As a mother I would probably been buried with my kids or lost my mine because of grief. The transcripts speak for themselves. That stone you just cast will be the same one the devil uses to torture your idiot arse as you rot in hell for eternity. In the reopened investigation several law enforcement offices & experts for the state stated that there is no way a person could inflict multiple deep self inflicted wounds. Your comment was 2 yrs ago. U dont have a clue!!! Many of us who mourn children do these things to cope, to at least hold on to that piece of our babies. Ok, thanks for your opinion Bryan St John. Now the prosecution only held that she had two wounds but she had numerous wounds. Well golly gee my auto correct works because I probably typed Damians name in recently and he is a supporter so Ill correct myself just for you DAMON hope you booty feels better now . An accurate transcript is an absolute must and I think on that one fact alone she deserved a new trial. Texas certainly needs to get their head on right and do right. She loved to stab unless it was on her. And were trying to work through, cooperatively, some new scientific testing to be done and some reports to review.. The bloody fingerprint was proven, by Routiers own team, to contain no male DNA. No intruder only her husband. ? I, for one, can testify that is absolutely not true. They dont see your kids as their own that they want to save. I wouldnt be surprised if he has it in for a pretty woman resembling Darlie. AND how in the hell could she have done the neck wound to herself? I think she is innocent. What proof? Very strange. Why did none of the neighbors get the license plate number from the strange car that was roaming the neighborhood? (Aka gasping) and he never provides that air supply. Have to concur. What forensic degree do you have. Because democrats love baby killers. Its been way too long and the killer is getting off way to easy. That came out in the 2015 DNA tests that Darlies defense had sealed. Spoiled rotten brat. June 12, 2018. Now the baby always woke her up but she sleeps through her kids being murdered. Well I lived in Rowlett 1999- 2003. Or is this where you say she ran 1 1/2 football fields with a slit throat to get rid of it right. Absolutely no history of abuse or mistreatment. Would have been smarter for her to plead some sort of insanity defenseshe probably would have been out now. Neighbors had testified she was a stay a home Mom that pretends to be a Super Mom, while her children ran wild in the neighborhood. If it was so sure to prove Darlie innocent why the hell would they wait 10 years to free Darlie? When they planted the recording device at the graveside they thought they would capture a confession, in the form of an apology to the boys. And the defense always having the rush to judgment, tunnel vision, containminated crime scene, junk science, S.O.S. Of course she didnt get a license plate #. Why isnt she telling the public the true story and the facts surrounding this case? Hey Cruz, I hope you quit putting the emphasis oh the H. Its pronounced winey not HAwiney. Your daughter had her freedom to gain because she was tired of being a broke mother. I can tell by your Grammer that you are ignorant. AND if that was the case, why didnt she just run outside screaming for help? Darlie has a chance if she comes clean about what she knows about Darin. The stars may finally be aligning for Darlie Routier, the Rowlett homemaker who was sent to Death Row 22 years ago by a Kerrville jury thanks in part to the sexism and character judgments of male law enforcement officers and Dallas County prosecutors. A true narcissist. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. No idea of what evidence vs. opinions are. And stop saying the knife went all the way through the childs body and chipped the cement floor under him, that never happened either. Worst jury I ever saw. Money, property, a beautiful wife who doesnt look anywhere near her age. Only to Damon who he knew was dead. Her running around the house while on the phone. For the heart she dont have. Randy Stedial & Herb Whitlock; Ryan Ferguson & Charles Erickson; Kevin Green; Kevin Bailey; Bruce Lisker where one of the detectives actually lied about new owners of his parents house finding the money that he said Bruce stole from his mother when he murdered her; Matthew Livers & his cousin were arrested & a police officer planted blood in Matthews car; Russ Farias; Debra Milke & the list goes on and on!!! It was dropped. Darin Routier has been profiting off the death of Damon and Devon for 23 years. They could then take that money from those fines and put it into community programs for kids but why do that when we can keep packing people like cattle into overcrowded jails. Same goes with Stevens current attorney. If there is one, I am unaware. Those web sites they have for Darlie need to start posting the facts in her case and stop covering for Darin. Horrendous & deep bruises, last time I had bruises like hers, I got thrown by my horse into the side of a stationary car, theres no way shes applied pressure to her arms, if she is guilty then someone mustve been involved & if shes innocent, got to be someone else whos caused her injuries & killed 2 little boys. Wore ten rings everyday makes her a I can say that in my opinion she never had a chance either way. I know who you are. HELLO!!! On the opposite side of the equation we must accept our system of justice is far from perfect. Bunch of sexist, red necks who think having breast implants, blond hair and jewelry make her a killer. And Texas will have to pay her for every year they kept her locked up. I agree I believe Darlie is innocent. My heart goes out to her for the hell she has been put through. You are correct there was some visible blood on the inside and outside of the cabinet below the sink. (Second time Ive said that on this thread.) Darin locked that dog up earlier that night and the 911 call proves it. She was railroaded because she was different than the rest of the fine upstanding ladies of the community with broomsticks stuck you know where! Worldwide attn and any dna testing? Her DNA was in the toe of that sock because she was the one who did the laundry. Guess where most slimy criminal defense lawyers learn their dirty tricks? My last tid bit for this rant is that all of you talking about looking forward to her execution, you should do a little more research on the lead detective and his past, as well as the prosecutor. I had my house robbed and it sickened me to hear what they were saying because the crime i was in there for hurt who? Five years later, thoughyeah, I can see him finally admitting it once the reality sunk in that Darlie was going to die if he didnt speak up. Hi Steph, People with an IQ over 20 can see she did this and then cut herself. Darlies sister told you not to call the family again because they came to realize how unstable and possibly dangerous you are. Oh I believe it. My original thou2on this is he committed the murder because thats who he really is and thought he could make money again if he was wrongfully convicted. Folks, I was in jail twice for drug related victimless crimes and I would listen to peoples stories about how they robbed houses. They are safely hidden behind their keyboards and fake names as they bully others with their dramatically stated opinions and distorted facts. Sadly, the topic-at-hand is lost and hardly matters (example from this page, Liberal baby killers using a story to bully and put down a different political affiliation) when the focus should be on the story above. Working at the same eatery where Darin, at just 17, proved to be an ambitious assistant manager, she knew that he'd be a good match for her 15-year-old daughter . . Remember she is trying to save her life but sure didnt save her sons lives. -Darlie Routier, 911 Call It was the 6th of June 1996. I believe we have too many innocent people dying because they are innocent. I believe Darlie now knows the intruder she saw going into the kitchen that morning was none other than her own husband. Book and verse Marlene please. Wasnt the murder weapon left at the original scene? Innocent or guilty, I dont see what reinvestigating the case hurts? It was Glen Mize! How ? I dont have a set in stone conviction as science has proven so many times the police have gotten it all wrong! The fact the courts did not even allow all this evidence to be made public is AN INJUSTICE. Are you so blood thirsty to kill a woman when there is tons of evidence that could prove her innocent. They didnt. knowing there was no physical, tangible evidence and that I was demanding the specimen be sent to a lab.dismissed my case. The cops didnt do their job. No matter if you lost a child are not God forbid, that should have been a private moment not for the damn media !!! Shes now 49 years old and that superficial surface wound on her neck STILL looks mighty deep. Darlie is innocent. Her foot prints leading back to stab the little one again. Its suppose to be innocent until proven guilty but REALLY its MORE like YOUR guilty UNTIL proven otherwise. Darlie had no idea that Darin Routier was never investigated. What a living hell this life must be for her. The 20/20 episode was one sided. Her fans say necklace was embedded, had to be surgically removed but it simply fell off when bandage removed. Get over your ignorant self and READ the trial transcripts instead of posting your ignorant regurgitations of absolute BS from all the other uneducated blind sheep, supporters. Reread the story !!! Archie Williams was convicted of that crime but, like Routier, always proclaimed his innocence. Were you there. What they did to her was criminal. No one with a heart wanted to think she did it, but she acts like a classic sociopath. Perhaps he didnt finalize it and called it off. Who needs breast implants?? That wasnt even the whole video!!! After the birth of their third one, Drake, Darlie began to suffer from post-partum depression. You can see the envy pouring off of her when she speaks. Ya know why? So youve seen the whole of the video from start to finish ?? People, maybe you should think logic and pretend your the panicked person breaking in the house who does not want to get caught. A broken wine glass lay on the ground, and there was a torn window screen in the garage. Darlie will never get out unless they investigate her ex husband. Then lets get her a calendar date and carry out her sentence. All you icons of intelligence, have any of you considered that there is certainly enough of discrepancies to warrant a new trial? Actually to correct you again, its actually said by cockneys this way wivff 1 or 2 fs is optional of course !! She wasnt thinking of anyone but herself and what she wanted, in the murders of her own children. Nothing will change for Darlie until they investigate Darin. Reporting from police should be something we work on , this sends the wrong people to death row. And in this case the complaint that the police never followed up on the neighbors sighting of a car parked in front of the Routier houseTWICE! He was doing all this just to make sure Darlie never suspected him. Fingerprint didnt match anybody in the house yet never send in for testing, same with the sock. Innocence Project cant change the facts of this repulsive case. Finally a person with some sanity! Darlie Routier takes witness stand in trial for son's murder: Part 9 She later admitted that her questioning by prosecutors did not go well. She doesnt go around taking cases she isnt completely sure she will eventually win. His interpretation of blood stains at the crime scene convinced the jury that there had been no intruder. They committed egregious miscarriage of justice and obstruction of evidence on top of tampering with the medical records/withheld them from the trial so they could gaslight the severity of her injuries and why; if youre a prosecutor and so damn sure you have the real killer on trial, would there even be a need to withhold or fraudulently tamper with evidence that doesnt fit your narrative? DA says kids got stabbed she got slashed well kids are kids and asleep Mom is An adult woken up .. Adrenalin kicks so again we shall see and respect others opinions because we all want justice for thieve babies and the right person In Prison and PI been invkove since 2015 I think! Darlie Routier was charged and convicted for the murder of her then 5 year old son in 1996 and was sent to death row. However, they had made up their mind from day one that she was guilty and that was it. In the early morning of June 6, 1996, in Dalla, Texas, 911 operators received a phone call from Darlie Routier, a young mother who had been attacked by an intruderwho stabbed 2 of her 3 young. O.J. With everything she should have never got death. The true crime author I forget her name Barbara??? Let truthful investigators present Correct facts with dna then have last call and she will be set free. There was no intruder in that home so that left only one other person in that house with out an alibi. The POLICE and FBI are working to get evidence on him right now! I just reread Lynch and Kathryn Longs testimony about blood at the sink. Maybe she was drinking or doing drugs ?? When I watched it last year I also thought an innocent woman was railroaded. When Darlie turned her back to the kitchen to tell Damon to stay back, the guy doubled back and darted down the hallway and right out the main entrance. Get right!! Id be surprised if most mothers didnt have suicidal thoughts . We all know some of these district attorneys dont want to admit they made an error & did what they could to ensure the conviction!!! At least we speak for the victims. No one was supposed to be home, let alone get hurt. They were murdered by their mother! However, their life seemed perfect otherwise. I havent heard a word about the great advances in post partum depression in the past 20 years. So they had to close the case. I thought IP only took cases with DNA evidence? Also, if someone wore the sock they found with the boys blood on itthere should be some dna from dead skin on the inside of the sock. Well it seems to me that 22 years would break any mother who actually killed her children I dont even know if Jesus can get you forgiveness for that but you think that that would crush her after so long she would after being locked up for so long and I dont understand why anybody would cut their own throat may be inflicted wound somewhere but not your throat well I hope Justice is is fulfilled Gods will is the outcome I know theres a lot of innocent people in prison and to be on death row you know that brings up a whole nother issue of death row if you cant get it right we shouldnt even have that Laurel because I think her being a woman and these Rowdy Cowboy detectives and want to put away make a case whatever and that Fords been 20 minutes that man that has died since had concluded it was her theres no way you could figure that out 20 minutes unless it was just so clearly evident to everybody I dont think she got a fair Shake probably whether shes innocent or guilty I think she deserves it deserves to be looked at again and until they find out whos that fingerprint was that Bloody fingerprint and go from there before you get online being so sure of your your opinion so lets let Gods will be done through our justice system because its kind of corrupt sometimes and people are off and stuff mistakes are made and innocent people get killed because of our death row sentencing maybe thats why they sit on death row for so many years and cost the taxpayers a ton of money. Damon was alive and breathing for almost 10 minutes. Your daughter is a psychopath thanks to you. DUH. Im surprised the IP is this gullible! Stupid people! Right now I have no idea if Darin kept up her life insurance policy, but as it stands if Darlie is executed Darin is still eligible to cash in on her very large life insurance policy. I dont need to post reasons for my opinion. That is a blatant attempt showing the Dallas Police as not wanted evidence Mrs. Routier might not be the killer. Doesnt look anywhere near her age my name, email, and there was no intruder that. About the great advances in post partum depression in the garage for help sort insanity... Its pronounced winey not HAwiney they dont see your kids as their own that they want to get head. This way wivff 1 or 2 fs is optional of course she didnt a! Longs testimony about darlie routier dna results 2019 at the original scene facts with DNA then have last call and she will win... 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