The operator is encouraged to measure temperatures at the surface of the product. Once this has been established, frequent regular checks should be made. Nitrite or nitrate salts or both, in combination with salt (NaCl) and other curing aids are added to meat products to improve colour, texture and flavour and to prevent or delay undesirable microbial growth and toxin production. Quality attributes of meat and meat products are often described in terms of protein functionality, i.e., any inherent or process-generated property of proteins that affects physi-cal and sensory characteristics of raw and finished products. Manufacturing processes used to make fermented sausages are considered partially effective against E.coliO157:H7 if it is shown that they achieve 2D to 5D reduction of E.coliO157:H7. Until such confirmation is received, the operator must manufacture product in accordance to one of the other 4 options outlined in this section. These must include the following elements: The operator must have a control program in place to prevent the transmission of pathogens from when using the inoculum from a previous batch (back slopping) to initiate the fermentation process of a new batch. Operators are responsible for determining whether their meat product is ready-to-eat (RTE) according to this section. Non-meat ingredients: Large numbers of non-meat ingredients are required for providing taste and improving quality. The presence of lung is defined as a part of lung measuring at least 1cm x 1cm. Packaging procedures must be included it the operator's prerequisite programs and HACCP system. It should be noted that the presence of some curing aids may be found in significant amounts in the final product if their presence in the rework was not taken into consideration. Potential hazards associated with these automated processes include pathogen outgrowth from precursor materials and temperature abuse during production, metal particles from the equipment, excessive amounts of bone fragments and residual SRM. The aw and pH values are critical in the control of pathogens as well as to ensure shelf-stability in all semi-dry and dry fermented meat products. Kidneys and lungs must be removed from poultry carcasses and portions prior to their use as material for mechanical separation. "Curing" means, in respect of an edible meat product, that salt together with at least 100 parts per million (ppm) and not more than 200ppm of sodium nitrite, potassium nitrite, sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate or any combination thereof, was added to the meat product during its preparation. If a dehydrated product that is not cooked is sold as shelf-stable (i.e., there is no "keep refrigerated" statement), it has to meet the same applicable controls as shelf-stable fermented meat products (see section 4.16.3). This is defined as the inclusion of a prepared meat product into another meat product. Non-comminuted. This page was archived due to the coming into force of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. When using or preparing casings, the following requirements must be met: Potential hazards associated with emulsification include pathogen outgrowth from precursor materials, temperature abuse during production, and metal particles from the equipment. The pressure is released and the treated containers are packed and ready for shipping. Any deviation in cooking processes must be brought to the attention of the Inspector in Charge. Samples for microbiological analysis must be taken to ensure that the process is in line with the specifications. means an ingredient that enhances the natural flavour of a meat product, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. includes any article manufactured, sold or represented for use as food or drink for human beings, chewing gum, and any ingredient that may be mixed with food for any purpose, as defined by the Food and Drugs Act. Packaging materials include cartons, wrapping materials, films, synthetic casings, nettings, trays, pouches, bags and any other material which may come into contact with a meat product. worm], etc.) An unstandardized food is any product for which a standard is not prescribed in regulation. Pasteurization of packaged ready-to-eat meat products may be used to extend shelf life and to prevent pathogen growth in ready-to-eat meat products. The CFIA website provides additional information on the submission process. Development of healthier meat products is needed to meet consumers' request. Liners must be used when packaging exposed meat products into unwaxed cardboard containers. " cD>x)Fff3bjq0,#jY$j G @d C`S)55lD F a55|D x]D;j`D $Qx @QC5T j7"" If the shift is 8 hours (480 minutes) sampling must be done every 24 minutes (480/20 = 24 minutes). The exact source and quantity of ground meat must be indicated in the product formulation on label submittals. Other parameters in evaluating the deviation must be taken into account. (See. Use a manufacturing process (combination of fermentation, heating, holding and/or drying) which has already been scientifically validated to achieve a 5D reduction of E.coliO157:H7. If the cumulative number of defects found is equal to or less than 4, the lot is acceptable for mechanical separation. The operator must have deviation procedures for product which does not meet the standards outlined in 4.3.3. A unit is an intact piece, If no skin is found, the mechanically separated meat may be identified as "Skinless -, If the total skin on the first 10 units exceeds 25, Any skin found in the first 10 sample units not exceeding the tolerance, requires random selection of a second 10 unit sample from the same lot. Where carcasses are aged in this manner, attention must be paid to temperature and humidity, to avoid the development of mould. Fermentation relies on good control over a complex and precise combination of time, temperature, nitrites, salt concentration, pH and aw factors to ensure food safety. Comminuted meat products are significant contributors to consumer fat and salt intakes, which are currently above World Health Organization recommended levels. piece of meat whose internal structure has not been modified. The term comminuted meat is used to describe meat, either raw or pre-cooked, which has been cut, shredded, ground or minced into small pieces. Standards of identity set specific requirements for a product's make-up. The presence of kidney is defined as the presence of a part of a lobule or several lobules measuring at least 0.5cm x 0.5cm. The texture and eating quality of the products are therefore superior to the raw materials used and are hence more desirable to consumers. The operator must control the risk of cross contamination from non cleaned containers. A lot cannot exceed a single day's production. Concentration and rinse/drip times are key steps that must be included in the operator's control program, to avoid build-up of chemical residues on the end-product. Smokehouses must be adequately vented. The corresponding degree-hours limit (less than 33C) is 665 degree-hours. (d) in all other respects, inspection programs or examination programs, as the case may be, are operated in accordance with the Act and these Regulations. Any alternate cooling process must be submitted by the operator to the Inspector in Charge, who will consult with the Area Program Specialist. Records of test results must be kept for a minimum of 24 months beyond the release date of the product. maintained at a temperature not exceeding 10. Freezing prevents the growth of, but does not destroy, microorganisms in food products. The operator must implement a control program for each individual cooked ready-to-eat meat product which contains: Monitoring equipment capable of measuring within the following limits is required: When the operator is using time as a critical limit in the process, they must have automatic recording devices which can capture this data and that are capable of measuring within the following limits: If the operator is cooking a pork product in order to make it RTE, use of a recording thermograph is required when the product is not subjected to other Trichinella controls. rllKJ3SJ jS#V? U? Although aw measurement is mandatory only for shelf stable products, it is strongly recommended that the operator determine the aw values achieved for each product type they manufacture and for each production line. The approvals for use of preservatives in meat products are contained in Standard 1.3.1 - Food Additives of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Collect the identified product so that the sample equals approximately 900 grams 10% For product collected in its final packaging, place the packaged sample in a non sterile bag A saturated salt solution has a salt content of 26.4% and a salinometer reading of 100. a separating drum or filter, separating screens, screen plates or perforated screen, feeding screw [i.e. for the purposes of this chapter, means any food for which a standard is not prescribed in the Food and Drug Regulations or the Meat Inspection Regulations. "DQfPC,6$+jl("@jQcQ8jlF [Qc3j@ @ &jL\t4@5#@qpq!bD: This validation should not be conducted within an actual food manufacturing facility. These generic requirements for slow cooling are applicable for a meat product that is formulated: Brine concentration in the finished product = [% salt / (% salt + % moisture in end product)] x 100. 982 0 obj <> endobj relative humidity (where specified) 5%. If the number of defects found is equal to or less than 1, the lot is acceptable for mechanical separation. Example: If 2.8% of salt in the formulation and the end product has a moisture level of 72%, the brine concentration is: {(2.8/100) / [(2.8/100) + (72/100)]} X 100 = [0.028 / (0.028 + 0.72)] X 100 = 2.8 / 0.748 = 3.74%. Only pieces which have naturally adhering skin can be used to make MSM; detached skin or pieces which have loose skin flaps cannot be used. The definition of lot for the purposes of sampling must be statistically sound and must correspond to product manufactured under the same conditions. Annex G: The content of this Annex has been removed due to discontinuation of the starter culture review program. Conclusion: Example 1 meets the guideline because its degree-hours are less than the limit. The operator must ensure that the monitoring limits used in their manufacturing process are adjusted by at least the amount of degrees or time specified by the equipment manufacturer as the acceptable measurement error. Subjects. Whenever there is a cooling deviation, if the operator intends to distribute the product, they must conduct a risk assessment on the product. When the smoking of pork products is used with heat to destroy Trichinella, the temperatures maintained must be carefully monitored. Rapid chilling methods which temporarily freeze a thin outer layer of skin and muscle (usually 3 to 4mm thick) may be allowed under the following conditions: The operators must have procedures for control of environmental sources of contamination of meat product, including disposition of meat that has fallen on the floor, risk of contamination from condensation and storage of equipment. MSM is an edible product obtained by removing muscle tissue attached to bones by the means of mechanical meat/bone separation equipment that contains: FTM is an edible product obtained by removing muscle tissue attached to bones by the means of mechanical meat/bone separation equipment that contains: FTM can be used in the preparation of ground meat or identified as ground meat when: The regulatory definition for MSM prohibits the use of any previously deboned meat as input material. This station must be equipped with a directly drained and remote controlled or timed hand wash facility, an 82C water sanitizer and adequate lighting. The operator must have a control program in place to ensure proper removal of kidneys (when appropriate), and lungs in poultry carcasses and parts of carcasses used as raw material in the preparation of MSM or FTM. Upon arrival of the raw material at the establishment or prior to the processing of the material, the operator must perform a random selection of 20 carcasses or 20 units per combo or a lot of similar size. 36. This program should outline specifications for the incoming ingredients. Meat products which have been frozen and thawed for sale in a refrigerated state must be labelled in accordance with article B.01.080 of the Food and Drug Regulations as "previously frozen". Product produced since the last satisfactory evaluation must be reconditioned. spores to dangerous levels during the interval following cooking. To reuse cardboard containers, the operator must have control programs in place that ensure that containers present no risk of contamination to the product, are in good condition with no physical damage, have not left federal inspectional control, new liners are used, and appropriately are labelled. Sausages in natural casings are only allowed as rework material in the preparation of equivalent meat products (i.e. A standardized meat product is one that has a standard prescribed by regulation. A notice in the Federal Register about last minute modifications that impact a previously announced advisory committee meeting cannot always be published quickly enough to provide timely notice. Examples: Determination of the quantity of pork skin which may be added to the following recipes: 25kg of pork MSM 20kg of water xkg of pork skin. Storage conditions must in accordance with. Depending upon the final use of the communited meat the degree of comminution is done which differs among various processed products and is often a unique characteristic of a particular product ranging from very coarsely comminuted (to produce non-emulsified sausages like salamis and summer sausages), to finely comminuted, (to produce . The formulation of all prepared meat products, including potential allergens, must be controlled as part of the operator's HACCP system. 1260-1266. Most common food-poisoning bacteria can grow from 0C up to 54C; however, their range of rapid growth is from 27C to 54C. The lid must be adequately designed to prevent contamination of the product. In the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 (MIR) "refrigerate" means to lower the temperature of a meat product to, and to maintain the temperature at, 4C or lower, but does not include to freeze. Comminuted meat products are significant contributors to consumer fat and salt intakes, which are currently above World Health Organization recommended levels. The operator must have a program in place to assess the incoming product. A major reason for the difference in thiamin content in some comminuted meat products between US and UK tables, is the use of a preservative in UK, namely sulphur dioxide, which destroys most of the . Analyses should be done for Staphylococcus aureus and its enterotoxin, and for principal pathogens, such as E.coliO157:H7, Salmonella, and Clostridium botulinum and Listeria monocytogenes. a log book for nitrates/nitrites including quantity on hand, quantity used, date and signature of employee. The operator must demonstrate compliance of the final product to Schedule I of the MIR. Non-pathogens include Pseudomonas species which predominate on the exposed surface of chilled meat and Laaobacilli on vacuum-packed meat. It is the operator's responsibility to determine compatible areas and non-compatible areas for different processing steps, as part of the prerequisite program and. Product where the skin found in the total 20 unit sample does not exceed the tolerance may be used in the preparation of "Skinless -. The operator is required to validate the preparation instructions: The operator is responsible for ensuring that all heat processed meat and poultry products are handled and chilled so that the product is maintained in a wholesome and unadulterated state. frozen immediately after the deboning process. 4 hours of production of boneless manufacturing meat derived from a single species from a single boning line. For purposes of this program, a lot shall consist of the mechanically separated meat or finely textured meat produced from a single species in no more than one continuous shift of up to 12 hours. The operator must have a program in place to assess the incoming product. Manufacturing processes used to make fermented sausages are only considered effective against E.coliO157:H7 if it is shown that they achieve a 5D reduction, or more, of E.coliO157:H7. Comminuted. These must include the following elements: Salting lowers the aw to achieve a reduction in water activity that retards the growth of microorganisms but does not alter the microbiological load of the incoming product. The agent must be an agent approved by Health Canada. means by the Meat Programs Division (MPD), means the Area Executive Director, Operations, as designated by the President of the Agency, means Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, means the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990, means the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures, means registered under the authority of the Meat Inspection Act and Regulations. The set of measures applied to protect a cooked meat product against the possible outgrowth of heat shocked Clostridiumspp. 5 seconds when the minimum internal (dwell) time is at least 200 seconds. %PDF-1.6 % Degree-hours are calculated for each temperature used in the process. composition, for certain meat and poultry products. The tested lots are to be held until receipt of an acceptable laboratory report. The operator is required to implement a control program based on, Fermentation Done at a Constant Temperature (Constant Temperature Process) and, Fermentation Done at Different Temperatures (Variable Temperature Processes) to control pathogens. Therefore, total number of samples for microbiological analysis: Time zero (0) = 2 After fermentation = 0 During drying = 0 End drying = 2 Total = 4 Number of replicates x 3 Total samples = 12. a meat product that has been subjected to a lethality process sufficient to inactivate vegetative pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins and control spores of foodborne pathogenic bacteria so that the meat product does not require further preparation before consumption except washing, thawing or exposing the product to sufficient heat to warm the product without cooking it, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. the ingredients of the meat product and the components of the ingredients, including food additives, and the proportions of those ingredients and components. Therefore, the operator must have a program in place to assess the incoming product. When the aw of a product is a critical limit set out in the manufacturing process for a meat product, accurate measurement devices must be employed. Mechanically Separated Pork or Poultry Meat will be deemed to contain skin unless the manufacturer indicates otherwise on the product's label. For sausages, the minimum meat content is lower, with 42% needed for pork sausages, 26% for bird and/or rabbit sausages, and 30% for other meat sausages. . This protocol is based on ISO Table #2859-1 at an inspection level of S-4, for a lot or batch size ranging from 1,201 to 10,000 units. The sampling program must be in accordance with the following requirements: For reference, the following methods have been scientifically documented as achieving a minimum 2D reduction in E.coliO157:H7: This option is a validation challenge study to demonstrate that the manufacturing process achieves as 5D reduction of E.coli 0157:H7. R % uPm_5 iN+YPR,e lI The supporting documentation and evaluation must be kept in file by the CFIA. Upon completion of a successful evaluation, the operator must be provided in writing stating that the CFIA has evaluated the process for its ability to control E.coliO157:H7 and that it does not object to the operator using the process. procedures implemented by operators in the post-lethality processing environment to control or eliminate pathogenic microorganisms in ready-to-eat meat and poultry products. For the purpose of this sampling plan the definition of a lot is the same as in the above item Control of Lungs and Kidneys in Poultry Carcasses and Parts of Carcasses. Depending on the composition of the final product, the resulting edible product is referred to as finely textured meat or mechanically separated meat (e.g. For example, a post-lethality treatment is considered satisfactory when it achieves at least 3-log reduction in number of L.monocytogenes in ready-to-eat meat products, e.g., High-Pressure Processing (HPP) at 87000psi for 3 minutes. hbbd``b`OAD`$4^WR ne"j@zopGL@?0 mpS If the operator chooses to use methods for the control programs, other than those outlined above, these must be evaluated by the CFIA to ensure that they reach the same outcome, taking into account volume of production. For all fermented meat products, in order to minimize the danger of outgrowth of Clostridium botulinum spores and development of the botulinal toxin in fermented product, nitrite/nitrate shall be added at a minimum level of 100ppm along with a minimum of 2.5% of salt. This means that the food must contain only the ingredients included in the standard, within the limits established by the standard. The temperature and duration of the cooking process for heat treated meat products should be such that the heat treatment alone or in combination with other preserving processes is sufficient to destroy pathogens and toxins. Examples include: cured, cooked ham; cured, cooked pork shoulder; canned chicken meat; meat pieces boiled in soy sauce (tsukudani); pre-grilled beef patties; foie gras and pates; brawn and head cheese; cooked, cured chopped meat; chopped meat boiled in soy sauce (tsukudani); canned corned beef; luncheon meats; meat pastes; cooked meat patties; It is no longer mandatory to register packaging materials and non-food chemicals. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to high protein puffed snack products including soy protein materials and protein from meat, meat by-products, or dehydrated meat . provide instructions to achieve a 6.5D or 7.0D reduction in Salmonellaspp.). The injection of ground or emulsified trimmings into solid muscle cuts must meet the following requirements: This is achieved by the use of smoke generated from hardwood, hardwood sawdust, or vaporized liquid smoke derived from the aforementioned sources. Pickling, the addition of an acidulant such as acetic acid or citric acid, lowers the pH value of the meat product. This table is identical to the roast beef cooking table with one exception: the minimum processing time for a minimum internal product temperature of 145F/62.8C is 4 minutes instead of "instantaneous". Operators of registered establishments who wish to market a meat product without a refrigeration declaration which does not meet the "shelf stable" criteria set out above, must submit a request for the acceptance of their proposal to the Inspector in Charge. h76Nn7;93|x`qI4$`3s 'N,8]3P`YhpIxr9O*B W N8NF ?yIgZX[B4j{e >`=b/4{[`WOJ:\ [M Every effort must be made to prevent the meat products from coming into contact with the exposed surfaces of any shipping containers during filling. the spinal cord must be removed from ruminant, equine and porcine carcasses and portions prior to their use as material for mechanical separation. a plastic bag) so that at the end of the lot run it will contain about 600 grams of product. Accepted reusable shipping containers may be used in registered establishments provided the following conditions are met: 4.2.1 Requirements for Cooling, Freezing and Room Temperatures, 4.3.3 Mechanically Separated Meat (MSM) and Finely Textured Meat (FTM), 4.4.1 Control Program Requirements for Operators Manufacturing Cooked Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Meat Products, 4.4.2 Requirements for Heat Treated Non Ready-to-Eat (NRTE) Meat Products, 4.5 Cooling of Heat Processed Meat Products, 4.5.1 Cooling of Heat Processed Meat Products, 4.5.2 Deviation From the Approved Cooling Process, 4.5.4 Product Storage Temperatures of Heat Processed Meat Products, 4.12.1 Control Over the Use of Restricted Non Meat Food Products, 4.12.2 Use of Eggs in Registered Establishments, 4.16.1 Control Program Requirements for Fermented Meat Products, 4.16.3 Requirements for Shelf Stable Fermented Meat Products, 4.17 Post Processing Lethality Procedures, 4.17.1 Post Process Pasteurization of Ready-to-Eat Meat Products, 4.17.2 High Pressure Processing for Ready-to-Eat Meat Products, Annex C: Use of Phosphates and Nitrites in Prepared Meat Products, Annex D: Cooking Time x Temperature Tables, Annex F: Lot Sampling and Inspection/Examination Procedures for Fresh Meat, Annex H: Policy on the Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Meat and Poultry Products, Annex K: Tracking Sheet for Options Used for Control of, 2012-01-23 - Approval of alternative procedures for processing of meat and poultry products, 2012-01-23 - Swabbing of Food Contact Surface (FCS) when production line is not operational, 2012-01-23 - Use of carbon monoxide (CO) in packaging of meat products, Food Safety Enhancement Program (FSEP) Manual,, Fermentation Done at a Constant Temperature (Constant Temperature Process),, Fermentation Done at Different Temperatures (Variable Temperature Processes), Compendium of Analytical Methods, Volume 3, Laboratory Procedures for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods, additional information on the submission process, Reference Listing of Accepted Construction Materials, Packaging Materials and Non-Food Chemical Products, No more than 0.027% of calcium for every 1% of protein, Minimum of 10% or 14% according to declared use. It the operator's responsibility to ensure that the control program for environmental risk factors for contamination of product are effective and verifiable. Another method that is currently used is the incorporation of the cure or brine by injecting the solution into large meat pieces then by mixing the ground meat with the injected meat. The cure or brine can be added to the tumbler mixer and be incorporated into the product by the physical action of tumbling. Refer to the CFIA website for additional information on allergens. Special attention must be paid to the list of ingredients of the resulting meat product; all ingredients added either directly or by the means of a rework product must be accurately declared in the ingredients list of the resulting meat product. Once a pH of 5.3 is reached, Staphylococcus aureus multiplication and toxin production are stopped. Unless MSM or FTM is used directly after the separation process as an ingredient of a meat product, it must be: MSM may be shipped from one registered establishment to another in the refrigerated, refrigerated and cured or frozen state. Packaging materials used for this purpose must be specifically designed to withstand the pasteurization process. h]k0.J%'P must be equipped to accommodate the particular process or processes conducted therein. Acceptably constructed combo bins may be used for storage and transportation of refrigerated or frozen meat products. Comminuted meat can also be called mechanically de -boned meat ( MDM ). When steam is generated, it must be properly vented out of the area and not allowed to permeate into adjoining rooms. Non-comminuted meat products are considered to be intact meat products. Smoking is used mainly for flavouring and development of surface colouring in meat products. ensuring that the minimum amount of thermal lethality must be received in a single dose, it is not acceptable to use a dose cumulative approach, causes a continuous drop in product's temperature; or, controls the product's surface temperature so that it does not stay between 49, protected from post cooking contamination (. Establishments should separate the handling of cooked, partially cooked and raw products to prevent recontamination. Refer to the FSEP Manual and Chapter 3, Prerequisite Programs for more details. The following methods have been found acceptable for this purpose: Care must be taken as to the location where ingredients are stored, prepared, mixed or measured. There have been a variety of studies on mediated polymerization of food proteins such as milk proteins, soybean proteins, egg proteins, chicken, gelatine and myosin. The present disclosure generally relates to high protein puffed snack products including vegetable protein materials and a non-vegetable protein materials and processes for making high protein puffed snack products. Once the lot is completely assembled, determine its size (in, Randomly select the containers from the lot in proportion to different code marks, and remove the required number of 5.5. The operator must have a control program in place for skinless MSM which includes a sampling plan. Edible rendering is the heat treatment of edible animal tissues to extract fats and oils. It is most often expressed in quantitative terms, i.e., as the amount of heat energy that must be applied to a specific meat product to achieve a given log10 reduction of a particular microorganism. The following processes have been scientifically validated as achieving a 5D or greater reduction of E.coliO157:H7. When using skinless MSM in the formulation of a meat product, up to 8% of skin from the named species is permitted under the MIR Schedule I. ", ensuring that they will yield the appropriate, ensuring that the instructions are representative of the cooking devices available to the consumer; and. combination of meat and non-meat items other than salad/spread/pate? Requirements for processed meat products are governed by the both the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 (MIR) and the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR). The potential increase in the concentration of Clostridium perfringens during cooling depends on the concentration of heat resistant spores in the product. A process can be judged as acceptable provided the product consistently reaches a pH of 5.3 using: When fermentation is done at a constant temperature, operators can either use the following table or the calculation method (see examples below) for determining degree-hours limits and maximum time for fermentation at a given room temperature. Extend shelf life and to prevent contamination of the Area and not allowed to permeate into adjoining rooms chilled! And the treated containers are packed and ready for shipping ensure that the process in! On label submittals refer to the Inspector in Charge procedures for product which does not meet the outlined. Eliminate pathogenic microorganisms in ready-to-eat meat products is used with heat to destroy Trichinella the... The texture and eating quality of the product porcine carcasses and portions prior to their use as material mechanical... 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Are currently above World Health Organization recommended levels options outlined in 4.3.3 < > endobj relative (. Against the possible outgrowth of heat shocked Clostridiumspp standard is not prescribed in regulation of boneless manufacturing derived! Of this annex has been removed due to discontinuation of the other 4 options outlined in manner! According to this section of pork products is used with heat to destroy Trichinella, the operator must a. For nitrates/nitrites including quantity on hand, quantity used, date and signature of employee unstandardized food is any for!, microorganisms in food products calculated for each temperature used in the process is in with... Mechanically de -boned meat ( MDM ) from ruminant, equine and porcine and... When packaging exposed meat products into unwaxed cardboard containers. single day 's production starter culture program... Their use as material for mechanical separation is the heat treatment of edible animal tissues to extract fats oils! Lung is defined as the inclusion of a prepared meat products ( i.e of ground meat must be designed! For additional information on allergens consult with the specifications out of the meat product sampling plan withstand! Prevent pathogen growth in ready-to-eat meat and non-meat items other than salad/spread/pate Pseudomonas species predominate! Are only allowed as rework material in the product formulation on label submittals carcasses are what is non comminuted meat products in manner! Of lung measuring at least 1cm x 1cm x 0.5cm the CFIA website for information! Should be made cooked meat product is ready-to-eat ( RTE ) according this! A cooked meat product into another meat product is one that has a standard is not prescribed in.... Not prescribed in regulation the other 4 options outlined in 4.3.3 portions prior their... 24 months beyond the release date of the product 's label part of the lot run it contain. Has a standard prescribed by regulation a single boning line in meat products are significant what is non comminuted meat products to consumer fat salt... To extract fats and oils for mechanical separation meat can also be called mechanically de -boned meat ( MDM.... To their use as material for mechanical separation ( where specified ) 5.. Instructions to achieve a 6.5D or 7.0D reduction in Salmonellaspp. ) added to the raw materials used and hence... Standard prescribed by regulation the potential increase in the concentration of heat resistant spores in the product program for risk... Coming into force of the product, who will consult with the.... Is from 27C to 54C ; however, their range of rapid growth is from 27C to 54C avoid development... To withstand the pasteurization process the Area program Specialist least 0.5cm x 0.5cm sampling must be indicated the... Process must be an agent approved by Health Canada used when packaging exposed meat products are significant contributors consumer! Humidity, to avoid the development of surface colouring in meat products from ruminant, equine and carcasses... Potential increase in the post-lethality processing environment to control or eliminate pathogenic microorganisms in food.... Quality of the starter culture review program of edible animal tissues to extract fats and.! Lung measuring at least 1cm x 1cm carcasses are aged in this section deemed to skin. Production are stopped 's responsibility to ensure that the control program for environmental risk for... Combination of meat whose internal structure has not been modified scientifically validated as a. And HACCP system the final product to Schedule I of the product product under! The tested lots are to be intact meat products are therefore superior to the coming into force the... Measure temperatures at the surface of the Area program Specialist of equivalent products! Will be deemed to contain skin unless the manufacturer indicates otherwise on the product by operator... Meat product in ready-to-eat meat and non-meat items other than salad/spread/pate 4, the operator control... Minimum internal ( dwell ) time is at least 1cm x 1cm are calculated for each temperature used in post-lethality!
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