$('.pastResponses').show(); "I have been fighting since day one to protect and . height: 100%; The results of Round are displayed below. [Regarding the Wood Street homeless camp] if the activists were smart, theyd use the Encampment Management Policy to say, Hey, [the city] told us to come here. The Roots are outgrowing themselves quickly. More than 35% of her contributions are from Oakland. font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; Both the Coliseum and the Arena are huge entertainment hubs for the city. background-color: #db0000; }); .survey-result {padding:10px;} One of my best friends has had untraditional housing on the street since Ive known him. No one does a good job if they dont feel respected. The city of Oakland, California, held a general election for mayor on November 8, 2022. color: #6db24f; font-weight: bold; The 10 contenders who have qualified to run for mayor this year include experienced politicians like current and former city councilmembers and . height: 22px; Its tantamount to union extortion at this point. True, he'd run for City Council two years previously, but lost, and in the intervening period Seneca had very little public visibility. /* Show the tooltip text when you mouse over the tooltip container */ Once they get removed from the continuity of wealth they unfairly gained, theyre suffering too. We need to build, baby, build. Because thats criminal. } } I dont think its served us well. This is an unacceptable state of affairs to inflict on our neighbors and businesses. } border:1px solid #FFB81F; position: relative; } var s = "640055b707964"; } You want to stop it? The two most pressing issues facing Oakland (and the reasons why we started the Coalition) are homelessness and an underfunded, harassed Oakland . color: white; text-align: center; Theyre not mutually exclusive. Im a long-shot candidate and everyone knows it. } Incumbent Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat,. Thats what I got from a beat cop. padding-bottom: 5px; } So were going to need to build on all levels. Thao is our first choice for Oakland mayor, and we think that she would move the city forward. margin-bottom: .75em; We need earmarked funds for Oakland so that people want to invest here. div.oneoff-scrollbox.short { height:250px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } Elections in 2023 | But he didnt do it until there was public will and pressure. Here is an edited version of our conversation. margin-right: 12px; .inner_percentage.Libertarian { .non_result_row th { Ill speak specifically to the police. Oakland Police Negotiated Settlement Agreement (NSA) and Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Reports. font-size: 16px; Market rate. The root cause is us. padding-bottom: 0px; Many of our neighbors are frightened to leave their own homes after dark. We amplify community voices, share the power of real information, and investigate systems, not just symptoms. font-weight: 200; The new Care Court law now says that if someone doesnt want the services but theyve proven to be a danger to themselves or others, they may not have a choice. If youre going to keep disrespecting the person you pay, youre going to keep an adversarial relationship with law enforcement. Socialist John Reimann says the. Mayoral candidate Seneca Scott believes voters were once again misinformed when they went to the polls and that should be enough to . Sign up for The Oaklandsides free daily newsletter. Activist Seneca Scott announces run for Oakland mayor. background: #4c4c4c; Her grandfather's brother was Coretta's father. .hideResponses { display: none;} When people cant compete financially, they compete for moral superiority. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; What's on my ballot? @nikki4oakland. position: absolute; Photo: Courtesy the candidate. According to a sheriffs report, Liu called 911 and complained that there were trespassers on property he said he owned. .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, In recent years there have been several examples of tension between the City Council and city administrator. color:white; The charges are still pending, and Scott is scheduled to appear in court in November. Seneca Scott: An Appreciation When Seneca Scott announced for Mayor, few Oaklanders had ever heard of him. .widget-row { He holds a doctorate in sociology from UC Santa Barbara and was the co-recipient of the George Polk Award for local reporting in 2017. top: 0px; } At recent mayoral forums, Scott has said that the citys crime rate is at unacceptable levels and that the police are failing to respond to 911 calls in a timely manner. var s = "640055b6cc5e4"; } Its people. According to him, her grandfather was one of the 25 children of Jeff Scott, one of . position: relative; .rcvtooltip { .results_row.winner { Were gonna ask you a few questions about public safety, including from our readers. Check the latest city audit that shows $69 million was spent on housing people, and [the city didnt] track any of that. $('#emessage' +s).html(' Total : ' + ex_votes.toLocaleString()); If you go back to that report, the footage of people shooting up vehicles with assault rifles and setting them on fire, my neighbors sent me that. .key-messages li {margin-bottom: 10px;} @SenecaSpeaks21. } $('#' + "3" + s).show(); To make story short, a few days later, my wife got multiple squatters arrested with evidence of the deed, I was release from Santa Rita jail with no charges. He says residents in the unhoused community cannot be evicted without offers of housing. If the As move to Howard Terminal, what do you envision for the future of the Coliseum/Arena site? text-align: center; I am running for mayor because no one should have to risk their lives and freedom protecting themselves to be safe in their own neighborhoods. margin-top: 16px; Im the only candidate pushing aggressively for a charter amendment for an accountable Oakland. let scrollHeight = jQuery('.results_table_container').get(index).scrollHeight; If we fail [to pass an accountable mayor charter amendment], thats where a controller comes into play. The officers made contact with Scott and noticed the handle of a firearm sticking out of his vest pocket. Oakland mayoral candidate Seneca Scott was arrested last year near a community garden he co-founded in West Oakland for allegedly brandishing a firearm at two people, according to police records. display: table; Its not ok. And we deserve better, an ability to walk and bike across our streets. } Seneca Scott | Oakland Mayoral Candidate 2022 Town Interviews 117 subscribers Subscribe 536 views 3 months ago BOTTOMS UP WEST OAKLAND Seneca's interview was recorded in Bottoms Up. clearInterval(nTimer); I bike. Can we ask you a quick question about license plate readers? .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { overflow: hidden; width: 57%; Make sure people can compete. $('#emessage640055b707964').html(' Total : ' + ex_votes.toLocaleString()); } Seneca Scott. In this form of municipal government, the city council serves as the city's primary legislative body and the mayor serves as the city's chief executive. And how would market-rate development and or social housing fit into this plan? She better get us off that NSA, which she didnt for eight years. position: absolute; color:white; So were going to do that across the city. I was heavily involved with helping him, introducing him to the neighborhood, making sure he could put up surveillancethink about it, thats what we did, we surveilled peopleand we used that data to make the case that people were driving at excessive speeds through residential neighborhoods, and we got traffic calming measures to 8th Street. $(".results_table640055b6cc5e4").hide(); Seneca Scott Interview 2022 Oakland Mayoral Race Campaign Update, Comment On Oakland Post Visit Oakland News Now Blog https://oaklandnewsnowblog.com Read ZENNIE62MEDIA's. Its proof of concept that these things bring neighbors together in ways that matter. border-radius: 50%; All developers have got to show proof of concept that they will be involved in the community in meaningful ways. People are coming from around our state and our geographic region to rob Oaklanders. Should the city be funding the arts directly? Let me be very clear about that. People crash into people at taco trucks and stuff. You make it a union project, it [a CEQA objection] goes away. What kind of crap is that? 3 talking about this. .contact_office { font-size: 0.8 em; margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} Credit: Amir Aziz. padding-left: 0; But also, when you say mass surveillance, at the same time, you push for laws where you want to know each and every facet of someones relationship with their tenant, the financial relationship between a property owner and their tenant, right? Yeah. if (l > 1){ You can go this many miles over the speed limit, we will take your vehicles. .infobox p { Round 9 $(".expand-all").on('click', () => { Second, we need more California Highway Patrol. As we explained at the start of this series, weve invited nine of the 10 people running to be the next mayor of Oakland to sit down with us for in-depth interviews, asking them mostly the same questions, such as, how many police officers does the Oakland Police Department need? You know I hate to use the word reimagine because its been beaten in the head, but [we need to] reimagine the way that we use these spaces because its just not going to be a school if you dont have the money to keep them open, keep the education quality high, keep teachers from high levels of attrition. .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } Until someone gives me another idea here, Im gonna roll with more officers. We had to actually organize for that, which is what Im trying to represent as a mayoral candidate: the interests of neighbors and local businesses. background-color: green; margin: auto; ), This interview is with Seneca Scott, the founder of the nonprofit Neighbors Together Oakland, co-founder of the entertainment company Oakhella (which recently distanced itself from the candidate), and co-founder of Bottoms Up Community Garden. Scott isnt the only mayoral candidate who has been recently arrested on a firearms charge. } padding-bottom: 8px; Scott has raised $49,674 with 56 % of his contributions from donors in Oakland. background-color: #6db24f; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { width: 150px; div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } They make a central place where people can drag race and do all the car stuff, honkytonks, and all that good old stuff. $("#round640055b6cc5e4").val($("#round640055b6cc5e4").children('option').length).change(); I was part of discussions with councilperson Noel Gallo, who chairs the Public Works Committee, and we were after them, as part of my Neighbors Together nonprofit, as to why they werent using cameras, and he just kept pointing to the police commissions advice. } A bunch of squatters broke into a commercial building I own in San Lorenzo, not the commercial building I own in Oakland. How will you work with those areas councilmembers to create more grocery stores with better, healthier options? if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { margin-right: 12px; display: block; padding-bottom: 5px; OAKLAND, CALIF.Gov.That was the year Gerald Ford was president, Steve Jobs helped found Apple and the original "Rocky" movie was playing in theaters.of 10 during the 6A swimming and diving championship meet at the Lee and Joe Jamail Texas Swimming Center at the . [Scott subsequently deleted the tweet.] .widget-key { Thats why I joined the Oakland Builders Alliance. So right in there, theres no political delineation of power because if the mayor has an agenda and that agenda is opposed by the majority of the City Council, then they can thwart the mayors agenda. [Editors note: The Oaklandside asked Scott for more information about what he views as examples of unions and the City Council using the California Environmental Quality Act to interfere with development projects. That does harm to both the housed who are expecting the problem to go away and the unhoused people who are in fear of eviction and losing their stuff every single month. .votebox-results-metadata { } else { People are changing their behavior the moment they leave Oakland to [go to] Albany, to Emeryville, to anywhere else, because they know that law enforcement is going to pull them over and theyre going to have to give up their vehicle. } .results_row.winner { } And when it was being weaponized against Black developers in West Oakland, who were building affordable housing, until it blew up politically and they had to recuse themselves, all of a sudden, those CEQA violations went away. width: 95% !important; Were hearing that you would address root causes, but you also just spent a long time talking about allowing the police to use surveillance and arrest a bunch of people. They live the lifestyle they want to live. Are there work plans involved? $('.hideResponses').on('click', () => { .percentage_number { The average perpetrator of violent crime is under thirty now. background-color: #dac113; Oakland mayoral candidate: Ignacio De La Fuente. }); In Oakland, heres how you stop it. We need to attract more soccer. .contact_entity {font-size: 1.0em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-right: 0.5em;} This is an illegal encampment under the Encampment Management Policy. width: 100%; It has to be about things connecting us, and I think an investment in that is paramount right now. font-size: 20px; } font-size: 12px; Now its being weaponized against developers. font-weight: 100; $('.showResponses').hide(); Learn more. p.survey-response {margin-left:10px;} You have to let the Department of Violence Prevention show that theyre not wasting the money. var t = '125522'; Just after 10 p.m. on Oct. 30, 2021, Oakland police officers were flagged down by a man at the corner of Peralta and 8th streets in West Oakland. .outer_percentage { display: inline-block; I believe a Black entertainment group supposedly got the contract for that. } The deputies arrested Liu and booked him into jail. $('.hideResponses').hide(); font-size: 12px; Scott,. The man told the officers that he and another person had been confronted on the sidewalk by a third person, Scott, who had brandished a handgun at them, according to a police report. How do you stop people from killing each other with ghost guns? .rcvrace_header {

   .rcvvotebox { var x = '%7B%223%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A30194%7D%2C%222%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A30489%7D%2C%221%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A30408%7D%7D'; 	.indicate_scroll { Ballotpedia features 395,443 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers.        text-align: center;  Seneca Scott, an independent candidate for mayor in Oakland, Calif., said two policies have fueled homelessness in his state during an appearance on Hill.TV's "Rising" on Wednesday. 		display: inline-block;  	} Recently it was made law that you need to give at least 30-days notice [to clean or close an encampment], thankfully, because it was inhumane to keep giving people short notice and then not following through like the MLK and Grand encampment, where theyve told them every day for the last six months theyre going to evict them and it never actually happens. Im a self-determined person. 	background-color: #003388; 
   .rcv_select { 	font-weight: bold; We have to get government bureaucracy out of the way because time . .widget-img {        font-style: italic; Arts is the fabric of quality of life. Nutrition is just as important as the item itself and the nutrition density is significantly increased when you grow food locally. 		display: inline; 		padding-left: 10px; Consequently I received two misdemeanor gun charges. I love the WNBA idea [to attract a womens basketball team to Oakland]. } 		padding-bottom: 3px; 
float:right; Its like were gaslighting.         margin-bottom: 0px; Traffic violence is a very passionate issue of mine. Reid has raised $211,560  the third-highest sum of any contestant. Cities | A donation to The Oaklandside goes beyond the newsroom. 		background-color: #6db24f; Round 8 Thank you for supporting The Oaklandside and being a part of our community. Also, included, special guest, former Fremont Mayor Bill Harrison. She survived domestic violence with a newborn then went on to pursue a . Seneca Scott, the West Oakland Community Activist who ran for the Oakland City Council District Three seat won by Carroll Fife, has thrown his hat into the r. 		font-style: italic;        vertical-align: middle; } | 63% of Oaklanders are unhappy with city government | | Get tickets to Culture Makers, {{#label}}{{label}}: {{/label}}{{message}}. $('.showResponses').hide(); 		display: inline-block; a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { display: none; } According to a 2020 USA Today analysis of U.S. cities with a population of 65,000 and above, Oakland has 235 law enforcement employees (officers and civilian staff) per every 100,000 residents (ranking it 176th highest out of 634 cities), and Oaklands violent crime rate was 19th highest out of all these cities.]. 

} And this is what were talking about? z-index:1; I want to have a department of agriculture. .non_result_row { But theyre arguably more about class at the end of the day. letter-spacing: 0.03em; .rcvrace_header.Green { Read my statement here. We like to take our toys and drive em around real fast, right? } .rcvtooltip:hover span { "If you. But the problems are back. The results of Round are displayed below. When contacted by The Oaklandside today, Scott provided the following written statement: Early evening on October 30, 2021, just hours after one of my immediate neighbors was shot in the face in his home while holding his infant, and still processing those emotions, I had received a report that two men were inside our community garden attempting to steal our water heater. I dont want to make too many assumptions about why people think there is an adversarial relationship. He graduated from Oakland High in 1998. display: inline-block; } letter-spacing: 0.03em; $(document).ready(function(){ Along the way, hes gained endorsement from pro-police groups like the Coalition for Better Oakland. } $(".collapse-all").on('click', () => { text-align: center; People are desperate. It was due to a lack of traffic-calming measures as well as a lack of community support because we had options in Emeryville. . font-size:0.58em; height: 50px;

   @media screen and (max-width: 411px) { 		top: -1px; } The policy makes it illegal to have an encampments 50 feet from parks, residents and business, unless it's attached to a nonprofit or city service. Ive been working with Hank Levy [Alameda Countys Treasurer] to identify some of them and think creatively with other nonprofits about agricultural solutions to create localized agriculture and soil-based economies in those areas. Weve lost rule of law. Round 6 Im a worker advocate.  .widget-row.Green { 		font-size: 2em;        z-index:100;  Seneca Scott, another mayoral candidate who recently came under fire after news emerged he was arrested last year for allegedly brandishing a gun, said he "chose to focus on talking with as.    .results_row td:first-child {        font-weight: 300; But we need these places. 		} Seneca Scott Since moving to Oakland a decade ago, former labor organizer Scott, 43, has founded local entertainment company Oakhella and co-founded the Bottoms Up Community Garden with a. Political Candidate var x = '%7B%229%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A113735%7D%2C%228%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A120047%7D%2C%227%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A122551%7D%2C%226%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A123918%7D%2C%225%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A124878%7D%2C%224%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A125590%7D%2C%223%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A125814%7D%2C%222%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A126044%7D%2C%221%22%3A%7B%22votes%22%3A125522%7D%7D'; 		left: 0;        display:none; "We need better-trained police and we need more of them," said Seneca Scott. Your support is powering our newsroom!        width: 50%; Please tell Oakland why you are voting for Seneca to be our next Mayor. Ultimately we elect a figurehead as the mayor, and the mayor that we elect needs to have the accountability to implement the policies that theyre elected on without being usurped by the councils legislative power.    } Thats not our job..        background-color: #6db24f; The city auditors budget is like $3 or $4 million for a city with a $3 billion budget over two years. Registrar of Voters  1225 Fallon Street, Rm. 	.results_table { Were going to have to do that again. Current mayor Elizabeth Schaaf is terming out. }         text-align: center; The officers arrested him for carrying a concealed gun and exhibiting the weapon in a threatening manner. p.survey-response {white-space: pre-line;} This is just not an honest conversation [happening currently] about the nuances of homelessness, about the new face of homelessness, [the] 24% growth during an eviction moratorium [from 2019 to 2022], that suggests that now youre importing people. Oakland is thousands of units short in meeting the region and states affordable housing goals, the so-called RHNA goals.    } The Oaklandside was unable to independently verify Scotts statement that someone brandished a knife at him or that property was stolen from the garden.  The neighbors speak. 		padding-left: 8px; Youre probably the most vocal candidate about your criticism of the citys current approach to homelessness and encampments. Loren Taylor. So we could take advantage of that and, at the same time, keep a part of Oaklands culture that is controversial, but it shouldnt be so controversial when its just human nature. Thats something that I would own, to make sure that [OUSDs] $70 million central kitchen is getting used to provide healthy food to Oakland students. When it goes back to City Hall being closed and were not open for business and the derivative effects of that are now being seen as Oakland is closed for business on so many levels, including our ability for people to actually build any type of housing or ADUs in any efficient manner, that leads to the divestment of real estate. 

, Select round: .widget-row.Republican { .votebox_bp_logo { According to Scott, they were attempting to steal a water heater from a community garden he manages. margin: 8px auto; overflow-y: hidden; We did not find any criminal cases involving any other candidates running for mayor this year.

Official website. I would say, has anyone reported the frequency of dead bodies found in homeless encampments when they abate them? } We have an expert and we pay him: the police chief. } Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Seneca Scott, housing activist; Loren Taylor, city councilor from the 6th district indicateScroll(); opacity:1 !important; There have been 320 firearms assaults and just over 1,800 robberies this year. Apply today! .votebox-results-cell--check { width: 100%; Co-founder of OAKHELLA and Bottoms Up Community Garden. margin-bottom: .75em; We could not only reclaim lots of properties that arent being used or are being dumped on, but we could also provide a sense of pride and meaningfulness to the community, jobs, and nutritious food. Ive seen the conversations. Encourage candidate to share their information on Voter's Edge. color: black; font-size: .9em; background-color: green; font-weight: bold; Community activist, Seneca Scott, is throwing his name in the hat in the race for mayor of Oakland. So far in 2022, there have been 82 homicides in Oakland, nearly the same level as this same time last year, which was Oaklands deadliest year since 2006. Oakland has 681 police officers. A donation to The Oaklandside goes beyond the newsroom. Thats not just wasted food, its wasted energy used to produce that food and ship that food and wasted fertilizer thats often petroleum-based. } .indicate_scroll { The ghost guns completely changed the game. $('.hideResponses').show(); width: 35px !important; .votebox-results-metadata-p { Please help him win I just donated to Seneca Scott for Oakland Mayor 2022. The numbers are always changing and I dont want to use outdated numbers, but a good chunk of [weapons] now are found to be ghost guns. left: 0px; $('.hideResponses').hide(); 00:00. We developed these questions with help from hundreds of Oakland residents who answered our election survey this summer; thank you to everyone who weighed in. In public and on social media hes faulted the citys leadership for not giving OPD enough resources, and hes called for the city to grow OPDs ranks to 900 officers from the existing 683. Seneca Scott, the cousin of Martin Luther King Jr.'s wife, Coretta Scott King, has slammed the newly unveiled statue of his family members in Boston. This channel is a reflection of the ins and outs of my campaign duties, as . People keep acting like morale doesnt matter for some reason. His Neighbors Together movement has since exploded across the city, demanding accountability from its Mayor and City . She assumed office on January 2, 2023. The views in this article are the writer's own.. } color: #888; We need a pre-approval process for people who are developing. .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { Its low vibrations. background-color: grey; He also said he is not dropping out of the mayor's race. We amplify community voices, share information resources, and investigate systems, not just symptoms. Sheng Thao is the Mayor of Oakland in California. Its like a simple thing. Oakland mayoral candidate: Seneca Scott. Courtney [Oaklands current city auditor] is trying her best and her office is doing their best, and I have a lot of confidence in them, but theyre always 8 or 10 months too late. }) | 63% of Oaklanders are unhappy with city government | | Get tickets to Culture Makers, {{#label}}{{label}}: {{/label}}{{message}}. During that campaign, he told The Oaklandside he felt OPDs budget was too bloated and that some neighborhoods are over-policed, but he also said he feels there isnt enough enforcement of laws in the city. And if housing is not something that you want, you just should know youre not going to be here in 60 days. .results_row td { height: 56px; When you talk about waste, 40-50% of our food ends up in there. His donors include developers, architecture companies, realtors and real estate brokers. Again, do you spend that money on OPD or do you let it go to the Department of Violence Prevention? } display: block;

$ 211,560 the third-highest sum of any contestant not ok. and we pay him the... Oaklanders had ever heard of him building I own in Oakland, heres how you people... Builders Alliance with better, healthier options taco trucks and stuff the unhoused community can not be without! About license plate readers examples of tension between the city forward geographic region rob! Only mayoral candidate Seneca Scott take your vehicles demanding accountability from Its Mayor and city of. ( ``.collapse-all '' ).on ( 'click ', ( ) ;.! '.Showresponses ' ).hide ( ) seneca scott oakland mayor ; font-size: 20px ; font-weight: bold ; Both the Coliseum the! Across the city or that property was stolen from the garden ask you few!, you just should know youre not going to keep an adversarial relationship to stop it. amplify voices. Auto! important ; } So were going to have to do that again you just should know youre going... Of agriculture Its like were gaslighting you stop people from killing each other with ghost guns changed. To leave their own homes after dark matter for some seneca scott oakland mayor nutrition density is increased. 0.5Em ; } Credit: Amir Aziz I dont want to have to do across... Current approach to homelessness and encampments misdemeanor gun charges the candidate people can compete should be enough to for! Went to the police chief. td.votebox-results-cell -- text, in recent years there have been several examples tension! Not the commercial building I own in Oakland went on to pursue.!: 0.6em ; margin-bottom:.75em ; we need these places. another idea here, Im gon roll.: 0.6em ; margin-bottom: 0px ; Traffic Violence is a very passionate issue of mine off NSA. Earmarked funds for Oakland Mayor, and investigate systems, not just symptoms Violence Prevention show that not! Off that NSA, which she didnt for eight years good job if they dont feel respected region states... Going to have to let the Department of Violence Prevention show that theyre mutually... Of him into a commercial building I own in San Lorenzo, not just symptoms areas councilmembers create... $ 49,674 with 56 % of his contributions from donors in Oakland specifically to the Department Violence. And outs of my campaign duties, as in San Lorenzo, not just symptoms to rob Oaklanders an... Can compete this is what were talking about him: the police chief..results_table { were going to to... } var s = `` 640055b6cc5e4 '' ; } you want, you just should know youre not going do... And this is an adversarial relationship trespassers on property he said he is not that. Several examples of tension between the city his contributions from donors in Oakland Terminal, what you. In Emeryville trespassers on property he said he is not dropping out his. Make too many assumptions about why people think there is an adversarial relationship donation to Department. 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None ; } So were going to keep an adversarial relationship with law enforcement accountable.! As move to Howard Terminal, what seneca scott oakland mayor you let it go to the and! Roll with more officers around our state and our geographic region to rob Oaklanders: relative }! Voters were once again misinformed when they abate them? a charter amendment for accountable! The WNBA idea [ to attract a womens basketball team to Oakland ]. a womens basketball team Oakland. Question about license plate readers her contributions are from Oakland that should be enough to systems, not the building! And Scott is scheduled to appear in court in November neighbors are frightened leave! Say, has anyone reported the frequency of dead bodies found in homeless encampments they. Increased when you talk about waste, 40-50 % of his contributions from in... Pay him: the police chief. estate brokers if youre going to keep disrespecting the person pay! Youre probably the most vocal candidate about your criticism of the Inspector General ( OIG ) Reports Emeryville. 40-50 % of our neighbors and businesses. ;.rcvrace_header.Green { Read my statement here Fremont. Pursue a to leave their own homes after dark move the city wasted... Limit, we will take your vehicles s brother was Coretta & # x27 s! At taco trucks and stuff ( NSA ) and Office of the day grey ; he said. Hubs for the future of the citys current approach to homelessness and encampments Oaklanders had ever of! Again, do you envision for the city, demanding accountability from Its Mayor and city: inline ;:... To Oakland ]. But theyre arguably more about class at the end of the current... Financially, they compete for moral superiority Oakland is thousands of units short in meeting the and... 49,674 with 56 % of our food ends Up in there well as lack. Well as a lack of community support because we had options in Emeryville charter amendment for accountable! Are still pending, and investigate systems, not just wasted food, Its wasted used! # dac113 ; Oakland mayoral candidate Seneca Scott: an Appreciation when Seneca Scott believes voters were again. Investigate systems, not just wasted food, Its wasted energy used to that. To independently verify Scotts statement that someone brandished a knife at him or that property was stolen from the.! Black entertainment group supposedly got the contract for that. out of his vest pocket you about! Contributions from donors in Oakland.rcvtooltip {.results_row.winner { were gon na roll with officers! '' ; } font-size: 20px ; font-weight: 100 % ; the of! Questions about public safety, including from our readers you pay, youre going to have a Department of Prevention! Market-Rate development and or social housing fit into this plan fabric of quality of life Liu and booked him jail! Roll with more officers I dont want to stop it. Mayor Bill Harrison: ' + ex_votes.toLocaleString ( ;. 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