the workplace. _____ handles customer service situations well and is highly rated by her peers, managers, and customers. Your boss will likely have some positive things to say, but will also identify some “opportunities.” Don’t let yourself get caught off-guard. By using effective self-performance review phrases, team members and managers can improve the productivity and positivity of reviews. Attitude Positive Performance Evaluation Phrases Bill is quick to congratulate coworkers and builds an atmosphere of trust with his team. She utilized good communication skills when speaking with clients and her team. Or he can go through everything … In a self performance review, employees assess themselves using the same rubric as their managers would and submit them to HR and/or their manager prior to their official review meeting. It will also give you something to base your progress on, which will help when it comes to the following year’s review. These details will not only be appealing to … 5. Conducting Performance Reviews 14 Things You Should Never Tell Your Employees During a Performance Review As the boss, it's up to you to make sure … _____ does not appreciate how happy team members can affect his own job performance and continually upsets those around him. We know that if overtime is required, _____ is willing to work until the project is finished. Related: How to Prepare for a Performance Evaluation. _____ begins each day refreshed and ready for any challenges she will face. _____faithfully commits to get the job done and consistently performs at or above expectations. There are a lot of intricacies to _____ job, yet he makes it all seem so simple. If you want to generate more positive reviews, it helps to know what an excellent review really looks like. Example: Take a positive Google review and post it on your company’s testimonial page or your Facebook page. _____contributes to the success of the team on a regular basis. _____does not effectively communicate – both written and verbal communications need to be improved. _____ manages his team well and receives good performance from them. _____quickly establishes a rapport with people and is an excellent communicator. _____ is an asset in many ways, but her attitude needs to be kept in check. _____ is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, including tasks or jobs outside her area of responsibility. But recognizing and reinforcing positive workplace performance is just as important, if not more. _____ has a cheerful attitude which makes others feel good when he’s around. _____ should communicate project status updates more frequently. I Would Like to Discuss My Priorities for This Next Year. ( Log Out /  When we think of “steadfast,” _____comes to mind. _____is very motivated; however, his strong personality  is very intimidating and makes him unapproachable. For example, instead of simply telling them they’re good at resolving conflicts, explain how impressed you were with the way they mediated a conflict between two colleagues. _____ has proven to be an ineffective communicator. The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is … The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is … I do not remember a day when he has shown up on time, ready to work. When we have a situation that needs addressed, we turn to _____; (s)he has our trust and has proven  (s)he can get the job done on time. These useful active listening examples will help address these questions and more. Be prepared to explain why some things worked and why others didn’t. His leadership has contributed to very high productivity from this department. _____is an innovator – his skill at inspiring new ideas is an asset to our team. The more descriptive the analysis, the better they will be able to understand it and use it to strengthen their place in the company. Supported team members effectively and efficiently. Give Feedback to Your Manager. _____ demonstrates the secret to success is not who works the longest, but who works the smartest. He is always one of the guys on the team we go to when we need a lift. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! For example, if your evaluation includes the phrase, “failed to meet project deadlines”, they will know they need to work on their time management skills in the future. Here are 15 tips for what to say in a performance review that will lead to a … Final Thoughts On Reviewing To Positive Reviews. , management, and the ability to immediately connect with someone work despite! In the performance of colleagues in relation to the company for on-time.! Thinking “ outside of the customer experience to identify which style works for... 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