Technology platforms like Zoom and Google Hangouts make it possible for us to offer our families flexibility with remote testing. IXL is here to help you grow, with immersive learning, insights into progress, and targeted recommendations for next steps. Established in 1994, Mont’ Kiara International School is one of the top-rated international schools in Malaysia, rated a five star by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. IB Diploma Programme The Bilingual IB Diploma IB Diploma Courses 2020-2021 High School Curriculum High School Life Situated on a single campus in the suburb of Mont’Kiara, Mont'Kiara International School (M’KIS) consistently ranks as a top international school in Malaysia and rated a five star school by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. M’KIS is licensed by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia, and certified by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency. To schedule a virtual tour, email our Admissions Team using the contact information below. “Our record-breaking results are simply outstanding, making us one of the highest achieving schools in the world. 22 Jalan Kiara Mont'Kiara Kuala Lumpur 50480 MALAYSIA . Ensuring that our families feel welcomed, cared for, and heard is always vital, but especially during a pandemic that has challenged our notions of safety and community. At M’KIS, our mission is to enhance the creative, social, emotional, and academic talents of each and every student. Rated a five-star academic institution by the Malaysian Ministry of Education, Mont’Kiara International School consistently ranks as one of Kuala Lumpur’s top international schools. To say that this has been an unusual year for international schools, administrators, and admissions departments across the world is an understatement. Mont’Kiara International School is a highly sought after destination for experienced educators who truly desire a unique teaching experience in a professionally stimulating academic environment. Further details about Zoom may be found, MONT'KIARA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL FEATURED VIDEOS, Welcome to Mont'Kiara International School. We look forward to hearing from you! This year, we have also had many students start their schooling while we have been in virtual learning mode. Questions about campus safety measures, virtual and hybrid learning, and government protocols are common. Mont Kiara International School in KL, Malaysia has a mission to enhance the creative, social, emotional and academic talent of every student. The school is also accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and … It is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to Mont’Kiara International School (M’KIS). To say that this has been an unusual year for international schools, administrators, and admissions departments across the world is an understatement. This is reflected by an internationally diverse student population of over 50 nationalities. Beyond the pandemic, virtual tours will continue to be an important tool for accommodating families across different countries, time zones, and circumstances. Although our campus has been closed, our Admissions Team has been running on all cylinders. They cater to the needs of students from preschool to 12th grade, which predominantly consists of children from expatriate families. 日本     :9:00〜17:00 マレーシア:10:00〜18:00  定休日  :土曜・日曜, Mont Kiara International School(モントキアラ・インターンショナルスクール:AISM)は、アメリカ式カリキュラムを採用している数少ないインターナショナルスクールです。1994年に設立されており、マレーシアクアラルンプールのインターナショナルスクールの中でもトップランクに入る名門校として知られています。, 特に、欧米圏の駐在員からの人気が高く、生徒の国籍は約50カ国以上にも及びます。アメリカカリキュラムを採用しているということで生徒のアメリカ人は全校生徒のうち約20%、教師のほとんどがアメリカ人で約130名程のアメリカ人教師が在籍しています。, また、日本人や韓国人も多く住む外国人の高級住宅街「モントキアラ」エリアに学校を構えていることから、利便性も非常に高いといえます。モントキアラエリアには高級コンドミニアムや一軒家が立ち並び、ショッピングモールやカフェ・レストランなど行き来出来るよう、歩道もあるため、徒歩で通学することが可能となっています。, Mont Kiara International School(モントキアラ・インターナショナルスクール)では、アメリカ式カリキュラム(Western Association of Schools and Colleges)と、国際バカロレア(IBカリキュラム:Interntaional Baccalaureate)の認定校として、2つのカリキュラムを採用しています。, 高校卒業時に、アメリカン・ハイスクールを卒業したことを認めるディプロマが発行され、卒業生一人ひとりの成績に応じた成績証明書が発行されます。, また、その後大学進学を希望する生徒に対しては、世界の大学入学資格を得ることができる国際バカロレアのプログラムが提供されているため、卒業生の多くがアメリカはじめ、世界各国の大学に進学しています。, Mont Kiara International School(モントキアラ・インターナショナルスクール)のキャンパスには、高い壁に作られたボルダリングやグラウンド、バスケットボールなどがあったりと、勉学だけでなくスポーツにも力を入れていることが分かります。, 各クラスの規模は、幼稚園が最大15人、小学校は最大20人、中学・高校は最大21人と、他のインターナショナルスクールと比較しても小規模体制での授業運営を行っています。, Mont Kiara International School(モントキアラ・インターナショナルスクール)では、日本人始め、英語を母国語としない外国人生徒を対象に、英語の特別授業「ELL:English Language Learner)」を設けています。, そのため、英語力にまだ自信がない、というお子様でも、入学してからしっかりお子様のレベルに合った形で英語の勉強のサポートを受けていくことができます。, モントキアラ・インターナショナルスクールでの英語サポート授業では、生徒の英語力に応じて10段階にクラスが分かれており、Grade 1〜Grade 4では基本的な日常会話、Grade 5〜Grade 8では読み書きなどの習得がはじまり、Grade9〜Grade 10ではより高度な文法や語彙、文章の読み取りなど、授業の内容に付いていくための練習を行います。, Mont Kiara International School(モントキアラ・インターナショナルスクール)では、Pre Kindergarten〜Grade 12までの学年となります。また、毎年学費が変更される可能性があるため、ご入学時期によって都度、確認していく必要がございます。, 受験候補の学校を複数見学し、受験する学校を選定します。ツアー当日は学校情報や周辺環境など詳しくお伝えします。オンラインツアーでお得に見学することも可能です。, 面談でよく聞かれる質問・回答の練習、マレーシアに来てからも使える英会話を勉強します。お子様のことを事前に理解した上で一緒に面談に臨み、合格率アップを目指します。, 受験日時の段取りやご入学手続き・お支払い、ビザ取得のための必要書類など、ご入学までに必要な準備をサポート致します。オンラインで受験〜ご入学まで可能になりました。, A2-12-07, Arcoris, No10 Jalan Kiara Mont Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Luchouette Sdn Bhd(ルシュエット) 住所:A2-12-7, Arcoris No 10 Jalan Kiala Mont Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 【取扱業務】 インターナショナルスクール・大学・語学学校・ナーサリーへのご入学サポート全般、親子留学、オンラインレッスン、スポーツ留学、ホームステイ、不動産(賃貸・売買)のご紹介、翻訳、マレーシアでの会社設立や様々な事業立案、その他教育事業全般 【エリア】 クアラルンプール、ペナン、ジョホールバル, Australian International School(オーストラリアンインター), AsiaPacific International School(APIS:アジアパシフィック), Mont Kiara International School(MKIS:モントキアラ), King Henry Ⅷ International School(キングヘンリー8世), Shattuck St.Mary's Forest City International School, Prince of Wales Island International School, Mont Kiara International School(モントキアラ・インターンショナルスクール:AISM), 通常30分5,000円相当の電話カウンセリングを、先着50名様限定【無料】にてご提供させていただきます!, Pre Kindergarten(幼稚園):RM48,410(約130万円)/年間. Application Fee. We quickly transitioned to online tours, which are tailored for our families much like our campus visits. Supported by dynamic teachers from across the globe, we offer a world-class curriculum that prepares our students to become the kind, thoughtful, and transformative leaders of tomorrow. Contact coordinator 603 2093 8604 Welcome to the magnificent M'KIS community. Due to Covid-19 precautions, we are offering virtual tours of our campus at this time, using the digital platform Zoom. All the info about The Mont'Kiara International School: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, school bus availability, prices, etc. It is located in the heart of Klang Valley, roughly halfway between Kepong and downtown Kuala Lumpur and adjacent to Sri Hartamas. As an educator and M’KIS parent, I recognize the importance of a whole-child approach to the education of our children. The school offers IB courses and the full IB Diploma Program but does not offer the AP program. Mont Kiara International School(モントキアラ・インターナショナルスクール)では、アメリカ式カリキュラム(Western Association of Schools and Colleges)と、国際バカロレア(IBカリキュラム:Interntaional Baccalaureate)の認定校として、2つのカリキュラムを採用しています。 As an educator and M’KIS parent, I recognize the importance of a whole-child approach to the education of our children. Located in … Garden International School’s consistently outstanding academic results place us amongst the best British international schools in the world! This is reflected by a student population of over 52 nationalities. ひとつはイギリス系 Gardens International School (ガーデンインターナショナルスクール)、もう一つがアメリカ系 Mont Kiara International School (モントキアラインターナショナルスクール)です。この2つはKLで5本の指に入る名門 We are grateful for the newest members of our M’KIS community this year, and we look forward to opening our doors to more families in 2021! Although so much of what makes M’KIS unique is the palpable sense of community you feel when you are on campus, virtual tours still allow for great opportunities to share our stories and showcase our campus via 360 degree photos. M'KIS is globally minded and incredibly diverse. Their curriculum is based upon North American standards and delivered through the International […] We look forward to welcoming you to the M’KIS family. At M’KIS, our mission is to enhance the creative, social, emotional and … 22 Jalan Kiara, Mont'Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 50480. Dear Parents and Students,It is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to Mont’Kiara International School (M’KIS). Situated on a single campus in the suburb of Mont’Kiara, Mont'Kiara International School (M'KIS) consistently ranks as a top international school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and is rated a five star school by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. Educational excellence in a diverse and compassionate personalized learning community. But amidst the challenges, there is opportunity for growth. M’KIS Admissions Spotlight: Supporting Families During their International School Search, M'KIS Artist Spotlight: Making Magic with Mariah, M'KIS Students Take the Podium at THIMUN Singapore, M'KIS Drama Students Shine in Virtual Theater Production, Conservation Week 2020: Taking Care of our Collective Home, Planet Earth, Nurturing Creativity and Building Community During COVID-19. At M’KIS, we believe in cultivating academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, and a deep appreciation for community. Our Admissions Team is ready to welcome prospective families and provide personalized tours that meet your needs. Welcome TO MONT'KIARA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Our Admissions Team is ready to welcome prospective families and provide personalized tours that meet your needs. Latest Articles. We are open from 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday, Malaysia Time. モントキアラ アマン −Mont Kiara Aman − 高級感が漂う造りと高いセキュリティーが人気のモントキアラ アマン。 Sunrise社の無料巡回シャトルバスが使える モントキアラに住む上で実はポイントが高いのがこの無料バスが使えるかどうかです。 Situated on a single campus in the suburb of Mont’Kiara, Mont'Kiara International School (M'KIS) consistently ranks as a top international school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and is rated a five star school by the Malaysian Ministry of Education.In operation since 1994, M’KIS is a full-continuum International Baccalaureate World School offering the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP) to students in Grades 11 and 12, the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) to students in Grades 6 to 10, and the Primary Years Programme (PYP) to students in Preschool to Grade 5. Mont'Kiara International School is licensed by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia, and certified by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency. The transition to temperature checks, wearing masks, social distancing, online learning, virtual tours and testing, quarantine, and so much more has tested us all. The school offers IB courses and the full IB Diploma Program but does not offer the AP program. Although 2020 is coming to a close, we believe our work is never done, and we continue to reflect and refine our process to best serve our prospective families. Registration Fee. Mont'Kiara International School (M'KIS or MKIS) is an American international school located in Mont Kiara, in the constituency of Segambut, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Streamlined Testing and Orientation RM3,500 to RM27,000. Our Admissions Team is available to answer questions about M'KIS and the admissions process. Also Mont Kiara International School. Mont'Kiara International School (M'KIS) is a North American curriculum K-12 school located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. About Mont'Kiara International School (MKIS) Situated on a single campus in the suburb of Mont’Kiara, Mont'Kiara International School (M’KIS) consistently ranks as a top international school in Malaysia and rated a five star school by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. The first students enrolled in M'KIS in 1994, and its first senior class graduated in 2001. Being an IB school means we strive to develop learners that are: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, and Reflective. Mont’Kiara International School (M’KIS) Located in Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Mont’Kiara International School (M’KIS) offers North American curriculum from Pre-Kindergarten through Year 12. Start your research on Mont Kiara here and explore price history, recent property transactions in Mont Kiara and view properties for sale or rent. I hope you browse our website to discover more about M’KIS, but more importantly, I encourage you to stop by and visit if you can. Here are a few highlights of how we are embracing our new normal and serving families with the personalized attention upon which we pride ourselves. Moodliar was walking to his Mont Kiara International School near Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur last Friday when he was kidnapped by two men in a black vehicle, reported the AFP. RM48,410 to RM110,828. Annual Fee. We continue to lead from a place of offering our families belonging, connection, and compassion, which are our key values. Situated on a single campus in the suburb of Mont’Kiara, M’KIS consistently ranks as a top international school in Malaysia and rated a five-star school by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. The French school of Kuala Lumpur, Lycée Français Kuala Lumpur (LFKL), is within 3 km at the dead end of Jalan Dutamas Raya opposite Anggun Puri. About Mont' Kiara International School (M'KIS) Situated on a single campus in the suburb of Mont’Kiara, M’KIS consistently ranks as a top international school in Malaysia and rated a five-star school by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. Mont'Kiara International School Welcome to IXL! A premium IB World international school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. International School in Mont Kiara. Mont Kiara often stylized as Mont' Kiara, is a township located at the northwest of the city centre of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in the constituency of Segambut.The township consists mainly of residential condominiums and office complexes. Mont'Kiara International School was authorized as an IB Primary Years Programmes (PYP) school in 2019 and an IB Middle Years Programme (MYP)school in 2020. Overview What was once a rubber estate, Mont'Kiara has risen over the last few decades to be one of the most prosperous areas in Kuala Lumpur, with its many high-rise residential condominium and office complexes lending to its urban and elegant feel. Besides that, Lanai Kiara is only few doors away from Garden International School, enabling your children to conveniently walk to school. Mont'Kiara International School 22 Jalan Kiara Mont Kiara Kuala Lumpur Malaysia +60320938604 In operation since 1994, we are a fully accredited international school. As an International Baccalaureate (IB) school, our Admissions Team has drawn inspiration from one of our most important roadmaps, the IB Learner Profile attributes, to help us adapt to adversity this year. There are several other schools located nearby including Mont Kiara International School Balancing academics and life skills, M’KIS emphasises on the Expected School Wide Learning Results concept. All units—or cabins, as they are called here—have a spacious 3-bedroom layout with private balcony; there are only eight units on … Leading with our Values In operation since 1994, we are a fully accredited North American Curriculum pre-kindergarten through grade 12 international school that predominantly caters to expatriate families. The Mont’ Kiara International School campus is modern, purpose-built and provides exclusive facilities for all the programmes from early years to high school. Mont'Kiara International School (MKIS) Fees Structure. About Mont'Kiara International School Situated on a single campus in the suburb of Mont’Kiara, M’KIS consistently ranks as a top international school in Malaysia and rated a five star school by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. IB World Schools in Malaysia +603-7986 0070 Write to us Schools. Mont Kiara, Lot 67209, Jalan Cangkat Duta Kiara, Mont Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur 地図 エリッツインターナショナルは、日本語でマレーシア、クアラルンプールの賃貸及び売買不動産をご案内します。 Contact Mont'Kiara International School. We are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), U.S.A. Our Admissions Department continues to offer all prospective families a personalized and streamlined process, from initial inquiry to enrollment and beyond. モントキアラは、クアラルンプールの中心部から北西に車で約15分ほどのところにあります。Mont(モント)がフランス語で「山」を意味する通り、Bukit Kiara (ブキキアラ)という地域のとある丘陵地帯に造成された住宅地です。 モントキアラには、高所得者層をターゲットに最新の建築トレンドと技術を取り入れた高層コンドミニアムが数多く立ち並び、その数は約45 ~ 50棟といわれています。その限られた丘陵地帯に 高層コンドミニアムが立ち並ぶ様は圧巻です。 当地区の全住戸数はおおよそ10,000 ~ … Educate to improve our global community by enhancing the creative, emotional, social and academic talents of the individual child. And although much has changed this year, our core principles remain the same, both within our Admissions Department and more widely within our school. Mont Kiara is a 15-minute drive to either Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya or downtown Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Matthew Boomhower. We continue to share the sense of community and genuine care for all members of our school by focusing on the needs of each child and each family that comes through our doors. We are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), U.S.A and authorized as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School. Primary Years Programme. We pride ourselves on being globally minded and internationally diverse. By learning to work outside of our comfort zone during these unusual times, we all are demonstrating resourcefulness and resilience. Tailored Virtual Tours While we prefer to meet and get to know all of our prospective families in person, we continue to test and evaluate our students online. Experience the joy of learning in a nurturing and collaborative environment. We support our families by addressing a range of topics, from the excitement and nervousness of their move, to questions about the academic, social, and emotional needs of their child, and, most recently, the safety measures we have on campus. In operation since 1994, M’KIS is a fully accredited international school. These first connections are incredibly important for families so they can ask questions and feel comfortable in their new learning environment, especially in these uncertain times. To welcome families and support their transition, we virtually introduce them to their teachers, counselor, and principal prior to the first day. We are privileged to have educators and students from around the world who, on a daily basis, strive to make our school and world a better place through education. Mont'Kiara International School | 420 followers on LinkedIn | Educational excellence in a diverse and compassionate personalized learning community. RM1,500. The transition to temperature checks, wearing masks, social distancing, online learning, virtual tours and testing, quarantine, and so much more has tested us all. 22 Jalan Kiara, Mont'Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 50480 Call: +60 2 2093 8604 Email: @ 2019 MONT'KIARA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL … The area is served by two international schools, the British Garden International School, and the American Mont'Kiara International School. Taman Tun Dr. Ismail is 5-10 minute drive via the Penchala Link tunnel on the Sprint Expressway. Garden International School Early Years Centre (EYC), Mont Kiara 6827 6306 No. Mont'Kiara International School (M'KIS or MKIS) is an American international school located in Mont Kiara, in the constituency of Segambut, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.The first students enrolled in M'KIS in 1994, and its first senior class graduated in 2001. Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, families not only have many more questions than before, but the nature of the questions has changed. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.” Further details about Zoom may be found here. Situated on a single campus in the suburb of Mont’Kiara, Mont'Kiara International School (M'KIS) consistently ranks as a top international school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and is rated a five star school by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. In a year of tumultuous change, the attributes of the risk-taker have offered a powerful guiding principle for our Admissions Team: “We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. The curriculum they use to educate students from pre-kindergarten to grade 12 is based on North American standards. Mont'Kiara International School Recruitment ABOUT MONT'KIARA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Situated on a single campus in the suburb of Mont’Kiara, Mont'Kiara International School (M'KIS) consistently ranks as a top international school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and is rated a five star school by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. Due to Covid-19 precautions, we are offering virtual tours of our campus at this time, using the digital platform Zoom. マレーシアに移住する際に第一選択肢となるモントキアラのコンドミニアム一覧を用意しましたので、お部屋を探している方はご参考にしてください。マレーシアに駐在や就職、MM2Hによるマレーシア移住の方はモントキアラは最初に検討されるエリアになります。 It's a new year, and time to welcome a new group of M'KIS students and parents to our growing M'KIS family! Kiara is a 15-minute drive to either Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya or Kuala., with immersive learning, insights into progress, and compassion, which are key! Parent, I recognize the importance of a whole-child approach to the of! Next steps not offer the AP Program challenges, there is opportunity for growth world International School VIDEOS. Families belonging, connection, and certified by the Western Association of Schools and Baccalaureate)の認定校として、2つのカリキュラムを採用しています。!, I recognize the importance of a whole-child approach to the needs of students from to... Accredited International School it possible for us to offer our families flexibility with remote testing an understatement students their... 0070 Write to us Schools the Admissions process School FEATURED VIDEOS, to... Digital platform Zoom is ready to welcome you to mont ’ Kiara International School(モントキアラ・インターナショナルスクール)では、アメリカ式カリキュラム(Western Association of Schools and Baccalaureate)の認定校として、2つのカリキュラムを採用しています。. Program but does not offer the AP Program education, Malaysia believe in academic. To either Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya or downtown Kuala Lumpur and adjacent Sri... Ixl is here to help you grow, with immersive learning, insights progress. 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Digital platform Zoom Mont'Kiara International School in Kuala Lumpur and adjacent to Hartamas. The School offers IB courses mont kiara international school the full IB Diploma Program but does not offer the AP Program open!