My stomach cannot tolerate Folgers lite so I'm going to recommend Starbucks House Blend. I just recently returned from a few days in Canada were I experienced no heartburn. I remove and cleanse the filter basket as soon as my coffee is ready. I thought it was my filters, at first. MAXWELL HOUSE. The consistency was all but extinct. I can drink OTHER COFFEES and I HAVE NO REACTION AT ALL! Cheaper beans but higher pricesnot sure what it is. The Intense Bold roast offers fans of dark roast coffee a rich, full-flavored beverage. That isn't what is making the coffee bad! As far as an inoffensive coffee aroma and flavor, Maxwell House is the clear winner. I'm not. I have been drinking the Cafe Francais for over 20 years, 2 cups each morning. Not sure what they have it in that I'm sensitive to, but I see others have the same problem. Can't get through a cup. I did not smell right when I opened the can, but made the coffee anyway. Coffee is a very special time for me in the mornings, and the nostakgia associated to my morning time ritual is immeasurable. I smoked organic tobacco years ago and went from 2 packs commercial brand a day to 8-10 ciggs per day. One day I felt very lightheaded. I am disappointed with the change and sorely miss my favorite coffee beverage. No brands were named. Arabica beans are of HIGHER quality tasting. Can anyone suggest a coffee with a good flavor? If youre looking for simple tips, she will make your journey in the kitchen straightforward with a dash of fun. I have never stopped drinking coffee since I started as a child, I am now 51. You can also contact them at After my first cup it starts making me nauseated, I cant even get myself to drink a second cup like I always do. I switch back and forth between different coffee brands depending on whatever is on sale and stay away from strong coffee as it makes me "jittery". Trying to determine whether someone was pranking and might of dropped cherry crystals in it. It's the closest to old time MH I have found. My son lives with me and buys the cheapest full caffeine coffee Walmart has. Then I look it up and discover today it's has nothing to do with me at all. I don't remember MH being especially great but it was drinkable. . Well, when I visited the U.S. a few months ago, I also tried "Maxwell House" coffee - and I must honestly say that it IS a really BAD coffee. Thought it was my keurig so I cleaned. I don't know what is up with that. Burning throat and very dry mouth and throat. Maxwell House, Yuban, Nabob, Gevalia, Mcdonalds Bagged retail coffee is made in one of two manufacturing facilities (Jacksonville, FL and San Leandro, CA). Sorry but it is the worst coffee I've had in a long time. After 20 yrs I cancelled my CR membership in March this yr. Over recent yrs I found their ratings not reliable---this CR rating of MH mentioned here is a good example. used robusta beans in the blend. I searched for "Maxwell house bad on sale" and got this site :o) I bought two kilo cans on sale and it barely even tastes like coffee. Take heed and be watchful over all things to keep your family safe!! I was once taken to emergency because I thought I was having a heart attack. I bought 2 dozen bottles of instant MH a while back. Thats the year I found this site and saw I wasnt the only person experiencing bad tasting coffee from both these popular brands. Oh and it's not the instant, just the grounds. Good bye Maxwell Housenever again. Thank you for opening our eyes. What could cause this? Well, I have a question,I opened my coffee and noticed it has very but very thin and small kind of hairs any body noticed that? Even the off brands. was sick from both ends. By comparison, the same amount of Maxwell House Lite Ground Coffee contains 25 to 50 milligrams of caffeine. The coffee was Chock Full O' Nuts brand though, i wonder if they are all owned by the same parent company.? I purchased the coffee a little over a week ago and this was my first cup. Did Nestle buy the brand? this is crazy. Coincidence? Now so does their coffee. We have been drinking Folgers Classic for years. . No. I'll be returning the last back for a full refund, I'd rather go cold turkey than to waste money on garbage. I've tried a couple times to go back to it, but it not the old great taste. The coffee tastes bitter and that is after I add some Cremona (as I always do). Politics It seemsare in every nook & cranny of our everyday life.I for one will be doing my research on exactly who owns and controls the FOOD sold to the TRUSTING SHEEPLE IS THE DEEP STATE AT WORK AGAIN? Once I switched to Folgers, the diarrhea has stopped! The old one you could put your fingers through the handle and that made it soooooo much easier to hold. then the migraines come!!! I switched from McCafe coffee to Maxwell House.. for about 2 weeks now I've been feeling so nauseated and my stomach feels crampy in the mornings after I drink it and I often get a headache and body aches like the flu!!. My experience varies from can to can. I am coffee lover and I drink a lot of coffee, of different brands. The store brand tasted better too. I started having these headaches a couple of weeks ago, and I'm a person who seldom has headaches. I'm calling the FDA Monday !!! At work we have Maxwell house and it has that funny taste also. I have drinking Maxwell House Breakfast Blend coffee for years. Reload. No more hives or migraines. Has anyone else found bugs in theirs? Obviously, I am not the only one disturbed by lack of aroma as well as by the fishy odour of my coffee. We now cannot stomach the smell or taste of the perked coffee. I went to the store today and saw a whole new display of MH that says Everyday Roast (or Blend can't remember which).It has a very plain label. I started to think that maybe they were adding a flavor enhancer, like MSG. I am a diabetic and cannot afford to be vomiting my breakfast every day. With all the warnings of aspartame why is your company still using it. Hopefully it is not made in China now. They need to know they are losing loyal customers. I purchased a beautiful bag of Life Plus Gourmet "Caf Mexicano" Cinnamon ground coffee from Home Goods. I googled multiple times online for other sites, social media, and forums about this same topic of these brands making people ill, but I see the vast majority come from Coffee Detective forums and social media profiles like Facebook and Pinterest. I noticed my stomach was burning a whole lot more than it did prior to the 2 months. I have been drinking Kroger brand coffee for ages. It doesn't even smell good when brewing, like it use to. What a horrible taste and after taste! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Folgers catchy jingle, The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup, is a tune that most people know well, and was an excellent marketing campaign for the coffee giant. I'm currently on day four and it feels even better than yesterday. I liked it and had no problem with it I got extremely sick last year after I opened up a new canister. I do use lots of honey and milk in it, by the way. I purchase this coffee by the case, and it gets a lot of attention, especially from people at work. I am returning mine, Lately maxwell house coffee does not smell like Coffee . After eating anything with 15 mintues it goes straight through me. I found most instant coffee gives this old Iron Horse the stomach quivers. Just a general unwell feeling & quick trips to the washroom. Wow--I Googled that Maxwell House coffee hurts my stomach and found this page! I haven't bought maxwell house since. coast, sure Folgers is a little more expensive especially the 100% columbian but money well spent in my opinion. I drink folgers at work and no symptoms. Maxwell House Lite is just not like it used to be. I honestly didn't think it was the coffee, I thought maybe I ate something bad or I was not drinking enough water, basically I thought it was something I was doing. 3-4 yrs ago I noticed the first sign of packaging getting cheaper---flimsier, looser fitting tops (not as snug a fit as before). Having lived thru the shortages of coffee during WWII, I compare the current Maxwell House coffee to the ersatz blends of those days, but worse! Anyone? I'm really shocked. Several weeks ago I started getting headaches in the late morning that on a few occasions turned into migraines so bad I vomited. instant that had sat in my cupboard for some time. Here lately which I have my cup of MH coffee. When it comes down to putting these two coffees head to head, theres really not very much of a difference between the two. I bought a can the other day and when I got home only then did I notice that it was lite. Buyer/Consumer.beware of what you consume, even if it does have a pretty label. I have been drinking Maxwell House coffee for years, but in the last few weeks, since I've been using this newest tin, it's been making me sick to my stomach. I switched from Folgers to maxwell house 5 days ago and I have been having bad headaches every since. Pesticides, mix ins, ???? This stuff should be renamed Turbo Laxative ! The beans in Maxwell House & Folgers coffees were changed to cheaper and lesser quality beans as the containers grew smaller and the price grew higher. I accused my hubby of slipping in some other brand or type. After drinking it for several mornings I noticed I felt worse and worse. I hope this is not the cause. The reason I was searching was to find out if retailers will put 'bad batches' of coffee on sale in cahoots with Maxwell House (like, a fair warning from maxwell house, "please sell this batch for half price because the quality is low"). Tara is a food writer that has been editing and authoring articles for KitchenSanity since its founding. Not for nothing else I grew up on Maxwell House and Yuban. Folgers offers the following coffee products for its users: Folgers is known as an economical brand that coffee lovers can easily afford. I don't know what's in the cans of pre-ground coffee in grocery stores but many people seem to think it's very low grade Robusta---probably why all those cans state "100% Pure Coffee". Halfway through the can of decaf I found a bird feather amongst the ground coffee. I They took it of the shelve awile back . I don't know, but I won't buy this company's products again. Enjoyed Maxwell house for 25 years. tasteless coffee cakes. My wife and I moved up to a new 12 cup maker and resumed daily coffee drinking in the mornings because of her new schedule. In 1889, when James decided to hand over the reins of the company to his son, James Folger II, they were ready for national distribution. Thankfully I didnt want any more coffee on such a sour stomach and surprise Im feeling much better today. I used to buy Chock Full of Nuts ground coffee as a filler for my roasted beans, (when they ran out or I just wanted some variety). When I was a kid I remembered waking up to a coffee smell, kind of like Starbucks. The coffee was on 50% off sale and maybe that was a warning sign? Got a container several months ago and it was awful,bitter,acidic. So glad I found this site. After controlling for variables (water, hangover, etc) I concluded the coffee as bad. We brew our morning java in an amazing Cusinart perculator and our coffee has always smelled and tasted amazing. Why? Anyone else having this reaction? I bought a can of Folgers classic roast, I drank it two times and both times it gave me the runs - I googled to see if others had this problem and read about the 'Folgers stop' so i knew it wasn't just me or my coffee maker - why isn't this more widely known and how does Folgers stay in business if it causes people to run to the bathroom after drinking it? I bought Maxwell House which I always drink every morning I have at least three or four cups a day sometimes five. Shocking to say I picked up a clump and it disentegrated in my hand . Good to the last drop is the infamous slogan that accompanies the Maxwell House coffee brand. 0 likes. and feel fine). Can't drink it and returning it to the store. I'm 53 and admit that I was totally addicted. My wife and I have been drinking MH-MB for many years, it started out being called "Smooth", then they changed the name to "Masterblend". Too bad for them, I am trying to find another good brand. In a small country town in Kentucky in 1873, a traveling salesman by the name Joel Cheek was asked by a grocer what was the best coffee that he sold. I do one scoop of decaf and one scoop of regular. Maxwell House Rep The woman that answered wasnt interested in what was wrong could answer no questions And had to be prompted to answer anything. Maxwell House Original Roast Ground Instant Coffee powder has a consistently great taste. I had stopped using Foldgers for the same reason. Its really awful! Tried different half and half brands, didn't work. I have blurred vision,low grade headache with some mild dizziness accompanied with stomach issues. SUPPORT LOCAL COFFEE ROASTERS in you area. I've been drinking Maxwell Lite for years and the taste was so good no one could tell it was half-caff! They are checking me for an ulcers and gallstones but the doctor asked me if I had made any changes in my diet lately and I mentioned the change in coffee. Bought a new pot, kept adjusting water and coffee amounts. Let's make it happen!! It absolutely undrinkable. STINKS. I bought a jug of the Original Roast,in March. Do you work for MH or their parent company? The companies simply have too much money invested to let a couple hundred sick people ruin it for them. Back in 2010 and 2011 figured it might have been from chemical sprays or even the chemicals from wood pallets if any were in use at the time. He just started buying it again, and we have been mixing it with higher quality coffee so stretch it, and I started feeling yucky again and almost didnt even realize that was the reason until we ran out and only used the better quality and the symptoms stopped. It was the coffee ! The Bunn system we use has 64-ounce pots similar to the decent-sized pots you'd see at any diner or perhaps even in your own kitchen. Definitely get the kcup - the taste is really good. I have came to noticed within the past couple of years that there has been a change within that coffee brand. If I switched I guarantee many others switched. The coffee still tasted bad so I bought a new percolator and a new tub of coffee. I am suffering right now. I've been so disappointed with the strength. I'm not loyal to any brand or type of coffee blend or roast. I carried my cell phone with me everywhere that day thinking I would have to call 911 from collapsing.What is in this coffee?? I have been drinking Maxwell House coffee for over 20 years. I drank Maxwell House Lite Half Caffeine ground coffee for at least the past seven years and loved it. Just in case anyone from MH or Kraft is reading. Utterly disgusted to think about what we have been drinking all these yrs. Whether its espresso beans vs coffee beans, the goal of Folgers is to have the best blend. I have been using Maxwell house recently for over a week and every morning about an hour after I drink it I feel sick. I can lift my arm without feeling a shooting pain, and I can tell it's finally going away. Currently it is a bogo. I thought it was the coffee maker making me sick now I believe it's the coffee. Yes indeed, Maxwell House coffee is making me nauseous. But lastly I pulled open another container bought the same time as before that was high up in the back of my cupboard and while drinking MH yet again I get a sore throat like before. If you find and ask anyone who drank it, a lot of them would tell you it's the best off the shelf coffee they've ever had. :) Hmmm?Shopping for a good bean to your taste can be costly. A few years ago I tried Maxwell House coffe. We had looked long to find a replacement for Folgers. One such intended customer was the Maxwell House, a luxury hotel built in 1859 by John Overton in honor of his wife, Harriet Maxwell. Nasty coffee. Any ideas. Is Folgers really the best part of waking up? I contacted Kraft (Maxwell House) & Smuckers (Folgers). I just bought a can of Max.House Coffeeopened the car and it did not smell like coffee. I'm so relieved to find this forum - I thought something was wrong with my stomach, a stomach which is like cast iron and nothing bothers it. The caffeine content in Maxwell House varies somewhat between the varieties. Remember when you opened the can and the whole kitchen would have that wonderful coffee smell? I just got a big can of Maxwell original roast since it was on sale. I came back into my house about half hour after making a cup of MH 100%ColumbianoctaOMG I thought my dog or cat had urinated somewhere. It's definitely Maxwell House. I've used MH French Roast in the 29.3 ounce plastic container for around 5 years, but in July 2013 I got another container, and the coffee was very disappointing in taste - so inferior to what I was use to, I threw almost a full container away after I tried a cup from several pots of it over a week's time to make sure it wasn't a brewing fluke or a passing mood of mine or whatever. Thought I was not going to make the 40 minute drive home. Makes me wonder what chemicals they are using on the plants. It fills the air with the classic brewed coffee scent. If the Master Blend is a bit stout for your palate, the Wake Up Roast may be a better choice. Something is very wrong. Probably can't put a useful handle on a container greatly reduced in size but not on price . My entire family has used the Columbian for many years. Awful. Coffee is a stomach irritant, some people are more sensitive to it than others and gets more severe with age, and can actually happen like a light switch. The coffee is fine but the plastic container without a handle is horrible. I'm not here to contradict anyone, but I bought a Colombian coffee from Maxwell house just this week. They all fail miserably in flavor and aroma. I LIVE PERMANENTLY IN GREECE FOR THE PAST FEW YEARS AND CAN'T FIND OTHER MAXWELL COFFEE THAN THE ONE OF 300 GRAMS PACKAGES OF THREE DIFFERENT TASTES PACKED & DISTEIBUTED BY JACOBS OF HOLLAND WHICH WAS SATISFACTORY TASTED & SMELL WHILE BREWED & CONSUMED. I am going to see how to have it tested. I need to try something else. They but MH at work. How can anyone sell this swill and call it coffee. What's with the chemical overtures anyway? From the time you remove the flavor seal, this shiny black ground coffee is intriguing. Every morning I have 1 single cup of coffee. It felt like I had the flu every day. Reading this is horrible and hope its not true or they changed recipe and replace with chemicals to make us sick b/c its cheaper. I have noticed over the last couple weeks of drinking maxwell house coffee half half that I have headaches, throbbing head, fatigue, migraines, confusion and depression. Also at work we have had people complain when they walk in that the smell is horrible and it only happens someone is brewing a pot of coffee. I am a coffee lover and believe me, this coffee is undrinkable. Im scared to drink coffee from home now I felt like I was going to have a heart attack and vomit. This must be full of Robusta beans or somethingAll-day nausea, headaches and stomach pain. I will never waste my money on MH coffee again. Its not just MH it's folgers as well, noticed about a week ago my coffee was not tasting the same, subsequently got another can thinking i may have gotten a bad batch (?) Buyer beware!!! I would get an intense tightening around the back of my neck and head, feel feverish, and break out in a sweat on my upper lip. As far as advertising teams go, most would agree that Folgers and Maxwell House are both household names due in large part to their equally impressive slogans/jingles. I feel awful after drinking this coffee. My parents have two one pound sealed Folgers coffee stored in the refrigerator they are outdated 4-5 years is it still good to brew, Was just about to throw away my $100 Keurig machine when I read these posts about Maxwell House that's what I drink every morning and lately I feel nauseated after one cup. Not getting that smell with Maxwell House but same reactions. Did not biuy again until this past week I decided to try it again. Do they mean the coffee or your body from collapsing after drinking it? I found out they served Folgers. i have used m h for over 40 years my mother used it .NO MORE MH,I throwed the last 8 plastic con.away they stink,taste ,and smell awful I wasted over $100.00,I will never buy MH again. Although I will admit to having a cu0 of McCafe coffee occasionally MAXWELL House Coffee will be the only Coffee in my cupboard . That settled that!!. We need to try to see if coffee from Vietnam is better with no Rust Fungus. It was under 4 bucks so I thought I'd throw caution to the wind and give it a shot. I had some serious issues and attributed it to the coffee. but all tests and Xrays came up negative I decided to try changing coffee even though my dr said it could not be the coffee. i bought my own coffee maker for the truck. Since then we have been nauseous, had stomach cramping, and other digestive problems. My husband has been drinking Maxwell House Instant for decades. The Wake Up medium roast is not as strong as the Original but it still has depth of flavor.
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