Salahi withdrew the cash and gave it to friends who were travelling to Nouakchott, and they delivered it to Abu Hafss family. For the next seventy days I wouldnt know the sweetness of sleeping. Within a few months, dozens of Al Qaeda members were living in Tehran, undergoing occasional interrogations, aware that their Iranian hosts could betray them at any moment. Mohamed Elmoustapha Ould Badre Eddine, a left-wing member of the Mauritanian Parliament, conducted inquiries of his own, but made no progress. Like most countries in West Africa, Mauritania had gained independence from France a decade earlier. You know, when you just fall asleep and the saliva starts to come out of your mouth? Salahi said. He had spent much of the past fifteen months in Yemen, investigating Al Qaedas bombing of the U.S.S. Government censors redacted names, dates, locations, and other sensitive or embarrassing information. For over 10 years, Mohamedou Ould Slahi, 51, was painted as one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. The U.S. military prisons leadership considered Mohamedou Salahi to be its highest-value detainee. For two weeks, he worked as a guard in the cellblocks, monitoring men who had been captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan. As he was led away for questioning, he said: "Don't worry mom, I'll be back soon." He has been charged with no crime, but Slahi never returned. At first I thought it was an armed robbery, but, when the airport police approached, the guy behind me flashed a magic badge, which immediately made the policemen retreat. Salahi and his brothers were thrown into the back of a van and driven to a detention site. See what it did to his family., A job posting depicts life as an intelligence officer in Guantnamo Bay as a rewarding challenge with incredible surroundingssunsets, beaches, iguanas, pristine Caribbean blue. A week after Salahi began leading prayers at the Al Sunnah mosque, Ressam drove a rental car onto a U.S.-bound ferry in Victoria, British Columbia. He recalled his political views as being whatever Fox News told us. He didnt know the difference between a Hindu, a Sikh, and a Muslimhe had never met one. If you say that you are angry, it is understood as an emotion, he said. Most of his incarceration was spent in a cell at a detention camp at. ; mosques in Duisburg; and his cousin Abu Hafs al-Mauritani. The devotion, the routine of the five daily prayersthat kept Mohamedou going, Wood told me. His mother dated a string of alcoholics and addicts, and took the children to an evangelical church on Sundays; Pat Robertsons sermons blasted from the living-room TV. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, the author of an internationally bestselling memoir that detailed the torture he endured as a detainee in Guantnamo Bay, says he has been denied a passport by. A similar phone call, followed by a second transaction, took place in December, 1998. agents threatened Salahi with torture, and tried to intimidate him. Outside Echo Special, Wood started reading about Guantnamo on activist Web sites, but a colleague warned him that Internet traffic was monitored on the base. Ramadan was approachingwhen the men leading prayers read aloud the entire Quran during the course of a lunar cycleand, Salahi recalled, my friend said, We need you here in Canada because we have no Hafez, the Arabic word for a man who can recite the Quran from memory. The men were dragged out of their cells. As the result of a recent court ruling, Guantnamo detainees had access to legal representation, and so, during the next several months, Salahi drafted a diary of his detention as a series of harrowing letters to his lawyers, Nancy Hollander, Sylvia Royce, and Theresa Duncanfour hundred and sixty-six pages, sealed in envelopes and mailed to a classified facility near Washington, D.C. No guards or interrogators were allowed to read Salahis work. As two M.P.s dragged him to the holding area, someone tossed his prosthetic leg out of the bus. He wore a broad smile and a white jumpsuit, and moved cautiously toward Wood. Nevertheless, he spent 14 years of captivity in America's notorious Guantanamo Bay prison,. After a time of mourning and injustice, Katja seeks revenge. I pictured my family already having prepared the Iftar fast-breaking food, my mom mumbling her prayers while duly working the modest delicacies, everybody looking for the sun to take its last steps and hide beneath the horizon, Salahi wrote. In Nouakchott, Abdellahis men detained Salahi again in the fall of 2001, at the request of the Americans. But, in practice, IRFing was often done as a form of revenge, initiated liberallyfor example, when a detainee was found to have two plastic cups instead of one, or refused to drink a bottle of Ensure, because he thought that he was being given poison. When Abu Hafs reached Quetta, in Pakistan, he found the citys private hospital filled with injured Al Qaeda members. They were very jumpy, Salahi recalled at his hearing. The prosecutor assigned to Salahis case was a lieutenant colonel named Stuart Couch, who had retired from the military before 9/11. black sites and military facilities. An earlier version of this story misidentified Canadas Security Intelligence Service. His family moved to the capital of Nouakchott when he was a child, where he excelled in school and earned a scholarship to study electrical engineering at Gerhard-Mercator University in Duisburg, Germany. In Islam, the Quran is considered the transcribed word of God; some Muslims keep the book wrapped in cloth, never letting it touch unclean surfaces. Allah! Who are these guys? Most of the names were Afghan or Pakistani, and the Arabs who were on the list certainly werent recognizable to me and my colleagues who had been working Al Qaeda for years. A few weeks later, after McFadden visited the detention camp, he concluded that the detainees were essentially nobodies. He told me, There was not anyone approaching even the most liberal interpretation of a high-value detainee., In Afghanistan, the U.S. military was inadvertently presiding over a kidnapping-and-ransom industry. There, an intelligence officer named Yacoub confiscated Salahis Quran and left him in a dank cell. Wood compliedhe felt that it was the least he could do for Salahi. . After a hustled day of tackling a myriad of issues and directly contributing to the global war on terrorism, it reads, fun awaits. Officers could partake in pottery classes, paintball, rugby, tennis, and softball, or exercise in several pools and gyms. For many years, Mohamedou Slahi was considered one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. One of the men momentarily removed Salahis blindfold, and shined a flashlight into his eyes. In time, Wood began to think of everything he had known before meeting Salahi as a narrow-minded myth of American superiority, notable for its omissions of overseas misadventures. Look up the prison on Robben Island. Owing to his expertise as an electrical engineer, the dossier concludes, Salahi was also able to describe Al Qaedas elaborate communications systems, including radio relay, couriers, encryption, phone boutiques, and satellite communication links to laptops. But the U.S. government was sure there was more to be gleaned from him; the dossier says that he still has useful information on a variety of subjects, including the 9/11 attacks, and lists twenty-two additional areas of potential exploitation. Military officials considered him the poster child for the intelligence effort at Guantnamo., As a result of Salahis coperation, his private cell was now stocked with what the government referred to as comfort items. After the pillow came soap, towels, a prayer cap, and prayer beadsby the time Steve Wood arrived, Salahi also had books, a television, a PlayStation, and an old laptop, on which he killed time playing chess and watching DVDs. Later, Salahi moved to Germany, where, the Americans assessed, his primary responsibility was to recruit for al-Qaida in Europe. Among his alleged recruits were three of the 9/11 hijackers, all of whom served as pilots on separate planes. Once every fifteen minutes, a prisoner tried to hang himself by tying his sheet around his neck and fastening it through the mesh of the cage wall, James Yee, an Army captain who served as the Muslim chaplain in Guantnamo, recalled in his memoir, For God and Country, from 2005. One day, after an interrogator kicked a Quran across the floor, detainees organized a mass suicide attempt. And then it behaves the same way as the last. When he asked the new regime about Salahi, he said, they just replied, We didnt kidnap himit was the previous government that did it. That was my thinkingthat he was sufficiently intelligent and well informed to help any intelligence service that might ask him for help.. His whole reputation rested on this fiction. He recalled, I took the pen and paper and wrote all kinds of incriminating lies about a poor person who was just seeking refuge in Canada and trying to make some money so he could start a family. Salahi handed him some leftover ibuprofen from the Guantnamo pharmacy. The document he signed listed one aim of the abuse as to replicate and exploit the Stockholm Syndrome, in which kidnapping victims come to trust and feel affection for their captors. They really know who is who, and, as a result, they were very reluctant to torture me. was funding and equipping many of the mujahideen groups. Like, really stressful. They slept under mosquito nets in Salahis bedroom, and woke up to the sound of a bleating sheep. You will have a job at the snap of a finger, his friend told him. On February 14, 2004, Salahi received a short letter from his mother in Mauritania, informing him that her health situation is OK. It had been eight hundred and fifteen days since he had seen heran ailing woman in the rearview mirror, waving from the street as he drove to Deddahi Abdellahis intelligence headquarters. You must be very tough. Meanwhile, his subordinates continued to collect bribes from Salahis family. Mohamedou Ould Slahi was born on 21 December, 1970, is a Writer. Look him up, dude. And I knew that the request was justified, because he had connections in this milieu, these Islamo-terrorist circles, and he might be able to give his captors some ideas of how to improve security. After roughly three weeks, F.B.I. Salahi was a precocious student; after school, he used to steal chalk from the classroom and return to Bouhdida, a dusty, unplanned neighborhood in Mauritanias capital, Nouakchott, to re-create the days lessons for kids who couldnt afford an education. So look at me, Salahi said. But a friend helped him find work installing Internet routers for a telecommunications company. My interest is not to be tortured, he said. The gulf between the U.S. governments public disclosures and its secret practices was etched into his body and his mind. Nice to meet you, Wood said. He wrote a letter to his wife and children, but there was no way to send it, and so he kept it in a pocket in his robes. They married in 2010, and had a child six years later. Salahi was terrified. Although Wood had introduced himself to Salahi as Stretch, his nickname from the sawmill, Salahi had quickly learned his real name, as well as those of the other guards. The point is to pave, seal, and waterproof it, to preserve its lifespan, he said. Walid, who was sixteen, stayed behind. The videos had been pulled from jihadi Web sites, or captured by intelligence officers during raids, and Salahis role was to identify the people in them. Ive finally found a way to reuse all our wine corks!, If youd like, I can set you up with a bullet I dodged.. No. Conversion to Islam requires only that, in the presence of Muslim witnesses, you declare the ShahadaThere is no God but God, and Muhammad is his prophetand that you believe it in your heart. I am not in Afghanistan, Salahi replied. Why is standing limited to 4 hours? he wrote in the margin, referring to a proposed stress position. A security guard handed him a filthy black turban, to hide his face during the drive to the secret-police headquarters. This was my first time hearing these words, Salahi said. . When a nurse, who spoke only Hassaniya Arabic, filled out Mohamedous birth certificate in the Latin alphabet, she omitted a syllable from his last name. Der hat eine recht interessante Vita, war bei Al-Qaida ttig und soll whrend seiner . According to a senior U.S. diplomat, when the United States was negotiating the terms of his return, the Mauritanians did agree that they would not give him a passport for some x amount of time. Two and a half years later, Salahi and his lawyers have no clarity about the parameters of x, or about why the United States has any say in whether the Mauritanian government issues a passport to a Mauritanian. After the prayer session, Abu Hafs led me into his living room, and for four hours he detailed his falling-out with bin Laden, his whereabouts and activities in the aftermath of 9/11, and his relationship with Mauritanias President. In the spring of 1999, French intelligence officers asked their Canadian counterparts if they could question Ressam about jihadi activities in Europe, but the Canadians couldnt locate him, because he had entered the country on a fake passport. As a teen-ager, Salahi memorized the entire Quran. By now, he had enough information about the kind of story he had to craft, because, he wrote, through my conversations with the FBI and the DoD, I had a good idea as to what wild theories the government had about me., Zuley walked in, and Salahi started lying. It didnt take my interrogator a whole lot of time to understand the situation. Another American official arrived, and took Salahis photograph and fingerprints. The interrogators head-butted him, and made degrading remarks about his religion and his family. Although slavery was criminalized in 2007, Mauritanian human-rights advocates told me that the law was drafted to appease international organizationsthat virtually nothing has changed. One day, Zuley walked into Salahis cell, carrying a pillow. There, Abu Hafs spent two months in custody, as a formality. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, a Mauritanian who lived briefly in Montreal, has launched a $30-million lawsuit against the federal government. In the dark you create things out of what little you have., Had I done what they accused me of, I would have relieved myself on day one, Salahi wrote in his diary. Popularly known as the Writer of Mauritania. I keep thinking, Here it comesI am fixing to see what a terrorist looks like face to face, Neely, who was twenty-one at the time, said. But the government appealed, and Salahi stayed in Guantnamo. . His very existence will become erased. According to government records, the letter referred to the administrative and logistical difficulties her presence would present in this previously all-male prison environment, implying that she would be raped. His heavily redacted book about his time in the U.S. facility was published in January 2015. The lack of progress, development, and freedom in Mauritanian society inspired in Salahi a righteous anger toward autocracy and corruption, and a desire to fight for something bigger than himself. I asked Abu Hafs to tell me the name printed in his diplomatic passport, assuming that the identity was no longer valid. In the military hearing, Salahi described the torture program in vivid detail. He and his comrades were told that many of the detainees were responsible for 9/11 and, given the opportunity, would strike again. They went through checklists of questions that had been developed by their superiors, and seemed impervious to nuance, or to the notion that some detainees may have been sent there in error. Discover Mohamedou Ould Slahi's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. In his fourth year of U.S. detention, Mohamedou Ould Slahi bonded with one particular Guantnamo guard over prison meals, American TV and the quirky movie, "The Big Lebowski." O.K., screw it, it is not a problemthey can watch me, he said. Another two years passed before Salahis name caught the attention of Deddahi Ould Abdellahi, the head of Mauritanias security-intelligence apparatus. Another year passed. But with these people you cannot be likable. But Amanda is an American, and so their son is now a citizen of the country whose purported values Salahi wants to believe in but has never seen. English accepts more curses than any other language, and I soon learned to curse with the commoners., As a matter of professionalism, Wood resolved from the outset to bury in the back of his mind what he had heard of Salahis past. They were everywhere in the mosque, in the police car, twenty-four hours. Among the targets of the investigation was Mohsen, Salahis friend and host. And in. He was a victim of an extremely rare crime: that a country had kidnapped its own citizen and handed it over to a foreign country, outside of the justice system, outside of all legal processes, Brahim Ebety, the Salahi familys lawyer in Nouakchott, told me. One day in November, after burying several friends, Abu Hafs sought out an Al Jazeera journalist. The men slept on his floor and left for Afghanistan at dawn. Eventually, one of the interrogators told Salahi that he was going to be sent to Mauritania for more questioning. But he did not consider himself a member of Al Qaeda, or a facilitator of its operations. Shortly before the first detainees arrived, Robert McFadden, an N.C.I.S. French actor Tahar Rahim is making headlines for his performance in the film The Mauritanian, which chronicles the true life story of Mohamedou Ould Slahi. Before leaving Guantnamo, he gave Salahi a novel by Steve Martin, The Pleasure of My Company. Pillow, good luck with your situation, he wrote inside. Steve Wood with Salahi, his former prisoner, in Mauritania, in January. During the next few months, Wood showed up between prayer times, to avoid any pressure to participate. More detainees have died at Guantnamo than have been convicted of a crime. According to interrogation memos, they decorated the walls with photos of genitalia, and set up a baby crib, because he was sensitive about the fact that he had no children. Where is Osama bin Laden? They shouted and threw objects against the wall. It was silly, but if you get scared you are not you anymore. But, when the list of detainees finally arrived, he recalled, my reaction was, What the fuck? But, with every day going by, the optimists lost ground, he wrote. The Bush Administration had decided that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to the war on terror, which meant that the men captured abroad could be deprived of the rights of prisoners of war. In the first edition of Guantnamo Diary, Siems had included an authors note: In a recent conversation with one of his lawyers, Mohamedou said that he holds no grudge against any of the people he mentions in this book, that he appeals to them to read it and correct it if they think it contains any errors, and that he dreams to one day sit with all of them around a cup of tea, after having learned so much from one another. Thats why we had previously let him go. But, Abdellahi continued, shrugging, to refuse a demand from an intelligence agency, in the fight against terrorismthat would have been impossible., On the evening of November 28thMauritanias Independence DaySalahi had been in custody for a week. No prayers, no information about the direction of Mecca. Once, on a technical assignment, Salahi had been photographed near the President of Mauritania; now the lead interrogator accused Salahi of having plotted to kill him. It was my way of telling him, Man, I trust you. They didnt tell me, because they were scared, Salahi recalled. In the U.S., it was morning. He wouldnt take any chances. investigations and was on a no-fly list, and that several men who had attended the Masjid As-Saber had been convicted on terrorism charges. The men never abused Salahi, but, as the days became weeks, he wished that they would just turn him over to the United States, where, he assumed, he could at least challenge the legal grounds of his detention. One day, German officers questioned one of Salahis friends. Salahi, who hadnt been home since 1993, was filled with nostalgia and dread. They showed him photos of various hijackers, and one of Ramzi bin al-Shibh, the attack cordinator, who had been captured in Pakistan. They stripped, and rubbed their bodies all over his, and threatened to rape him. But the Germans saw no reason to detain or question him. The Corrupt World Behind the Murdaugh Murders. Slahi told me he is hearing voices now, the interrogator wrote. Herrington later reported that the interrogators were unsure of the real names of more than half the detainees. The next day, Wood pressed him to talk about the episode, but Salahi wouldnt elaborate. He wore handcuffs, leg shackles, earmuffs, blackout goggles, a surgical mask, and a bright-orange jumpsuit. Never turn your back, the sergeant major warned him. I took the pillow as a sign of the end of the physical torture.. Neuer Kurator des African Book Festival Berlin" wird Mohamedou Ould Slahi Houbeini. The Ambassador drove him to Tehrans international airport in a diplomatic vehicle, and accompanied him through the diplomatic channel, through airport security and immigration, right up until the moment he got on the plane. I went back to my tent and laid down to go to sleep. Thank you for a wonderful evening!, Ive done it, Igor! He was guilty of nothing, Abdellahi told me, and he had not been charged with a crime. Bush Administration lawyers had taken the position that enemy combatants could be held indefinitely, without trials, and that in order for something to qualify as torture it must be equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death. By the end of the following year, Salahi knew more about classified security operations than any private American citizen. Among such methods as forced nakedness, dietary manipulation, daily twenty-hour interrogations, waterboarding, exposure to freezing temperatures, and the withholding of medical care, Beaver endorsed the use of scenarios designed to convince the detainee that death was imminent. (She later expressed surprise that her legal opinion had become the final word on interrogation policies and practices within the Department of Defense.) 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