# Free Book Brain Imaging In Epilepsy # Uploaded By Robin Cook, brain imaging with mri identifies structural cerebral pathology that may give rise to seizures the greatest yield is from mri at 3t using epilepsy protocols and reported by expert neuroradiologists who possess the full clinical data x ray ct scanning has a role in assessing T2 tse coronal oblique 2mm ( epilepsy protocol) Plan the coronal high resolution slices on the sagittal plane; angle the position block plane perpendicular to the long axis of the hippocampus. Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a highly advanced imaging modality. Of those, all except 1 individual had confirmed histopathology of HS. The type of abnormalities that can be suspected in the brain after a concussion, are the kind of abnormalities that will be seen far better on a 3T MRI than a 1.5T MRI. The greatest yield is from MRI at 3T using epilepsy protocols, and reported by expert neuroradiologists who possess the full clinical data. Recently automatic analyses have been shown to be promising; however, there are few studies comparing their efficacy with the visual analyses of high-quality MR imaging by experts in the field.12,13. For signal quantification, we used relaxometry analysis of T2 multiecho images (3-mm sections, TR = 3300, TE = 30/60/90/120/150 ms, matrix = 200 × 176, FOV = 1802 × 180) with Aftervoxel, a medical image visualization tool written by Felipe Bergo (http://www.liv.ic.unicamp.br/∼bergo/aftervoxel). Disclosures: Ana C. Coan—RELATED: Grant: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) (São Paulo Research Foundation), Comments: PhD scholarship, UNRELATED: Payment for Lectures (including service on Speakers Bureaus): Novartis. In this study, we were not able to satisfactorily determine the specificity of the quantification procedures in the detection of HS. Z score distribution of the hippocampal asymmetry index for volumetry and T2 relaxometry analyses. OHSU responds to a coronavirus surge while caring for all our patients. There was no difference in sex or age distribution between patients and controls (Sex, χ2, P = .527; age, t test, P = .072). In this article, we reproduced this optimal visual evaluation of MRI in patients with MTLE: Two epileptologists with expertise in MR imaging evaluation of patients with focal epilepsies reviewed the images of all patients (acquired with an extensive epilepsy protocol) in the context of clinical and EEG data. The asymmetry index had a higher sensitivity to detect the hippocampal volume reduction (76% [98 patients] had significant hippocampal volume reduction detected by the absolute volume and 98% [126 patients] were detected by asymmetry index) and a lower sensitivity to detect T2 hyperintense signal (92% [109 patients] with significant hippocampal T2 hyperintense signal detected by the absolute volume and 70% [82 patients] detected by asymmetry index). From the 118 patients with MTLE with hippocampal T2 signal hyperintensity detected by relaxometry, 106 had unilateral epileptic focus and in 94% (100/106) the side of epileptic focus was correctly lateralized by volumetry. In this group, 176 (87%) patients had drug-resistant seizures, while 27 (13%) had been free of seizures for at least 2 years. Comparison of CT and MR in 400 patients with suspected disease of the brain and cervical spinal cord. Even in this most favorable circumstance, quantification of hippocampal volume and signal significantly increased the detection of signs of HS. The aim of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic value and quality of the resulting 3T-MRI in the clinical context of patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy. Automatic volumetric analysis was performed with FreeSurfer software (Version 5.1.0; http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu) by using T1WI volume. You can avail discount from 0% - 50%. Currently, most studies of hippocampal volumetry apply manual hippocampal delimitation, and whether manual28 or automatic analysis has higher sensitivity and specificity is still debatable.12,13 Despite this controversy, in the clinical context, the quantification of hippocampal abnormalities must be as fast and practical as possible. Bookmerilab helps you in saving up to Rs. The needs of the patient and the specifics of the symptoms and case 2. Increased sensitivity with quantitative magnetic resonance T2 relaxometry, T2 relaxometry can lateralize mesial temporal lobe epilepsy in patients with normal MRI, Neuroimaging methods to evaluate the etiology and consequences of epilepsy, Automatic detection and quantification of hippocampal atrophy on MRI in temporal lobe epilepsy: a proof-of-principle study, Temporal lobe epilepsy: quantitative MR volumetry in detection of hippocampal atrophy, 3T phased array MRI improves the presurgical evaluation in focal epilepsies: a prospective study, Comparison of hippocampal volumetry at 1.5 T and at 3 T, Volume determination of amygdala and hippocampus at 1.5 and 3.0 T MRI in temporal lobe epilepsy, Histologically confirmed hippocampal structural features revealed by 3T MR imaging: potential to increase diagnostic specificity of mesial temporal sclerosis, Proposal for revised classification of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes: Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy, Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, a new approach to the investigation of refractory temporal lobe epilepsy, Standard magnetic resonance imaging is inadequate for patients with refractory focal epilepsy, Preoperative MRI predicts outcome of temporal lobectomy: an actuarial analysis, Hippocampal sclerosis without detectable hippocampal atrophy, Normal magnetic resonance imaging and medial temporal lobe epilepsy: the clinical syndrome of paradoxical temporal lobe epilepsy, Epilepsy surgery outcomes in temporal lobe epilepsy with a normal MRI, Late seizures in patients initially seizure free after epilepsy surgery, Seizure outcome after anterior temporal lobectomy and its predictors in patients with apparent temporal lobe epilepsy and normal MRI, Fully-automated volumetric MRI with normative ranges: translation to clinical practice. Routine brain MRI ordered from and ENT/Otolaryngology for any of the above indications should follow the IAC protocol SEQUENCE FOV (mm) SLICE (mm) COMMENTS IMAGES T1 dark fluid Sag 220 4 x 1.2 Diffusion Ax 230 5 x 1 Axials parallel to AC-PC line T2 FLAIR Ax T2 FS Ax 220 4 x 1 GRE Cor 220 5 x 1 Coronals parallel to the brainstem While best practices do exist, protocol design varies according to factors that include: 1. Postdoctoral project includes the subject of this study but is not limited to it, UNRELATED: Grants/Grants Pending: FAPESP. Relaxometry detected bilateral hippocampal hyperintense signal in 22 patients (20 with visual signs of HS and 2 with visually normal MR imaging findings). This section of the website will explain planning for various types of MRI scans, MRI protocols, positioning for MRI, and common indications for MRI scans. As the second step, quantification of hippocampal volume and signal was performed. A. If the neurologist or other treating physicians prescribes a “tailored protocol,” the 3T MRI can become an even more powerful diagnostic tool. Scanner preference: 3T only. All patients underwent scalp video-EEG monitoring, PET, and subsequently intracranial electrode implantation. Resection of these lesions can lead to seizure freedom in many patients. No Special Requirements, If the patient is not cooperative then fasting is required for 5-6 hours 1 Absence of a structural lesion on MRI still represents a challenge for surgical management, as it entails a poorer prognosis in both children and adults. Here we demonstrated that with 3T MRI, adequate epilepsy protocols, and expert visual evaluation, quantification analysis can still improve the detection of subtle signs of HS in 28% of patients. Laurens De Cocker, Felice D'Arco and Philippe Demaerel and Robin Smithuis. Acquisition protocols are proposed for the main MRI devices. Optional if requested: DO NOT ANGLE. Re: Epilepsy Protocol MRI Submitted by jmccand on Fri, 2006-10-06 08:15 I have heard of a new MRI procedure that they are doing for epilepsy, where they also have an EEG going at the same time as the contrast MRI. Oregon Health & Science University is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life for all Oregonians through excellence, innovation and leadership in health care, education and research. If patient has an implant unsafe for 3T, OK to scan on MR2 1.5T Ingenia. Optimal MRI Sequence for Identifying Occlusion Location in Acute Stroke: Which Value of Time-Resolved Contrast-Enhanced MRA? In our series, only 1 patient with visual signs of HS had normal volumetry and signal quantification. Images were carefully examined by the investigators in light of the clinical and electroencephalography (EEG) data of each patient because this routine of MR imaging evaluation for the investigation of focal epilepsies is used in most epilepsy centers. Here we demonstrated that with 3T MRI, adequate epilepsy protocols, and expert visual evaluation, quantification analysis can still improve the detection of subtle signs of HS in 28% of patients. Although it is clear that in studies with 1.5T MR imaging, volumetry and relaxometry have significantly higher sensitivity than the qualitative analysis of MR imaging,8,9 today most epilepsy centers work with 3T MRI and specific epilepsy protocols, which make the determination of MR imaging signs of HS by visual analysis easier and more accurate.14 It has been reported that there is no difference in the hippocampal volume measures of 1.5 and 3T15,16 and that quantitative measures in 3T MRI can demonstrate ultrastructural details of HS pathology not detectable with lower field scanners.17 Once the sensitivity to visually detect signs of HS at 3T is higher,14 the question that remains is whether the use of hippocampal measurements in these higher field MRIs still adds information to the clinical practice. Brain imaging with MRI identifies structural cerebral pathology that may give rise to seizures. No patients with shunts or major artifact-causing items. His seizures started at 5 years of age and were characterized by an aura described as jamais vu followed by a hipometer complex partial seizure. In August 2012, after I'd been working at Radiology Affiliates Imaging for a couple of years, my neurologist finally said, "Go get a high resolution MRI, and we'll figure this out once and for all." For this analysis, a region of interest was manually defined in 3 different MR imaging sections, including the hippocampus of each individual (1 in the head, 1 in the body, and 1 in the tail of the hippocampus) by an investigator blinded to the results of the MR imaging visual evaluation (B.K.). There was no significant difference in the frequency of concordance of signs of HS or hippocampal atrophy detected by visual analysis with the side of the epileptic focus (88% of concordance by visual analyses and 95% of concordance by volumetry analysis, χ2, P = .054) and no difference in the frequency of concordance of visual signs of HS or hippocampal hyperintense signal detected by relaxometry with the side of the epileptic focus (88% of concordance by visual analyses and 94% of concordance by relaxometry analysis, χ2, P = .099). The clinical use of 7-Tesla MRI enhances Mayo Clinic's ability to manage epilepsy, certain brain and peripheral nerve tumors, and other neurological disorders. The groups were comparable in demographics, seizure his-tory, and vascular risk factors (Table S1). What is MRI epilepsy protocol. Volumetry detected bilateral hippocampal atrophy in 9 patients (8 with visual signs of HS and 1 with visually normal MR imaging findings). 1 The complete benefit of the use of hippocampal quantification measurements in 3T MRI in the presurgical evaluation of patients with drug-resistant MTLE could be assessed with follow-up and surgical outcome data of these patients. 3T MRI superior to 1.5T MRI in epilepsy evaluation By Wayne Forrest, AuntMinnie.com contributing writer. A Study on Hippocampal Atrophy in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Default Mode Network patterns and its interactions with memory performance in patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and controls, The Effect of Electroencephalography Leads on Image Quality in Cerebral Perfusion SPECT and 18F-FDG PET/CT, Mesial Temporal Sclerosis: Accuracy of NeuroQuant versus Neuroradiologist, The spectrum of hippocampal sclerosis: a quantitative magnetic resonance imaging study, MRI of amygdala and hippocampus in temporal lobe epilepsy, Quantitative hippocampal MRI and intractable temporal lobe epilepsy, The neurobiology of temporal lobe epilepsy: too much information, not enough knowledge, Hippocampal sclerosis can be reliably detected by magnetic resonance imaging, Hippocampal sclerosis in temporal lobe epilepsy demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging, MRI volumetric measurements of amygdala and hippocampus in temporal lobe epilepsy, Detection of hippocampal pathology in intractable partial epilepsy. On the left side of the graphic is the hippocampal T2 signal of controls (white circles = right hippocampi; mean signal, 96.77 ± 4.05; black triangles = left hippocampi; mean signal, 96.98 ± 4.10). Considered together, volumetry plus relaxometry detected signs of HS in all except 1 (124; 99%) patient with visual signs of HS and in 22 (28%) patients with visually normal MR imaging findings (Table). Braces are usually okay, if there is not a great deal of motion, keep head tightly padded. Epilepsy Protocol MRI involves obtaining images of brain slices through MRI scanning in epileptic patients. The difference between a radiologist’s “call” of a “normal” versus “abnormal” may also be dependent on the protocols that a given center is using with a 3T MRI. 7650 on Mri Brain Epilepsy Protocol With Diffusion in gurgaon. A2, FreeSurfer volumetry images in which the hippocampi are shown in yellow. In a study of 40 consecutively registered patients with medically refractory focal epilepsy, 65% of patients (15 of 23) with normal findings at 1.5-T standard head coil brain MRI had new findings at 3-T eight-channel phased-array brain MRI. X-ray CT scanning has a role in assessing patients with seizures in the context of an acute neurological illness. Evaluating the Effects of White Matter Multiple Sclerosis Lesions on the Volume Estimation of 6 Brain Tissue Segmentation Methods, Quiet PROPELLER MRI Techniques Match the Quality of Conventional PROPELLER Brain Imaging Techniques, http://www.liv.ic.unicamp.br/∼bergo/aftervoxel, Thanks to our 2020 Distinguished Reviewers, © 2014 by American Journal of Neuroradiology. Check the positioning block in the other two planes. The side of the HS detected by MR imaging visual and volumetry analysis was concordant in all except 1 case (118/119, 99%). Enter multiple addresses on separate lines or separate them with commas. Using a dedicated MRI-protocol, it is possible to detect an epileptogenic lesion in 80 percent of these patients. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive tool used to detect structural brain lesions and assess potential candidates for epilepsy surgery. An informed consent form approved by the Ethics Committee of Universidade Estadual de Campinas was signed by all patients before acquisition of MR imaging. Today, these MR imaging quantification methods are easily available and not very time-consuming, and they could be used as routine diagnostic tools for patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsies and visually normal MRI findings after further validation for clinical use. NOTE: We only request your email address so that the person you are recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to see it, and that it is not junk mail. In this patient, by visual analysis, we observed normal hippocampal volume and a localized hyperintense signal in the body of the hippocampus, contralateral to the epileptic focus determined by EEG. All patients underwent scalp video-EEG monitoring, PET, and subsequently intracranial electrode implantation. Number of slices – 160 - 1709. Dr Cendes received support from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil. 2012). Indicates open access to non-subscribers at www.ajnr.org. MR imaging has significantly improved the detection of pathologies related to epilepsy.19 It is safe, noninvasive, and widely available in epilepsy centers. NEURO MRI PROTOCOLS Updated 6/11/2020 BRAIN SPINE Routine Brain (-) (+/-) Oropharyngeal Mass (+/-) (3T only) Internal Auditory Canal ... ESP (-) 3T SIEMENS *coverage to include entire brain except coronal T2 thin oblique Sagittal T1 Axial DTI Coronal BRAVO Coronal T2 THIN OBL Axial T2 FLAIR Coronal T2 FLAIR The greatest yield is from MRI at 3T using epilepsy protocols, and reported by expert neuroradiologists who possess the full clinical data. B, A 28-year-old male patient with MTLE and left seizure focus. With quantitative analysis of 1.5T MRI, a group of patients with MTLE remains with no detectable structural abnormalities even when HS is confirmed after surgical removal of the mesial temporal structures.22 For patients with drug-resistant MTLE and normal MR imaging findings, invasive procedures, which have high cost and morbidity, are often necessary to evaluate the potential target for surgical intervention,23 and yet for these individuals, the rate of seizure freedom is lower than that for those with MRI signs of HS.24,25 Histopathology of HS is only found in a limited number of patients with MTLE with normal MR imaging findings undergoing surgery, but those with positive hippocampal pathology are the ones with better surgical outcomes.24,26 It is necessary to improve noninvasive techniques that could more efficiently select the individuals with MTLE with subtle HS to better select surgical patients and improve outcomes. 2012). The pediatric radiologists will usually protocol specific sequences they need in RIS. Link, Google Scholar; 2 Tong DC, Yenari MS, Albers GW, O'Brien M, Marks MP, Moseley ME. We think that this optimized hippocampal quantification protocol can be easily applied to all patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsies as a parallel and additional analysis for the routine evaluation of MRI in specialized epilepsy centers. Four patients were nonlesional. All patients underwent one or more MRI 1.5 Tesla (1.5T) or 3 Tesla (3T) studies with a standard epilepsy protocol with Siemens scanners (Erlangen, Germany). Never use an open MRI for MTBI. Send only 3D to three nodes: NQ_HIPPO_VOL Node, NQ_MULTISTRUCTURE Node, NQ_TRIAGE_BRAIN Node, Whole brain, perpendicular to temporal lobe. T1 weighted - Always4. Classic signs of HS were as follows: reduction of volume and abnormal shape observed on T1 images and increased signal observed in T2 and FLAIR images. The histopathology of HS is characterized by loss of specific neurons and synaptic reorganization of surviving cells,5 and in MR images, this is observed as volume reduction and signal hyperintensity in T2 images.6,7 Quantification of hippocampal volume has advantages over visual analysis for the detection of subtle and bilateral hippocampal abnormalities.2,8 Equally, the quantification of hippocampal T2 signal, especially with relaxometry, can improve the MR imaging diagnosis of HS.9,10 Both volume and hippocampal signal quantification measurements have good correlation with histopathologic findings of HS.4, Currently, these techniques are considered reliable and reproducible for the detection of hippocampal pathology.11 However, hippocampal volumetry by manual segmentation is time-consuming and depends on the expertise of the examiner. My seizures were better controlled; I was used to them; but I still wanted to know. Nineteen patients (10%) underwent surgical treatment (anterior temporal lobectomy or selective amygdalohippocampectomy) due to refractory seizures. On the right side of the graphic is the hippocampal T2 signal of patients (white circles = hippocampi ipsilateral to the epileptic focus; mean signal, 105.49 ± 7.88; black triangles = hippocampi contralateral to the epileptic focus; mean signal, 99.10 ± 5.01). # Book Brain Imaging In Epilepsy # Uploaded By R. L. Stine, brain imaging with mri identifies structural cerebral pathology that may give rise to seizures the greatest yield is from mri at 3t using epilepsy protocols and reported by expert neuroradiologists who possess the full clinical data x ray ct scanning has a role in assessing patients An appropriate angle must be given in the coronal plane on a tilted head (parallel to the line along 3rd ventricle and brain stem). Corrected volume of the left hippocampus: 3.50 cm3 (z score = −2.20 SDs). Plan the sagittal slices on the axial plane; angle the position block parallel to midline of the brain. Routine brain MRI ordered from and ENT/Otolaryngology for any of the above indications should follow the IAC protocol SEQUENCE FOV (mm) SLICE (mm) COMMENTS IMAGES T1 dark fluid Sag 220 4 x 1.2 Diffusion Ax 230 5 x 1 Axials parallel to AC-PC line T2 FLAIR Ax T2 FS Ax 220 4 x 1 GRE Cor 220 5 x 1 Coronals parallel to the brainstem A1, T1WI in which both hippocampi were considered normal by visual analysis. To make the ROI placement more consistent among patients, we defined the section of the hippocampus head as the first in which it was possible to see the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle and therefore to appropriately separate the hippocampal formation from the amygdala. Run on 3T scanners only. This was a prospective study of patients followed at the Epilepsy Clinic of University of Campinas with a clinical and electroencephalographic diagnosis of MTLE according to International League Against Epilepsy criteria,18 who consecutively underwent 3T MRI between August 2009 and April 2012. Directly comparable sequences (those of the same sequence type, plane, and approximate slice thickness) used for our epilepsy protocol on the 3-T and 1.5-T MRI units were reviewed. In the remaining 4% (5/117), the MR imaging signs of HS were bilateral and symmetric. Check the positioning block in the other two planes. However, this method is necessary to quantify the high iron overload at 1.5T, but even also moderate overloads at 3T. A, Boxplot graphic shows z scores of hippocampal volumetry for controls and patients with MTLE. The greatest yield is from MRI at 3T using epilepsy protocols, and reported by expert neuroradiologists who possess the full clinical data. This ensures adequate coverage/signal on the AX and COR MPRs. Relaxometry analysis detected hyperintense T2 signal in 103 (82%) patients with visually detected hippocampal sclerosis and in 15 (19%) with visually normal MR imaging findings. CONCLUSIONS: In 3T MRI visually inspected by experts, quantification of hippocampal volume and signal can increase the detection of hippocampal sclerosis in 28% of patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Automatic volumetry detected atrophy in 119 (95%) patients with visually detected hippocampal sclerosis and in 10 (13%) with visually normal MR imaging findings. However, the current contributions of these analyses for the diagnosis of hippocampal sclerosis in 3T MRI are not clear. A critical analysis of a particular Pediatric Neuroradiology MRI Protocols.You are to relate this back to the current literature/ other credible sources and provide justifications for the protocol particulars. Cover inferior aspect of temporal lobes to vertex. Ana C. Coan was responsible for the study concept and design, patient selection and recruitment, MRI visual analysis, interpretation of the data, and manuscript writing. Considered together, volumetry plus relaxometry detected signs of hippocampal sclerosis in all except 1 (99%) patient with visually detected hippocampal sclerosis and in 22 (28%) with visually normal MR imaging findings. All patients underwent an MR imaging epilepsy protocol with a 3T Intera Achieva scanner (Philips Healthcare, Best, the Netherlands), which included the following: Coronal images perpendicular to the long axis of the hippocampus, defined at the sagittal image: 1) T2WI multiecho (3-mm-thick, no gap, voxel size = 0.89 × 1 × 3 mm, TR = 3300 ms, TE = 30/60/90/120/150 ms, matrix = 200 × 180, FOV = 180 × 180, TSE factor = 5; EPI factor = 5, flip angle = 90°); 2) T1WI inversion recovery (3-mm-thick, no gap, voxel size = 0.75 × 0.75 × 3 mm, TR = 3550 ms, TE = 15 ms, TI = 400 ms, matrix = 240 × 229, FOV = 180 × 180, TSE factor = 7), 3) FLAIR (fat-suppressed = spectral-attenuated inversion recovery, fat-suppressed power = 1, four-mm-thick, section gap = 1 mm, voxel size = 0.89 × 1.1 × 2.4 mm, TR = 12,000 ms, TE = 140 ms, TI = 2850 ms, matrix = 180 × 440, FOV = 200 × 200). In the sample of our patients undergoing surgery, the specificity of hippocampal volumetry and T2 signal quantification was 100% (all patients with abnormal hippocampal volume or T2 signal had confirmed histopathology of HS, and the only patient with a normal hippocampus by these quantification techniques had normal histopathology). In this context, we believe that the use of hippocampal quantification measures in 3T MRI, as we showed in this article, can help in the recognition of these individuals with hippocampal sclerosis not detected by visual analysis who could benefit from surgical procedures for control of drug-resistant seizures. On the right side is the boxplot graphic of z scores of the volumetry asymmetry index (gray) and T2 relaxometry asymmetry index (black) of patients with MTLE. A, A 67-year-old male patient, with MTLE and left EEG seizure focus. The objective is to quantitatively assess surgical outcomes in epilepsy patients who underwent scanning at 7T MRI whose lesions were undetectable at c… 1 Generate OBL COR and AXIAL MPRs from this sequence. More important, by using a dedicated epilepsy MR imaging protocol, the same group of “experts” described focal MR imaging abnormalities in 91% of the same group of patients (they did not include hippocampal volumetry or T2 relaxometry).20 Also, in this context, MRIs are always evaluated in the light of clinical, neuropsychological, and EEG data. In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether the quantification of hippocampal volume and T2 signal in MRI acquired at 3T has a higher sensitivity in detecting MR imaging signs of HS than the visual analysis of these images by epilepsy imaging experts. FOV 24 – 25.6, NOTE: Some NeuroQuant parameters vary depending on scanner manufacturer & field strength. The epilepsies are common serious diseases of the brain, with an age adjusted prevalence of 4–8/1000 and an annual incidence of 20–50/100 000 in developed countries. This pattern of subtle and localized hippocampal abnormality (restricted to the hippocampal body) is not commonly seen. The Neuroimaging Task Force from the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Diagnostic Methods Commission has published a new set of recommendations regarding which patients are candidates for structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the minimum prerequisites for an MRI protocol, how MRI should be evaluated, and how lesion detection can be optimized. However, after detailed MR imaging visual analysis, 14 patients were thought to have subtle signs of focal cortical dysplasia and were excluded. Special attention was given to rule out subtle signs of focal cortical dysplasia, such as sulcal morphology abnormalities, focal increase of cortical thickness, FLAIR focal signal hyperintensities, or small transmantle signs. The imaging approach is driven by empiric observation ofthe most common and critical etiologies of seizures, which varies by ageof presentation. The greatest yield is from MRI at 3T using epilepsy protocols, and reported by expert neuroradiologists who possess the full clinical data. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, MR imaging quantification of hippocampal volume and T2 signal can improve the sensitivity for detecting hippocampal sclerosis. B, Boxplot graphic shows z scores of hippocampal T2 relaxometry for controls and patients with MTLE. At the time of this study, our whole-brain epilepsy protocol on all units included the following sequence parameters. CLINCIAL The mean T2 signal from the 3 sections of each hippocampus was used as the final measurement. The patient with discordant volumetry and MR imaging visual analysis had a subtle hippocampal atrophy and clear hyperintense T2 signal on the left hippocampus by visual analysis, which was concordant with the T2 relaxometry. We do not capture any email address. Hippocampal signal values higher than 2 SDs from the mean of the control group composed of the same individuals in the volumetry analysis (absolute value and/or asymmetry index, defined by the ratio of higher and lower hippocampal signals of each individual) were considered hyperintense signal. From the 125 patients with MTLE with HS signs detected by visual analysis, 117 had unilateral epileptic focus (defined by ictal and interictal EEG); in 88% (103/117), the side of signs with HS was concordant with the epileptic focus, and it was contralateral in 7.5% (9/117). 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