Hi Lynne! Shelf life should be at least 9 months to 1 year+. I did start it indoors in April. Or will it be ready after the six week period and lasts for a year? Roast in the preheated oven 30 minutes, then turn chicken breast-side-up, and continue baking until … Followed you from the Homestead Barn Hop. Can lemon balm be grown from seed or is this a plant that is best purchased from a nursery? It cleared his cold sores up within a few months and they stayed away! :), Thank you so much. If you’re taking any medication though, it’s good to check with whoever prescribed it before using an herb in a greater amount than seasoning. Lemon balm cut and ready to go. Wonderful! Thank you, my first herbs and garden in years, I’m learning, next year will be much better. I’ve tried a lot of homemade bug spray recipes and this is my favorite one. This soap recipe is made with lemon balm tea and naturally scented with lemongrass. This is a great stomach soothing, anti-viral concoction, perfect to take when you feel like you’re coming down with a cold or bug. When you say “store for up to a year at least,” does that mean it won’t be ready for over a year? Thanks for asking & I hope that clarified my statement better! David S. Hi David S, I’m happy you found some useful ideas for your lemon balm bounty! Jan! Pour simmering hot water into the jar then cover the top with a saucer so that none of the vapors escape. Mar 9, 2019 - Explore Ali Stroude's board "dried lemon" on Pinterest. You can even buy it in your local grocery stores (check the pharmacy section) or drug stores like CVS. That seems to be the magic amount for us, so I don’t think you’d need more than that. I’ll be sure to share them as I make them! :), […] compounds with powerful antioxidant properties). Add the juice of a lemon or a few dried lemon or orange slices when you add the herbs to the boil. 1/2 teaspoon . If it’s a vodka tincture, then yes, you could do that. Hi Michael, That’s an interesting use – I’d love to hear how it turns out! Kentucky Forager is making Lemon Balm Syrup with theirs. I’m looking forward to my lemon balm returning too. Lemon balm is an easy to grow herb that not only attracts bees to the garden, but is also a great anti-viral with relaxing properties that are helpful for soothing frayed nerves and calming hyper children. Is there any type of face mask I could make with lemon balm leaves ? That has helped so many people I know (including me!) ), http://www.herbanmomma.com/2013/08/wildcrafting-wednesday-8-28-13/, https://thenerdyfarmwife.com/using-fresh-mint-to-make-lip-balms-salve/, http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-719-lemongrass.aspx?activeingredientid=719&activeingredientname=lemongrass, http://www.motherearthnews.com/natural-health/lemongrass-tea-zmaz78sozraw.aspx#axzz3A8WaP7h8, http://www.seedaholic.com/lemon-balm-melissa-officinalis-organic.html, https://thenerdyfarmwife.com/rose-glycerite-emotional-balancer/, https://thenerdyfarmwife.com/12-things-to-do-with-lemon-balm/, https://www.google.com/search?q=south+african+plant+nursery+lemon+balm, http://www.herbgarden.co.za/mountainherb/herbinfo.php?id=27. My goodness, but what a nice surprise. Strain before drinking. Jan: I learn something new from you every time I read your blog. I would like to reinfuse it with fresh lemon balm instead of just throwing it out, is that something that can be done? Tinctures very often turn brown (the liquid and herbs), so that part sounds okay. I love it. I’ve never collected the seeds, so I’m not sure much about them. For even more relaxation, try throwing a cup of Epsom salt into the tub as well. I love ’em! Lemon balm pesto: Pesto is the besto! I live in the desert in Arizona with an abundance of wildlife that likes to snatch up plants so I grow mine mostly indoors in a grow tent with 300 watts of light and my Lemon Balm plants and Peppermint Plants have just take off like you wouldn’t believe. Hello, thank you for the info. Thanks. My batch of lemon balm has reached the year mark. Lay the coated leaves on a parchment lined baking sheet. To make: Fill a jar with fresh lemon balm leaves and a thinly sliced lemon. If you are using a soap melting pot, it should automatically switch from melt too warm. That’s great to know that lemon balm and peppermint do well indoors as well! I want to steep this while I am gone for a week so I am hoping to pick up anything else at the co-op tomorrow. I believe that fresh herbs make for a more effective spray, so recommend those above dried for this recipe. I love this post and definitely will be bookmarking it. :). I got to know through your website that lemon balm leaves can be used in so many ways. Can I use the lemon balm in this way? Add a lilttle hot water then mashing them all together ..Splatter on face :). Keep them in a jar, out of direct sunlight and don’t crumble until you’re going to use them (to retain the aromatic oils as much as possible. […] 12 Uses For Lemon Balm | Sore Muscles Soak  | Herbal Soap (Without Handling Lye) […], […] For further inspiration on ways to use this prolific plant, be sure to check out my post on 12 Things to Do With Lemon Balm. Remove any blemished leaves. Cap with a non-metallic lid and let steep in a cool dark place for a few weeks. My daughter still makes a lemon balm/honey mixture occasionally (she’s a creative night owl, but sometimes needs to sleep earlier so she’s not overtired the next morning) – a spoonful seems good for her too and she’s 15 now! Fill a jar about 3/4 full with fresh leaves. Thanks! Hi Chelsea! (We have super fast metabolism, that’s not always a good thing.). Hi Nikhila, Thanks for sharing your experiences with lemon balm with us! Slowly pour the rinse over your head, massaging it into your scalp and along the entire hair shaft. However, I’m not exactly sure how it grows in other climates, outside of my own. I just started an herb garden this year so I have lots to learn. Are the flowers on the lemon balm have any medicinal properties to them or can they be used. I used 80 proof vodka and the liquid is now brown and the leaves browned significantly. I would think once it flowers it should produce some. They may be chopped and added to poultry and fish marinades, as well as mayonnaise and cream sauces, especially those served with seafood or asparagus. Thank you all so much for sharing this information. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the butter mixture, stirring well. Allow to air dry and keep it on your skin as long as possible to help soothe the itchiness and inflammation. Lemon balm recipes As its name suggests, this leafy, green herb has a lemony flavour and fragrance. You can also make a tea or infusion and freeze that. Dose by the spoonful at night to help calm and relax. I hope you enjoy your wonderful lemon balm! Check after 20 minutes and every 5 to 10 after that. If they don’t think it’s a good idea at all though, you could try passionflower and/or valerian root for sleeping. (Oxymels are sweet and sour herbal syrups – learn how to make those HERE.). Herbal infused glycerin can also be used as an ingredient in lotions, toners and aftershave recipes. Hi Larry, What a great gift! Once established, the larger plants are very difficult to pull out, I have to dig them. Cap and let this sit in a dark place for 3 to 4 weeks. Pour carrier oil of your preference into the bowl to cover the herbs. I’d usually lightly fill a regular table spoon, like you’d use for dining, for my youngest kids. Lay the coated leaves on a parchment lined baking sheet. Your website was on the top of the list, and I am very happy that I clicked on it. For oil based items, you can dry your lemon balm leaves by spreading them out on a clean towel in a single layer for a few days. If they are small, thin stems like are found on the tips, they’re fine to leave on. Hi Angela, Congratulations! I saw your helpful website and thought I’d ask. Get the seedlings out while you can. Which is better? 2 tablespoons dried lemon balm 1 teaspoon lemon peel 8 oz. Thanks, Jan. You had me at “attracts bees to the garden” (always a good thing)! (Lemon balm responds well to heavy pruning, so you can’t really hurt it!). Hi Nadine, I’m glad that you found some helpful ideas in the post! Thanks for following on Pinterest! Pour in cold water until it reaches the top. Big Book of Homemade Products for Your Skin, Health & Home, Bookshop.org (supports local bookstores! I’m happy you found the post useful & hope you have lots of fun making lemon-balmy things! Hi Irene! You can also divide your plant and put part of it in your garden. Yep, witch hazel extract. Hm, that’s a great question! I hope that you find lemon balm helps you feel better! Or add it to your favorite sugar cookie dough for a delicious lemony tea cookie. I use the leaves to flavour my tea every sunday. Dried Lemon Balm Recipes. Love for you to come by Wildcrafting Wednesday and share. 3 Bundle the stems and leaves of the lemon balm together with string and hang them up. Though i am a thyroid patient (hypothyroid) on medication, i don’t think one leaf a week would have any bad effect on my problem. I was wondering… is it better to leave in my kitchen window or plant it outside in the garden? Love the bug spray too. Hi Brody, Thanks – I’m glad you enjoyed the ideas! […] Sore Lip Balm | 12 Things to Do With Lemon Balm | DIY Herbal Throat […]. Lemon balm’s antiviral properties make it a popular herb for the treatment for cold sores, chicken pox, bug bites, and other little red spots. :), I love, love, love Lemon Balm. You can include lemon balm leaves in salads, soups and as a garnish in your everyday food and recipes. It won’t have the same health benefits, but it does reputedly have some of its own. Cream together the butter, lemon balm, and sugar. I have heaps of it in the garden but haven’t ever done anything with it and now I know what to do. could you e-mail me and ell me what ACV is. Here are two sites I found with some info to help you decide: It is also easy to propagate lemon balm plant as it is quite a hardy plant and requires little care. It’s nice to see someone dispense responsible information. I didn’t know that it was a perennial (not much of an herb person), but I will put into my flower garden. Hi Julie! (Adapted from Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs.). Foodie Pro & The Genesis Framework, Lemon balm is also effective as an anti-microbial, and it’s effective against both bacteria and yeast strains (. Place the baking sheet in a 200 degree F oven until the leaves look dry, but not browned. And there are more you can search for, but the main thing to keep in mind is that the tests were done in an isolated lab setting. Thanks so much, I’m glad you corrected that, I was worried for a second! I haven’t tried lemon balm in juice myself, but it seems like a little bit in moderation might be a good addition! Harvest 2 big bunches of lemon balm - about 2 cups of leaves and stems. Water droplets will cause the leaves to turn dark brown or black when hung to dry, so try to remove as much moisture as you can. That is a great idea! Thanks for all the info here. dried lavender New uses would be wonderful to add to my current book of recipes. It has survived freezing winters and super dry summers where nothing grew well. I have a plant and I’ve added the leaves to hot tea, chilled water and in a recipe. I use it to make mosquito repellent. Tea time it is. Placed in a container of water on a windowsill, roots will quickly grow on harvested stems. :). This subtly flavored water is so refreshing on a hot summer day! (They make a really great combination.) Hi Isabel, That’s great – I think you’ll enjoy your lemon balm plants! Will plant tomorrow – dying to try recipes. If they feel like you should avoid it, perhaps something that will help you with sleep is a magnesium supplement. Note: While it’s generally considered safe for most people, large amounts of lemon balm may inhibit thyroid function. I live in a pretty dry climate with rocky soil. Actually, it’s a breath of fresh air. Glycerites are a sweet way to dose herbal medicine without the alcohol that regular tinctures contain. Thanks for stopping by! 2 cups fresh lemon balm leaves (Fresh lemon balm has a lot of volatile oils and aromatics, so fresh will be more potent than using dried. 14. Now I know what to do with it, thanks for all the great ideas! How long has it been infusing for? ); 80proof vodka (or higher) Sweeten to taste & enjoy! A cold infused fresh lemon balm tea is a refreshing treat in the summer and I drink dried lemon balm tea all year long. I especially like to toss a few fresh leaves into a salad or a bowl of mixed fresh fruit or use it in a vinaigrette for marinades and salads. https://thesimplelifesimplified.com/5-calming-herbs-herbal-tea-recipes-for-sleep I’m not sure whether it gives a better effect or not, though you can certainly try it out and see how it works for you! Of course, you can add more honey if you like it a little sweeter but that will up the calories. However, here’s why I put that suggestion in: The first time I saw this information, was a quote by respected herbalist, Rosemary Gladstar: “Lemon balm is considered a thyroid inhibitor; those suffering from hypothyroidism or low thyroid activity should use it only under the guidance of a health-care practitioner.” That made me curious to learn more, because if anything my children & I run more to having a few symptoms on the opposite hyperthyroidism side of things & I wondered if we could benefit by taking it more. Keep up the good work. Is this normal? Well, now I know! Thanks Mx, You’re welcome Madeleine – I’m glad you found the post useful! This site says: “Lemon Balm makes a suitable companion to many other vegetables, fruits and herbs. This Ginger & Lemon Balm Syrup is a ramped up version of a basic ginger syrup, with lemon balm added for its extra antiviral properties. More than just plain tea, however; lemon balm can be used like mint in many drinks for adults and kids alike. Refrigerate for several hours. I cut it and put it in a vase just to tame it, a nice bouquet when flowers are short. while Thinking About Food made Lemon […], my doctor recently prescribed me 223 lemon balm pills a day for severe anxiety and trouble sleeping. Also, is it witch Hazel extract? Lemon Balm Ice Cream with Egg Yolk Custard Base, Roasted Blueberry and Lemon Balm Ice Cream, herbal lollypops with elderberry and lemon balm, Blackberry Jammin Gin Cocktail with Lemon Balm, Relaxation Herbal Tea Mix with Lemon Balm, Ginger & Lemon Balm Syrup for Colds & Flu, « Companion Planting Strawberries with Mushrooms. Also, it has a faint rotting smell. Mow them down! This version adds a light lemony flavor. All recipes are made and used at your own risk. Be careful folks, this lovely fragrant plant really can take over nearby areas quickly via underground root travel. Will let you know how it turns out! All content © The Nerdy Farm Wife - All Rights Reserved. How exciting! ). I sometimes add a slice of lemon and some basil with it to give it an extra kick, or add fresh lavender. Hi, Can I put herbs in ACV for a few months and then transfer to alcohol or glycerine for long preservation? I was so happy to see how easily the stems could be re-harvested to grow into nice large plants! I grew some and its up now (looks like a nettle, smells nice)… to get the best sleeping effects can I just eat eat the whole plant?? I recently started juicing…I have lemon balm all around my yard …what benefits do you think I`ll have. I would go ahead and strain it and then let it sit tightly closed (out of direct sunlight) for several days, then uncap and see what it smells like then. Hi Samantha, I don’t have a recipe – but I love the idea! If you think about it, come back and let me know how it turns out! The candied lemon balm leaves look good too. The best part is that it’s yet another way to help use up some of my abundance of lemon balm and other herbs! It’s easy to grow and has so many uses. Here’s an example of one that I found: “Melissa Officinalis produced a significant inhibition of TSH binding to its receptor and of antibody binding to TSH”, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14759065. You could try freezing it in your icebox/ freezer :), Thanks for the reply Alyssa! Place the baking sheet in a 200 degree F oven until the leaves look dry, but not browned. This is an awesome post! Make lemon balm & honey butter: I am so excited to start using my herbs for things other than cooking. Lemon balm is definitely a persistent plant. Stash it in the refrigerator for around 2 weeks and take whenever you’ve been around germy people, feel a little run down or think you might be catching something. I have a bunch of lemon balm waiting for my attention, and I could use that sleepytime herbal syrup due to some menopause-related sleep problems (I also have hormone-related blemishes that it could help with!). The second option that shows for me is Mountain Herb Estate and it looks like you can contact them to order lemon balm: :) I’m anxiously waiting for mine to start peeking out again. Use sparingly, since the flavor is concentrated, and add to taste. Dip lemon balm leaves in the mixture, then dip in sugar. ty. Ahh I have just had an idea ! I’m off to trim the plants! :), […] alongside E’s sunflower. See more ideas about Dried lemon, Dried lemon peel, Dehydrator recipes. You could also use it in an oxymel remedy. Fill a bath bag with lemon balm leaves and rose petals. Pour 8 ounces of boiling water over the herb and steep in hot water for about 15 minutes. I will be using these for myself and for my children when they need to be calmed down at night. Thanks again! Subscribe to my newsletter to get my latest herbal projects, recipes & natural soap making ideas sent straight to your inbox once or twice per month. Hi Barbara, You could certainly ask your doctor, they may think it’s okay for your situation. You’re welcome! Lemon Balm Tea Recipes Homemade Lemon Balm Tea Ingredients: 1 tablespoon dry lemon balm leaves (or two tablespoons fresh leaves) 10 ounces boiling water; Honey, sugar, agave OPTIONAL; Instructions: 1. I think you could try the syrup or tincture, but you might also consider investigating rose for PMS. Hi Aud, I’m so happy that you’ve found the site useful! Add the fresh herbs to a tea strainer or tea ball and place in a standard-sized teacup. Did you add any water, or just straight alcohol? :). Thank you. Can that be used in the same way as lemon balm? (If you have really cold winters, you might want to wait until spring to do this.) Now I have a focus for the harvested lemon balm. how to preserve lemon balm for uses later? You can find the full recipe and how to make it in my blog post, Lemon Balm Bug Spray. am also following you on pintrest. Cap and tuck it away out of the sun. Double the lemon balm if you plan to pour it over ice. I’m sorry that I didn’t see Cheryl’s comment earlier! […], […] « Uses for Corn Silk 12 Things to Do With Lemon Balm » […]. This will boost the lemon balm flavor and add a bit of vitamin C. Add a handful of grains with the herbs to give a more beer or braggot-like body to the brew. Hi Jana, My once tiny lemon balm plant constantly threatens to take over one portion of my garden. Your post came just at the right time! You just can’t go wrong with pine nuts and Parmesan cheese! Enjoyed reading . That would be up to the doctor that prescribed your medication since he/she knows the severity of your condition, the amount you take & the numbers on your blood work. What uses do you have for lemon […], […] Here is a link to a really great post talking about lemon balm and what you can do with it: 12 things to Do With Lemon Balm […]. I must say that I just love the information you provide for using various plants that can be grown at home. Maybe I will try to find a plant and just purchase it. I really enjoyed reading it. Most people are deficient in it, so it’s usually needed anyway. :). It’s sort of a suggested expiration date (though quite a few people – including me- keep tinctures for several years since alcohol is an excellent preservative!). Should I term all stems off for most of theses recipes? It’s so easy to make, your kids can help! Love your article. Mix half a stick (4 tablespoons) of softened butter with a pinch of finely chopped lemon balm. Traditionally, it’s been used to gently treat colic and upset stomach in everyone from infants to elders. In Minnesota, the mosquito is our state bird so I empathize with Kathy from Georgia and love this idea. Frozen items are good for making teas, lotions, soaps and other water based things, since they’ll get a little soggy (the leaves) anyway, when thawed. What a great idea, thanks for sharing it; I’ll have to experiment with that this summer! Want to get them off the meds they are on. dried, seedless rosehips. dried orange peel. In a blender, blend the peas with a little of their cooking water, a handful of lemon balm leaves, the juice and grated zest of half a lemon and a pinch of salt until they form a creamy soup. The leaves are a tasty addition to iced tea and lemonade, wine, and fruit punch. Am enjoying as I write this lemon balm tea. Subtly flavored water is so refreshing on a parchment lined baking sheet 200 degree oven. When they need to be avoided by pregnant women, since oil has a more effective,... Balm should be fine is 1/4 teaspoon ( about 1 dropperful or 1 ml ) at a time as! Massaging it into your scalp and along the entire hair shaft a standard-sized.. Sure how Laura makes it ( and if she sees your comment i that! Vinegar tinctures will both last a long time your preference into the as... 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