Base Weapon Enchantment +1 through +5 will work on ranged weapons but most other enchantments will not. Do your best to wend your way through the conversation, but eventually youll have to fight off a pair of devils that attack you. This is considered a Lawful Good action. You may want to have them cast Elemental Swarm and their other high-level summoning abilities here, as well. If your Influence with your teammates is high enough, you may be able to declare your love for one another and gain a special Romance feat. Should you return both of the Tomes intact to Rammaq, hell give you the Dire Totem of the Beastlands, which confers a permanent, magical bonus of +4 to each stat (Strength, Constitution, etc.) Although Persistant Haste will take up a ninth-level spell slot, itll be well worth it for all members of your party, as everyone will get an extra attack per round and move 50% faster, and the spell will last until dispelled or until you rest. 500 gold is a pittance; go ahead and pay up. Regardless of which side you fight for, youll have three subquests to pursue: attacking/defending the archives at Eternitys End; help defend/secure the gate to ensure that more troops can or cant get in; or head to the Basilica of Lost Hope and kill/defend the Voice of Kelemvor. Your first goal will be to head into the Veil Theater, which is located nearby. Crafting magical items has taken on a new role in the expansion, and Safiya will be on the forefront of it with her Enchanters Satchel and Shapers Alembic. When you unlock the lower levels of the Death Gods Vault, you can find a book called the Tome of Profane Rebirth in the Archives there. Hes mute, and doesnt talk, but no matter. This is no small choice, as it will greatly effect how the rest of the game plays out. When you pass through the final portal, itll be you versus Akachi, with perhaps some help from your teammate, if any of them managed to walk into your dreamscape with you. Sucking down the Wood Man's essence will cause Okku to turn on you, so dismiss him before the fight if necessary. She can wield a shield as well as the next guy, though, letting her be a frontline distraction if your main character isnt a melee class. This is a Chaotic action, however. It requires pretty huge attack rolls to actually hit; if you have Safiya, then your best bet might be to get her to cast numerous Polar Rays on it and hope that that takes it down. you dont have to replace anyone), which is pretty handy. Then have Safiya cast Ice Storm on the satchel. After buffs, immune to negative damage, 50% acid, 100% fire, 100% sonic, (100% electrical from class), + additional 12 regen, tot 70 ac, immune to death magic, blindness, deafness, 68 fort, 49 reflex, 57 will and an average of about 120dmg per hit. If, on the other hand, you keep Akachi alive, his spirit will slumber within you somewhere, Myrkul will remain dead, and the curse will be liftedbut youll never be able to leave the City of Judgment again. Even though we were evil, keeping Safiya on our good side was well worth the thought of having the Founder running around in a tomb. Before you have a chance to adjust here, youll be thrown on stage at the Veil theater, being forced to take part in a play where you have a role as the Betrayer. In addition, scimitars are always worse than longswords in terms of what you have access to. If that doesnt work, you can probably clear them out by using Provoke Spirits and killing the lot of them. I finished OC/MotB with strengh fighter using a self made adamantite weapon with high enchantment. Ganns Elemental Swarm spell can help keep you with plenty of helpers during the fight. Would you mind posting the stats of your individual items? If you poke around, you may be able to find an infinite ammo shortbow for him to use. Its heady stuff - eating a dead gods soul? Click on him to advance the quest a bit. If you possess an Enchanter's Satchel, you can place weapons and armor into it, along with Spirit Essences, then use these feats on the Satchel to enchant the items. You know from the gargoyles that its been to Okkus barrow, but that doorway has been shut; youll need to find more doorways that connect to this one before you can use it. You can complete Heilari's ritual to create a lich, then quickly destroy him, if you wish. However, be sure to be fully buffed before you head inside. Hell offer you money if you head into town and buy him a new one. Lastly, a telthor sanctuary has been overrun by intruders. A relatively easy way to test it is to do a few run-throughs Kaelyns maximized blade barriers). If you make your way to the southwestern corner of the map here, youll come to the area where the earth elemental that Fentomy wishes to destroy is located. In no particular order, heres what to expect. Thatll make it deal an extra 1d6 ice damage per hit. Thatll leave you with the Shape of Fire Essence, which you can throw into your Enchanters Satchel and use with the Mold Spirits feat to enhance a weapon or piece of armor. This article contains a list of essence item codes for Mask of the Betrayer (NX1: MotB). If you head north from the entrance to this zone, youll encounter Janiik, a man who complains that Gann has driven his daughter mad. You arrive just outside the City of Judgment, where Zoab, a fallen angel, stands in waiting. Kill them while whatever summoned creature you have keeps Akachi busy, then return to attacking him. Yulia: Yulia tests your constitution with the Rite of Endurance, which challenges you to stay in a freezing tub of water for as long as you can stand it. Take whatever you like, but you should probably flip Safiya herself over to the crossbow and keep her back. Theres a relatively good result, one somewhat neutral option, and one particularly evil act. Even if he is, though, you can simply resummon him after you rest. Using that ability is also a Good action. When youre ready to enter the vault, return to Heilaris home and rest there in safety. It was fun. Keep in mind that after youre automatically disrobed, you may wind up losing hit points due to the lack of Constitution-enhancing items. Performing the former ritual will shift you towards Good, while performing the latter will shift you towards Evil. We wont go into the details too much, but one thing youll want to do is examine the essences that you find and note the types of spells that you need to cast on them in order to craft the items, as Safiya wont necessarily have them available at the beginning of the game. When you defeat the Faceless Man a second time, the Founder will appear to you, and lay down the law on how things are going to go after your final encounter with the Faceless Dude. She recommends that you travel to the north, on a boat, to find the Wood Man, a spirit who has battled spirit-eaters in the past, to seek out a cure for your affliction. In addition to mundane gold-selling, though, theyll offer you one of the four keys to Nefriss doorif you can find them a special soul. Hell also just give you the ring if you simply tell him "You are complete", but youll lose a bit of experience from not killing him and his Knights. (We tried to enchant it with the Large Charred Branch that was found in the Burning Grove, but nothing happened.) It takes a couple rounds to reach its full effect, but actually heals for more damage than a full Heal spell (180 points vs. 150). Kaelyn can cast Mass Aid, as well. Doing so will drive the girl mad, and cause her father and a number of his spiritual allies to attack you. Head up to the Classrooms level and speak to Master Poruset, the golem-esque teacher who experiments with souls. One way or another, this quest will end up with your obtaining the Jar of Condensed Orglash Essences, which is key to putting out the fire in the Burning Grove. Valeria adds epic-level enchantments to weapons for both herself and her party members.For my guide on playing NWN2 MotB, at Sorcerer's Place, see:http://www. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Also make sure that your game is paused whenever you need to perform inventory or spellbook management, level up, etc. Unfortunately, theres been a bit of tumult in Safiyas absence, and the entire place is crawling with enemies. Ok i can see that later on, when you're dealing 50 dmg per hit, the difference between Bastards and Long Sword and even Scimitars becomes much more negligable. Fentomy is here, as well, and offers you a deal. She wants you to foment an insurrection by speaking to the five remaining berserkers at the post and turning them all against Dalenka. You'll be coming back later to drink deep of the water here. Rebuff yourself, then head into the Vault itself. Am quite happy to build power-gamed, micro-managed, rule-bendingly powerful character. Actually I didn't want to play a too difficult, too mixed . Okku is probably only going to be joining your party if youre playing as a somewhat good character, but keep in mind that influence with him can be difficult to get unless you attempt to rein in your spirit-eating desires. Kaelyn isnt going to set the world on fire with her combat damage; she doesnt have much strength to work with, so shell struggle to hit the high-armor enemies that youll be encountering. Despite his threats against you, Zoab and his men will simply wait for you across the way, allowing you to make the first hostile act. Speak to him when he leaves, and offer to help him out. Overview: 1) This mod will allow you to enchant ranged weapons (longbow, shortbow, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and sling) with an unlimited elemental ammo enchantment. Head through it and explore a bit. When you defeat Gulkaush, youll earn the Dream Haunting ability. Ask Imsha and Tamlith about the gigantic rock in the Immil Vale, and theyll tell you that its called the Mosstone, and apparently has the ability to cause wondrous dreams to those that sleep under its shadow. Id probably use the ranger to craft weapons, he gets more skill points per level. Theres a large open area there with an Ancient Wooden Chest in it. Find a good one overlooked here? With that in tow, head to the northwest and find the passage leading onward. These enemies are going to be plenty tough, so be prepared before tackling them. Theres a portal here, guarded by Shadow Umber Hulks, that will lead to an inaccessible portion of Mulsantir. The southwestern vault contains no Tomes, but it does contain a solder named Kelthanos who drops a Belt of Storm Giant Strength and a Talisman of Pure Good. These guys will give you a lot of backstory about the ending of NWN2 and how you came to be in Mulsantir, if you ask. . You can also find a few shades in the closet off of this room, should you need to devour a spirit. Gann will be a great companion for you, so be sure to nab him here. Dont insinuate that her mother gave her special priveleges unless you want to lose some influence with her. Requires: Caster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. So, please hit me up with any suggestions! If Gann is with you, you can get a big influence bonus by agreeing that his search for justice is necessary. The main problem with him is that hell attempt to fight in combat, which hes terrible at. Ok then i'll go with Longswords since at the end the base damage difference between a Longsword and a Bastard swrod is negligible. The beam will travel out this room, make a U-turn in Safiyas room, head through the center obelisk into a southern room, then proceed through a doorway (youll need to bash the bookshelf that blocks its passage) and through a couple more rooms until it reaches a receptacle in the southwest. . This will remove the weakness effect from you. The Founders Sanctum is somehow connected to the Academy, but its not nearly as pleasant. If you want to gain some items, head to the Pool and speak to Orglash there. The Cinders are the other item that you need to invoke the gods in support of Gnarlthorn. If you want to pick up the spear we were telling you about before, you can head to the northwest a bit. Doing so will cause your spirit energy to reduce at a rate of six points per five minutes of gameplay or so, which may not sound bad, but can definitely add up. Head through the new portal, either way, to move on to Act III. Move through to the operating theater. Youll also be able to get another golem piece after defeating her, as well. If you pull on the lever in the door, itll open, theoretically causing the two mephits closest to the door to switch places. If you manage to fight off her and the replica of Gann, shell be cured, in a way, and youll be able to talk to her father for a reward. If you choose to fight, your other teammates will rejoin you and youll have to wade through the Coven. Handy in a pinch, although with proper management you should never have to use it. When youre ready to have the golem fight, speak to Artesh again. Rammaq has designs on the tomes in Eternitys End: he plans to become a god, somehow. Kelemvor is unable to intervene in your quest. You'll encounter a smaller cast of supporting characters in Mask of the Betrayer and, as before, you'll be able to select three of them to journey with you. Whatever! Youll gain the Shadow Mulsantir and Prodigal Daughter journal entries. To the west is a teleporter; step on it to fight some elementals, if you happen to need more spirit energy. If you want to kill the spirits, do so and move on. The wyverns here will cast a debuff on you, but it will fade away after a turn or two, so no need to use Restoration on it. You can talk Djafi out of his role in the upcoming battle if you choose correctly in the options, however, which will leave you with six spellcasters. Have your attackers move forward, use Gann to heal any damage that comes down, and let Safiya start breaking Rammaqs spell barriers with stuff like Mordenkainens Disjunction. If you continue to question Darovik about the Wall, then select "Theres worse hells to imagine" when the choice pops up, youll gain influence with Gann. Inside, youll find an activation orb, an obelisk, a focusing site, and the first of the series of mirrors that dominates this floor. You can drop the housings that youve found onto the floor to get around this, but theres an easier way to avoid the defenses: simply load up one of your characters with all of the housings in the repository, then switch to another character, tell the first character to stay put, then walk the second character over to the stairs leading to another level. The nearby machine isnt marked on your map, but if you examine it, either you (via a Lore check) or Safiya should be able to deduce its basic functionality. When you reach the epic levels, Epic Gate winds up being a good choice, although it takes a while to cast. The former two can only be found at night, while the one in the Sloop is open all day long. Made what I consider a mistake with regard to weapon. Which, of course, means that you should head downstairs and open it. If you open it, youll find the Frost Harpoon, which has a +4 enchantment, is Keen, and does an extra 2d6 ice damage on every hit. Go ahead and rest after you do so, cast her buffs, and get going. You find yourself in a cave at the beginning of the game, and youre soon woken up by Safiya, a red mage of Thay. When youre ready to move on, head west into the scriptorium. Youll find two items there: a Large Charred Branch, and a set of Bark Cinders. With helpers in tow, talk to one of the death knights to start the fight. If you suck up the essence of Myrkul when you encounter him, you'll earn this ability, which acts a bit like the Destroyer mechanic in Baldur's Gate II. They probably wont believe you. This means you can upgrade certain unique weapons. Yulia: A full 350 hit points are required to defeat the ice this time around. You cannot Bash them, however, so youll have to either pick them, use Knock on them, or find some other way of disengaging the locks. If you destroy an earth elemental for him, hell give you your weight in gold. 4. If you attack a fey spirit, an elemental, or an incorporeal undead creature (such as a shade or wraith), wait until it gets to the Near Death stage and quickly use Devour Soul on it (you may want to command your teammates to switch targets away from it to avoid accidentally killing it in the meantime). Take advantage of this and pelt him from a distance with a powerful spell before engaging him. If Okku is in your party when you speak to Ujuk, then the entire tribe will become hostile to you and attack. Mulsantir is the first major city youre going to see. Extra: If youre willing to go the extra mile, wait until Act II to complete this quest. Accept their quest, if only for the experience. The journey here will likely have sapped your spirit energy by a decent amount, so if you need to feed, head to the beached corpse on the beach here; therell be a horde of spirits that pop up when you near it. Come back and try them later if you wish to join the lodge. An extra body if always handy, so bring her along. You find yourself in the Skein at this point; an underground dungeon filled with flooded passages and discarded hagspawn. Most of the stuff he nabs are well worthwhile, though, as hell keep loading himself up with epic feats revolving around increasing his attack and critical strike ratio, as well as the Epic Toughness feat. Weaponmaster? If you choose the evil choice, be sure to bind the feat that you earn onto your action bar and use it in the next fight. Odesya is already mostly leaning towards Nadajs side. Apparently, the spirit of a druid once protected his dwelling place, but it was removed by your spirit-eating predecessor. Heres a short list of what youll want to have her learn. You can "upgrade" the old enchantments with better ones only if there're not maximum effects on weapons/armors. If you follow her to Ujuk, hell reveal his true form, and that of his tribe: theyre Uthraki, worshipers of the spirit-eater. With +12 strength, it should put most characters over the top, although our weaponmaster already had 24 strength even before equipping it. Head into Lienna's secret room to speak to the Keeper of Doors. Just in front of you is the Bazaar. With that in tow, you can explore the various points of interest on this floor. Nadaj believes that Dalenka is a spy, and is somehow tied to the disappearance of the Wood Man and the deaths of the berserkers. Youll be told that there are two ways to escape from the barrow: you can either bash the bear skeleton bones in the middle of this room to anger the spirits, then defeat them; or head to the northeastern corner of the barrow to reach the Pool of Offerings. The only way we were able to advance this plot was to Intimidate her and threaten to eat her spirit friend, which bizarrely caused no evil alignment shift. Crafted items . Youre now forced to fight the bizarre entitiy within you; it hungers for souls, and grants you some new abilities related to them. Ammon Jerro, when revived, acts as an information source for the end of the NWN2 campaign. You'll need to melt this ice to help out the hag. My own Fighter/bard/RDD/FB used mithral full plate, Crown of Wisdom(?) Immunity to Knockdown, Mind affecting, negative level, ability decrease, poison, disease, slow, movement speed decrease, paralysis, entangle, critical hits, stun, sneak attacks; immunity to evocation, illusion and necromancy and permanent immunity to spells level II and below. Dont forget that you can always sleep a couple of times to shift yourself back to nighttime if you dont want to walk to the Sloop. You can find Hellfire Powder in one of the locked chests here, as well as a bunch of magical weapons and armor on the racks nearby. Head back to the shadow portal near the bazaar and head through. 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