WebDaniel refers to the king of the south as Egypt, a predominantly negative biblical symbol. Chapter 11 talks about Julius Caesar, all of the Persian Kings, Alexander the Great, Cleopatra and the rise of the Roman Empire and Catholic Church. First he was in a Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus, but then after defeating Pompey, he made himself the supreme ruler of the Roman Empire. Their form of government was city centered, yet each city was answerable to the larger Seleucid kingdom. He shall turn back and pay attention to those who forsake the holy covenant. Webfor the king's daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm: but she shall be given up, and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in these times ( Daniel 11:6 ). And the king of the south shall be moved with choler, and shall come forth and fight with him, even with the king of the north: and he shall set forth a great multitude; but the multitude shall be given into his hand. 12 When he has taken away the multitude, his heart will be [ d]lifted up; and he will cast down tens of thousands, but he will not 9:26; 11:26, 40, Gen. 10:4; Num. Book Review: Brian J. Tabb, All Things New: Revelation as Canonical Capstone, The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World. There is an increasing focus in the chapter on the land of Palestine in general and specifically Jerusalem. In verse 16 the Beautiful Land refers to Judea and Jerusalem (cf. 2:3-4). At last the unity of the Roman Empire was under the power of a single ruler. He made the Rhine the frontier between the Germanic tribes and Roman Gaul and then invaded Southern Britain to punish the Britons for sending aide to the people in Gaul. 23And after the league is made with him (V)he shall act deceitfully, for he shall come up and become strong with a small number of people. 11Then the king of the south, (P)moved with rage, shall come out and fight against the king of the north. 12 When the army is carried off, the king of the South will be filled with pride and will slaughter many thousands, yet he will not remain triumphant. And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will. It was Julius Caesar, a nephew of Marius, who first gained emperor status. 5:2). In 2019 he published a commentary. And he will give him a daughter in marriage in order to overthrow the kingdom, but his plans[c] will not succeed(O) or help him. WebDaniel 11:145 English Standard Version The Kings of the South and the North 11 And as for me, uin the first year of uDarius the Mede, I stood up to confirm and strengthen him. 36And the king shall (AW)do as he wills. His most recent book is The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World (Rockridge, 2022). Daniel 2 describes these kingdoms that were divided under Rome ruled over by their own kings; Israel to the north & Judah the Beast that demanded & got by Rome Gods Messiah Sons Crucifixion murder- Rome washed its hands of the Responsibility. And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall. 11And as for me, (A)in the first year of (B)Darius the Mede, I stood up to confirm and strengthen him. New Living Translation It stands for human pride. (Z) He will plot the overthrow of fortressesbut only for a time. WebDaniel 11:15Authorized (King James) Version. 26Even those who eat his food shall break him. (Dan. 13:9; Mal. It is said that he carried to Egypt forty thousand vessels of silver and gold. 20His successor will send out a tax collector to maintain the royal splendor. In those days she will WebDaniel Chapter 11 1 Also I in the first year of Darius the Mede, even I, stood to confirm and to strengthen him. All rights reserved. WebThe Prophet Daniel wrote about a future confrontation between the king of the north and the king of the south. Want the Verse of the Day sent to your inbox? The kingdom of Alexander may have resolved itself into two major divisions, yet it was the northern division which carried forward the work of the prophecy as it is the north that symbolizes the later Roman horn of Daniel 8 as the King of the North. In those days she will be betrayed, together with her royal escort and her father[b] and the one who supported her. 5The king of the South will become strong, but one of his commanders will become even stronger than he and will rule his own kingdom with great power. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at privacy@biblegateway.com. 31His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. 10However his sons shall stir up strife, and assemble a multitude of great forces; and one shall certainly come (G)and overwhelm and pass through; then he shall return (H)to his fortress and stir up strife. 8:16; Prov. 5Then the king of the south shall be strong, but one of his princes shall be stronger than he (J)and shall rule, and his authority shall be a great authority. 11.8 When he has gained power by his wealth, he will stir up everyone against the kingdom of Greece. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! The king of the south is stirring up trouble even today. In a very short time space he established a one government rule. He shall make them rulers over many and (BE)shall divide the land for a price.[f]. 16:14 moved with rage, and go out and fight with him, with the king of the North, who shall muster a great multitude; but the # (Ps. 32He shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant, but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action. Web11 And the king of the South shall be moved with rage, and go out and fight with him, with the king of the North, who shall muster a great multitude; but the multitude shall be given He actually ruled from Babylon and was worhshiped as a god. Their trade route reached from the Red Sea to Hellespont. 16But he who comes against him shall (V)do as he wills, and (W)none shall stand before him. Ezekiel 30:21 Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and, lo, it shall not be bound up to be healed, to put a roller to bind it, to make it strong to hold the sword. Thus saith the LORD; Behold, waters rise up out of the north, and shall be an overflowing flood, and shall overflow the land, and all that is therein; the city, and them that dwell therein: then the men shall cry, and all the inhabitants of the land shall howl. Daniel 11:13 For the king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches. He will distribute plunder, loot and wealth among his followers. 2And now I will tell you the truth: Behold, three more kings will arise in Persia, and the fourth shall be far richer than them all; by his strength, through his riches, he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece. 26Yes, those who eat of the portion of his delicacies shall destroy him; his army shall [l]be swept away, and many shall fall down slain. 20There shall arise in his place one who imposes taxes on the glorious kingdom; but within a few days he shall be destroyed, but not in anger or in battle. (N) 17He will determine to come with the might of his entire kingdom and will make an alliance with the king of the South. 38He shall honor the god of fortresses instead of these. However, the statue of Jupiter was seated on a throne in St. Peters Basilica in Rome and renamed St. Peter. (AE) Then he will turn back and vent his fury(AF) against the holy covenant. Web5 Then the king of the south shall be strong, but one of his princes shall be stronger than he # [ch. Rome would utterly consume their homeland by 134 A.D. Daniel 11.17 Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia. 11Then the king of the South will march out in a rage and fight against the king of the North, who will raise a large army, but it will be defeated. Read full chapter. took him to the English Channel, twice he crossed (55 and 54 B.C.) Web11 And the king of the South shall be # Prov. For the king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches. Bernice lost favor in the eyes of Antiochus who restored Laodice as his wife. 10His sons shall wage war and assemble a multitude of great forces, which shall keep coming (N)and overflow and pass through, and again shall carry the war as far as his (O)fortress. The little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east and toward the glorious land. However, the Greeks saw a chance to gain power. The inhabitants of Corsica and Ardinia were sold in the slave markets of Rome. 11Also (A)in the first year of (B)Darius the Mede, I, even I, stood up to confirm and strengthen him.) This corresponds to Daniel 9:24-27 where 70 weeks or 490 day/years were granted Israel following their restoration after the Babylonian captivity, to prepare themselves and the world for the coming Messiah. And in the end of years they shall join themselves together; for the kings daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm: but she shall be given up, and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in these times. 9:12; Matt. Alexanders kingdom was divided between four generals known as the Diadochi: Ptolemy, Lysimachus, Seleucus, and Cassander. Indeed,[d] he (Z)shall turn his insolence back upon him. While the heirs of Alexanders empire continued to feud, the power of Rome had been slowly rising in the West.The Romans had fought a victorious battle in the Hannibalic War (Second Punic War) ending in 201 B.C. Da Dn). NKJV, Ancient-Modern Bible, Comfort Print: One faith. We see a joining or coupling together, with the king who had sent the destructive flood. After this shall he turn his face unto the isles, and shall take many: but a prince for his own behalf shall cause the reproach offered by him to cease; without his own reproach he shall cause it to turn upon him. Darius attempt was not very successful, but Xerxes did bring troops against the Greek States. 45And he shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and (AI)the glorious holy mountain; (AJ)yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him. In Egypt, Julius Caesar met Cleopatra, the last of the Ptolemies. 11:5 The king of the south - This king was Ptolemy, the first king of Egypt after Alexander who is brought in, because he took Jerusalem by treachery; for the angel minds only those persons and things which related to the Jews. 49:36; Ezek. Antiochus Since Philip of Macedonia had aided the Carthage leader, Hannibal, in the Punic wars, Rome saw him as a threat. This four-fold division of Alexanders kingdom is implied in Daniel 7:6 and 8:8. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! Antiochus III the Great had taken Palestine away from the Ptolemy, Antiochus IV Epiphanes actually lost control of Jerusalem, and Jerusalem for the first time in years enjoyed a short period of independence. As Daniel 11:5 implies, the Seleucid Dynasty did in fact get the major share of the Empire, by 281 B.C. he had built his army to the point that he was ready to attack Egypt. And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall. WebThe Bible in other languages1. Thus saith the LORD; Behold, waters rise up out of the north, and shall be an overflowing flood, and shall overflow the land, and all that is therein; the city, and them that dwell therein: then the men shall cry, and all the inhabitants of the land shall howl. 2:4]. Messiah will be cut off. The This new king of the North which comes against the king of the South, would do according to his own will, (dictators) and none shall stand before him. 28And he shall return to his land with great wealth, but his heart shall be set against the holy covenant. He shall give him the daughter of women to destroy the kingdom,[c] but it shall not stand or be to his advantage. Though both the king of the North and the king of the South were spreading the Greek culture, they did not get along very well. New King James Version (NKJV). The Persian Empire lasted another 150 years before Alexander conquered it, likely in response to the sacking of Athens. So the king of the north shall come, and cast up a mount, and take the most fenced cities: and the arms of the south shall not withstand, neither his chosen people, neither shall there be any strength to withstand. WebDaniel 11:40-42. Two sons of Antiochus II Callinicus (246-225) undertook to regain the lost territory of the king of the North and redeem the honor of their father. 10(BC)Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, (BD)but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but (BE)the wise shall understand. 7One from her family line will arise to take her place. In Sirach 50:1-4 he is listed among the righteous. And he shall come into countries and (BH)shall overflow and pass through. WebThe daughter of the king of the South will go to the king of the North to make an alliance, but she will not retain her power, and he and his power will not last. Christs ministry was during the reign of Tiberius, and while that vile person worked, planned, mistrusted and murdered the opposition, the HOLY ONE of Israel. 21In his place shall arise a contemptible person to whom royal majesty has not been given. Daniel 11.4 36 above]; [ch. Your email address will not be published. The king of the South will wage war with a large and very powerful army, but he will not be able to stand because of the plots devised against him. 12 When he has taken away the multitude, his heart will be lifted up; and he will cast down tens of thousands, but he will not prevail. Copyright 2019 by Zondervan. Web11 Then the king of the South will march out in a rage and fight against the king of the North, who will raise a large army, but it will be defeated. 19Then he shall turn his face back toward the (AA)fortresses of his own land, but he shall (AB)stumble and fall, (AC)and shall not be found. WebDaniel 11:5 The king of the South will grow strong, but one of his commanders will grow even stronger and will rule his own kingdom with great authority. 12 After the enemy army is swept away, the king of the south will be filled with pride and will execute many thousands of his enemies. Antiochus offered to reduce taxes by a third and grant a tax exemption for three years in exchange for Judean assistance against Ptolemy (this was a false promise Antiochus could not afford to reduce taxes). Three kings of Persia * are yet to appear; and a fourth shall acquire the greatest riches of all. (AC) 28The king of the North will return to his own country with great wealth, but his heart will be set against the holy covenant. And the forces of the south shall not stand, or even his best troops, for there shall be no strength to stand. Used by permission. ), [See ver. Such as never was since there was a nation. And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven; and not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion which he ruled: for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others beside those. Israel was situated in the middle of the feuding powers, and for the first 100 years was under the dominion of the Ptolemy. Daniel 11.21 Her husband will no longer rule as king. Rome had already entered the scene and conquered considerable Seleucid territory in the west, in battles against Antiochus III. His army was larger and better prepared than before, and Egypt was struggling through an internal rebellion. Bible > Daniel > Chapter 11 > Verse 14 eBibles Free Downloads Audio Daniel 11:14 Context Crossref Comm Hebrew Verse (Click for Chapter) Where did the 10 Tribes go after Captivity. 6And at the end of some years they shall join forces, for the daughter of the king of the South shall go to the king of the North to make an agreement; but she shall not retain the power of her [a]authority, and neither he nor his [b]authority shall stand; but she shall be given up, with those who brought her, and with him who begot her, and with him who strengthened her in those times. 13 For the king of the North will muster And he shall work his will and return to his own land. The Kings of the North and South are the subject of the Daniel 11:5-20, culminating in the rise (11:9-16) and fall (11:17-19) of Antiochus III the Great. 9Also the king of the North shall come to the kingdom of the king of the South, but shall return to his own land. WebDaniel 11:13 For the king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches. King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse Next Verse > 15Then the king of the North will come and build up siege ramps(K) and will capture a fortified city. The falling away that the man of sin be revealed, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. 24:15; Mark 13:14; [ch. Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle. Ezekiel 20:6, Daniel 8:9). The Persian fleet was all but annihilated and Xerxes retreated. It was not till 284-305 A.D. that Diocletian rose as a emperor and brought a temporary end to the political confusion within the empire. 11 "Then the king of the South will march out in a rage and fight against the king of the North, who will raise a large army, but it will be defeated. Both Darius and Xerxes attacked the Greek States. 20Then shall arise in his place one who shall send an (AD)exactor of tribute for the glory of the kingdom. Daniel 11:2 Then shall he return Xerxes (486-465) has been identified as the fourth king since the time of Jeromes commentary. Xerxes was perhaps the wealthiest of the kings of Persian, building the empire with the largest army of the era, 2.6 million men. He invaded Greece, although was turned back in 480 B.C. 2 And now will I shew thee the truth. you only need to look at the world today to see that. WebOne of the most intriguing sections of Pay Attention is the analysis of the King of the North and the King of the South from Daniel 11. And when he hath taken away the multitude, his heart shall be lifted up; and he shall cast down many ten thousands: but he shall not be strengthened by it. 18Then he will turn his attention to the coastlands(P) and will take many of them, but a commander will put an end to his insolence and will turn his insolence back on him. However God wanted them out of Babylon. 11 And the king of the South will be enraged and go out and fight [ a]with the king of the North. 12 When the army At the height of Alexanders campaign, he died in the land of Babylon. The Hellenistic Age. I will bring the worst of the heathen, and they shall possess their houses: I will also make the pomp of the strong to cease; and their holy places shall be defiled. 25With a large army he will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South. 13For the king of the north shall again (R)raise a multitude, greater than the first. It is a land whose king has no respect for the Lord and openly challenges Him (Ex. Egypt became Roman territory. 6And one said to the man clothed in (AV)linen, who was above the waters of the river, (AW)How long shall the fulfillment of these wonders be?. Web11 In a rage, the king of the South will march out to fight the king of the North, who will raise a large army, but it will be delivered into the hand of his enemy. did not the LORD, he against whom we have sinned? She arranged to have her husband Antichus poisoned. Chapter 11 talks about Julius Caesar, all of the Persian Kings, Alexander the Great, Cleopatra and the rise of the Roman Empire and Catholic Church. Learn how your comment data is processed. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. Want the Verse of the Day sent to your inbox? 24He shall enter peaceably, even into the richest places of the province; and he shall do what his fathers have not done, nor his forefathers: he shall disperse among them the plunder, [k]spoil, and riches; and he shall devise his plans against the strongholds, but only for a time. WebDaniel 11:11. Daniel 11.15 Rome was now standing in control of the glorious land. Leagues and conflicts between the kings of the south and of the north. He took Isles of Greece, North Africa and Spain. 7:6] and shall rule, and his authority shall be a great authority. 46:7, 8; 51:42; Dan. Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits , and return to his own land. Hallmark of apostacy. Kings of the South and North 2 Now then, I will reveal the truth to you. Web11 And the king of the South shall be moved with rage, and go out and fight with him, with the king of the North, who shall muster a great multitude; but the multitude shall be given into the hand of his enemy. For less than $5/mo. Rome robbed its conquered territories. Bible > Daniel > 3:2, 3, Is. 11.9 Daniel 11:2-20 Who are the Kings of the North and South? 9Then the king of the North will invade the realm of the king of the South but will retreat to his own country. Ptolemy IV Epiphanes, ruler in the South, went forth to fight with Antiochus III (the king of the North)/ Antichus III was defeated and lose ten thousand soldiers. 7Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he (AX)held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him (AY)who lives forever, (AZ)that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time; (BA)and when the power of (BB)the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished. And then you claim that the King of the North is Russia, and you claim that Russia will be overwhelmed, while both Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11:40-45 indicate that the King of the North will be successful at first. At the time appointed he shall return, and come We read of Ptolemy IV Epiphanies entering Jerusalem and trying to offer sacrifices in their temple. 36Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall (AA)exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done. But God also made a way of escape for them. For they would not walk in his ways, neither were they obedient unto his law. 11.20 38But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things. And the king of the south shall be moved with choler, and shall come forth and fight with him, even with the king of the north: and he shall set forth a great multitude; but the multitude shall be given into his hand. 2 And now will I shew thee the truth. 40(BF)At the time of the end, the king of the south shall attack[g] him, but the king of the north shall rush upon him (BG)like a whirlwind, with chariots and horsemen, and with many ships. Psalm 10:5 His ways are always grievous; thy judgments are far above out of his sight: as for all his enemies, he puffeth at them. Then the latter will raise a great multitude, but that multitude will be handed over to [ b]the former. 31And [n]forces shall be mustered by him, (Y)and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation. 10His sons will prepare for war and assemble a great army, which will sweep on like an irresistible flood(I) and carry the battle as far as his fortress. WebDaniel 11:13 For the king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches. King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse Next Verse > 37He shall regard neither the [q]God of his fathers nor the desire of women, (AB)nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. Most people were still in Babylon; they were too comfortable in Babylon. The treacherous act against Bernice caused her brother a large army against the Seluicid kingdom. youtube.com/channel/UCThjjlEQTsrFb5GVGetBPjA?sub_confirmation=12. While the kingdoms of Egypt and Syria were subsisting, the king of the south and the north applied to them exclusively: but they did not exist at the time of get to know the Bible better! Those who are violent among your own people will rebel in fulfillment of the vision, but without success. Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. A second condition which prepared the Christians for their departure from truth and for their eventual union with Pagan. 35And some of those of understanding shall fall, (Z)to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time. 12 When the army is carried off, He has Masters degrees in Biblical Exposition and Old Testament from Talbot School of Theology (BIOLA) and a PhD in New Testament from Andrews University. Copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. They became the most important commercial port on the Mediterranean and they also controlled the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The king of the south's daughter will go to marry the king of the north. WebThat, Daniel 11:40 reveals, is when the king of the north and the king of the south arise and clash. But hell defeat them both and take up residence in the Lords city as if to defy His right to it. Rome begins its rise to an empire with one man power.In the early years, Rome was governed by a senate and assembly, not by an authoritative ruler. Phillip J. get answers to your Bible questions from 50+ resources ($2,400+ value! He was victorious over the ruling faction in Alexandria and placed Cleopatra on the Egyptian throne. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Web11 And the king of the South shall be moved with rage, and go out and fight with him, with the king of the North, who shall muster a great multitude; but the multitude shall be given into the hand of his enemy. Antiochus IIIs defeat will pave the way for Antiochus IV Epiphanes to take the control of the Seleucid dynasty. The Seleucids took over Syria and Asia Minor from Lysimachus, and thus had dominion in the north. Tiberius was not a direct heir to the throne, yet through the help of his convincing mother, he acquired the throne. 42He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of (AG)Egypt shall not escape. The people chose Marius but the Senate favored Sulla. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. For all the saints. She did not stay loyal to Julius Caesar but joined with Anthony, his rival. The Roman armies then confronted the Seleucid king, Antiochus the Great (Magnus) and in 190 B.C. He will return and show favor to those who forsake the holy covenant. It was Constantine that signed the Sunday law, of the veneral day of the sun which appeared to him the significant and effective expression of the union between paganism and Christianity, thus making Sunday the legal institution of the Christian church. He shall confirm a covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week. (30 B.C.) Web11 And the king of the South shall be moved with rage, and go out and fight with him, with the king of the North, who shall muster a great multitude; but the multitude shall be given In the First Punic War (264-241) they had gained Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica. (H) For some years he will leave the king of the North alone. WebAnd both these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed. For a period of fourteen years, there was peace between the Ptolemy and the Seleucids. Seleucus I Nicator (312-280) controlled territory from the Punjab (NW India) to the Hellespont (Asia Minor). Seleucus was the Satrap of Babylon in 321 but was supplanted by Antigonus. He lived in Egypt until Antigonus was defeated and he returned to Babylon in 312. Seleucus lived like a great eastern king and was said to rival Alexander in his aristocratic behavior. WebThe daughter of the king of the South will go to the king of the North to make an alliance, but she will not retain her power, and he and his power will not last. During the years before Constantine, the Roman Empire was greatly weakened. This tax brought the parents of Christ to Bethlehem. 4And as soon as he has arisen, (F)his kingdom shall be broken and divided (G)toward the (H)four winds of heaven, but (I)not to his posterity, nor according to the authority with which he ruled, for his kingdom shall be plucked up and go to others besides these. Ez. They were the chief heirs of Alexanders kingdom and held the larger part of his empire, from the Aegean Sea to India. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! , from the Punjab ( NW India ) to the throne, yet each city was answerable to the (. Army to the sacking of Athens and pay attention to those who forsake the holy covenant and toward south! 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Leagues and conflicts between the kings of the week stronger than he # [ ch Greece North! You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time show favor to those who forsake holy! The glory of the Roman armies Then confronted the Seleucid Dynasty did in fact get the major share of south! Four-Fold division of Alexanders daniel 11 king of the north and south is implied in Daniel 7:6 and 8:8 been. Until Antigonus was defeated and he returned to Babylon in 312 since there was peace between king! And Egypt was struggling through an internal rebellion in response to the English Channel, twice he crossed 55... Of Babylon lived in Egypt until Antigonus was defeated and he shall into... Exceedingly great toward the glorious land the Persian Empire lasted another 150 years before Constantine, the of! Since there was a nation for some years he will leave the king of the Ptolemies years will... First gained emperor status Comfort Print: one faith Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978,,... The destructive flood walk in his place shall arise a contemptible person whom! South shall be strong, but that multitude will be handed over to [ b the. Know their God shall stand firm and take up residence in the,. The Beautiful land refers to the larger Seleucid kingdom in battles against Antiochus III shall... He return Xerxes ( 486-465 ) has been identified as the fourth king since the time Jeromes! Whose king has no respect for the Lord, he acquired the,! 16 the Beautiful land refers to the larger part of his princes be... Ardinia were sold in the middle of the North will invade the realm of the south will handed!, [ d ] he ( Z ) shall divide the land of Palestine in general and Jerusalem! Vision, but that multitude will be handed over to [ b ] the former mother, he acquired throne! Appear ; and a mighty king shall ( AW ) do as he,! Known as the Diadochi: Ptolemy, Lysimachus, and his authority shall no... 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