The Bofors crews belonging to the 447th Antiaircraft Artillery lingered on near Consthum as a rear guard, discouraging all pursuit with their fast, accurate fire. In fact, detachments of the 39th Regiment had crossed the Skyline Drive unobserved and were moving in to surprise Holzthum. He was able to convince the Army Group B commander that a stand should be taken on a number of tactical points which, in Manteuffel's judgment, were essential to success in the forthcoming attack. The 26th Volks Grenadier Division (Generalmajor Heinz Kokott) already was deployed in the Eifel sector of the West Wall adjacent to the Our where it covered not only the XLVII Panzer Corps zone but a wide frontage beyond. The Americans had taken 186 prisoners and killed or wounded two or three times that number; the losses in the 1130th Regiment were "very high," said the enemy reports. Then as the attack got moving they were raised to lay heavy counterbattery fire on the 229th Field Artillery Battalion (Lt. Col. John C. Fairchild). Cota, as it turned out, already had phoned the corps commander and asked permission to bring the 112th back to the high ground west of the river. the code name for the coming offensive. John "Lefty" Zagarella, As Told In Letters, 1941-1945. On General Middleton's order, CCR, 9th Armored Division, had put a task force backstop position behind the threatened center of the 28th Division. The 902d, led in person by the division commander, continued toward the west, although briefly delayed in a fight with a few towed antitank guns and armored cars near Eschweiler.18. The story in the 2d Panzer Division zone was the same. with an order to hold in essentially the positions which the regiment now occupied. But only the 1st (Lt. Col. Donald Paul) and 3rd (Major Harold Milton) Battalions of the 110th were on the line, while the remaining 2nd Battalion (Lt. Col. Ross C. Henbest) was held in division reserve at Doennange and Wiltz, eight miles to the southwest. The unit was mustered out of federal service on 6 December 1945 at Camp Gordon, Georgia. Organized by Pennsylvania in 1878, the division was made up of units that had already earned battle streamers for contributions in conflicts from the American Revolution to the Civil War. Free shipping for many products! 110th Infantry Regiment, Col. Hurley Fuller's command post was in Clervaux; Executive Officer was Col. Daniel B. Strickler. The units from Lewistown, Tyrone, Huntingdon, Everett, and Altoona were all mustered into federal service for duty on the Mexican border in July 1916. The 229th Field Artillery Battalion pounded the German assembly point at Ltzkampen as hard as limited stock of shells permitted and fighter-bombers plastered the village: "air tremendously effective" reported the expectant ground observers. In August 1950 the Lewistown unit was mustered into federal service for the Korean War. But the enemy armor weight was too heavy, nor could it be checked by the handful of tanks and light assault guns remaining to the 707th Tank Battalion. brought in from Austria (the home station for the 2d Panzer Division was Vienna), and new-model Panther tanks, equipped for night fighting with the new infrared sighting apparatus, arrived fresh from assembly plants near Breslau. The regiment was awarded battle streamers marked Champagne 1918, Champagne-Marne, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Marne, Lorraine 1918, and Meuse-Argonne for its service in France. positions. Through the early hours of 17 December American outposts reported sounds of tank movement in Ltzkampen. After the Germans captured the howitzers, a bazooka team of a company officer and a sergeant held the enemy tanks at bay, destroying two which ventured into the village. These were the stakes when the Germans launched their surprise attack through Belgium on December 16, 1944. The degree of tactical success achieved by the 112th Infantry and the fact that it was able to hold intact as a regiment may be explained by a number of factors. Of the 1st Battalion, only a part of Company C retained its organization. Legacy : Acker, Lewis F. Lt Col CWS : . About 1700 he radioed new orders: the 112th Infantry was to fight a stiff delaying action along the line Weiswampach-Trois Vierges, and thence toward Bastogne. By nightfall the American perimeter had been pierced at many points and the defenders pushed back into the center of Wiltz. There were also available some New York: Orion Books, 1989. Some of the first Americans to confront Hitler's gamble on the front lines were the men of the 394th Infantry Regiment at Lanzareth Ridge. . Six three-inch towed Attempts during the evening to send a task force of stragglers and trains forward from the 28th Division headquarters at Sibret were abortive; the roads east to Wiltz now were blocked every few kilometers by enemy infantry and self-propelled guns. A platoon of self-propelled tank destroyers had The insignia was amended to correct the blazon on 16 May 2008. The origins of the 1st Battle Group are derived from the 112th Infantry Regiment in which it was . The 112th Inf Regiment in the north was forced back and joined the 7th Arm Div and remanents of the 106th Inf Div in defending St. Vith. During the afternoon the Germans pressed relatively little ground; the 110th was very hard pressed; and German tanks were moving along the main road to Bastogne by way of Marnach. At that crucial point the infantry had to take Bastogne as quickly as possible, with or without the help of the armored divisions. Abstract. continue the attack for the bridges at Ouren. . Krueger had based his plan of attack on the intelligence reports dealing with the Our bridges. 28th Infantry Division's 112th Infantry Regiment: Manhay area 30th Infantry Division: Malmdy, Stavelot, Stoumont, La Gleize . The little group from regimental headquarters which had been deployed on the ridge line at Ouren was less successful. By 1315 the howitzers around Welchenhausen again were firing at their minimum range. The gunners and their attached antiaircraft artillery unit made a stand with their carbines, Colts, and a few .50-caliber machine guns. Designated as the 16th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, the unit was mobilized on 28 April 1898 and activated into federal service for the SpanishAmerican War on 10 May 1898 at their mobilization site, Mount Gretna, Pennsylvania. He fought in Northern France, was part of the force that liberated Luxembourg before dying of wounds sustained by German artillery fire in the Siegfried Line Campaign, September 19th, 1944. Colonel Lauchert was worried about the slow rate of the 2d Panzer advance. The bulk of the 3d Battalion held their positions despite surprise, defending from pillboxes and foxholes. . It contains several maps, showing the sectors of the major air units. The Logan Guards were mustered as Company E, 25th Pennsylvania Volunteers and then as Company A, 46th Pennsylvania Volunteers. one platoon to clearing the Germans out of the south end of town, sent one platoon to Reuler to help the 2d Battalion, and, sent one to the 1st Battalion at Heinerscheid where the light tanks of the 707th Tank Battalion had been smashed earlier in the day. The roads in the antitank guns supplemented the weapons organic to the conventional Volks Grenadier division. Perhaps the tankers were too busy looting the American freight cars and supply dumps to bother with the little force in the chteau. By noon Company D had so many prisoners that it "couldn't handle them all!" East of Clerf the left flank of the 2d Battalion started to move forward against an enemy assembly point in a woods northeast of Reuler. [4] During December 1944, the 112th Infantry Regimental Combat Team was holding a 6-1/2-mile long sector which the Germans attacked with nine divisions. column and, attacking through the dark with grenades and bayonets, cleared the position. Here it lay astride the main attack axis of the German LXVII Panzer Corps of the Fifth Panzer Army headed to Bastogne, Belgium, and points west. He even dispatched a kampfgruppe to seize a bridge considerably south of Clerf apparently intending to swing his attack column to a poorer road in the event that Clerf continued to hold. When the 28th Division arrived on the VIII Corps front in mid-November its regiments were in pitiable condition. In June 1875, the Logan Guards (Lewistown) were reorganized as Company G (Logan Guards), 5th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment. of the 2d Battalion (Lt. Col. J. L. MacSalka) assembled in a draw between At 2100, therefore, General Cota turned the reserve rifle battalion back to the 110th Infantry, minus Company G which was moved to Wiltz to defend the division command post, and agreed with Colonel Fuller's proposal that the battalion be used in an attack eastward to restore American control at Marnach. 112th. The sequence of events in this story of difficulties in command and communication is none too clear, but the VIII Corps commander approved the attachment. The 110th Antitank Company was in Hoscheid just to the west. The unit was noted for actions in the Battle of Coamo, where the regiment sustained six wounded and one killed in action during a blocking action. to the Our bridges in the 3d Battalion area led the regimental commander both the 26th Volks Grenadier Division and the 2d Panzer Division had crossed the river and taken some part in the fight. Heilmann, therefore, had decided. Leaving only a screening force behind, the 60th Regiment good tank-going could not be expected until the Marche-Rochefort line The 39th Regiment had got involved in local actions and been diverted from the westward axis-sustaining high losses in the bargain. From town and river rise wooded and precipitous slopes, particularly sharp and difficult to the east. Ouren. These reinforcements arrived at Reuler in time to take a hand against the Germans pouring past Marnach toward Clerf and its bridges. Map of St Vith drawn 15 November 1944. As yet, however, the Americans had no way of knowing that the bulk of the 2d Panzer Division actually was moving down the road to Clerf or that a counterattack would collide with any such German force. The task of rebuilding the rifle companies, repairing battle damage, and training replacements was of necessity a slow one. This highway (known to the Americans as the Skyline Drive) and the garrison line paralleled the Our at a distance of one and a half to two and a half miles. Once this barrier was passed the 26th would be responsible for covering the left flank of the corps while the armored divisions made the Meuse crossings. My Uncle, Fred H. Noonan(originally from Binghamton,NY) - 26th Infantry Regiment,1st Infantry Division fought and died in the Hurtgen Forest. The first word of the approaching enemy reached the 110th Infantry headquarters at Clerf shortly after 0615. It was breached at midnight when tanks and self-propelled guns of the 3d Panzer Regiment entered Marnach. Tanks, tank destroyers, and guns were rushed up from the depots at Mayen, but on 15 December the two panzer grenadier regiments were still missing 60 percent of their regular rifle strength and the panzer regiment had ready only one of its two battalions (with 27 Mark IV's and 30 Panthers). James Russell Fostervold, 86, of Willmar, died Tuesday at his home following an illness. The 26th Volks Grenadier Division needed Hosinen badly. In early planning there had been some question as to whether the Americans in the Schnee Eifel should be left to the Fifth or the Sixth. of 16 December, therefore, the German commander ordered the corps to Only one battery of the 109th Field Artillery Battalion was firing during the morning and it ran low on ammunition. . In 1873, Company G, Monongahela Artillery (Everett) was renamed the Light Guards and then redesignated as Company A, 10th Pennsylvania Infantry. A sharp hairpin turn breaks the descent; then the road crosses the river into the northern edge of Clerf near the railroad station and enters the main highway. General Cota still had in hand a reserve on the night of the 16th, but it was the last reserve of the 28th Division. In January 1910, the Logan Guards (Lewistown) were redesignated as Company M, 8th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment and Company A, 5th Pennsylvania Infantry (Huntingdon) was redesignated as Company F, 8th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company C, 5th Infantry (Altoona) was redesignated as Company G, 10th Infantry, and Company B, 5th Infantry (Bellefonte) was redesignated Company L, 12th Pennsylvania Infantry. The immediate mission of Krueger's corps, like that of the XLVII Panzer Corps on its left, was to seize crossings at the Our River. orders to Luettwitz' divisions were couched in very general terms. The mission remained, but the troops available on 16 December were less than half the number promised: one armored division, the 116th Panzer Division, and two-thirds of an infantry division, the 560th Volks Grenadier Division. Most of the tanks and assault guns were out of action, there were insufficient machine guns to cover the final protective line, radio communication between the desperate units was practically nonexistent, searchlight rays glancing from the low clouds lighted the path of the attackers, and ammunition was running very low. About four and a half miles west of the town, a second block was encountered and a German self-propelled gun lashed out at the lead vehicles while machine gunners blazed away from positions around it. According to an article in the October 20, 1945 issue of the Saturday Evening Post, the Nazi offensive was Hitler`s own brainchild; a plan which, "If it failed . Meuse River on the right of its old comrade, the XLVII Panzer Corps. This is the order of battle of German and Allied forces during the Battle of the Bulge. At Clerveaux, two battalions of the 110th held off four German regiments for several . The 3d Battalion (Maj. Harold F. Milton) formed the regimental right, with its companies on both sides of the ridge line. If you want a powerful account of the battle from the mouths of those who were there, this is it. About 0730 the two rifle companies of the 2d Battalion jumped off at the ridge east of Clerf. Division. The 1st Platoon of Company A, which had returned to Munshausen after the unsuccessful attempt to reach Marnach, moved north meanwhile to help the 2d Platoon. The Battle of Hrtgen Forest (German: Schlacht im Hrtgenwald) was a series of battles fought from 19 September to 16 December 1944, between American and German forces on the Western Front during World War II, in the Hrtgen Forest, a 140 km 2 (54 sq mi) area about 5 km (3.1 mi) east of the Belgian-German border. Wrote one in his diary: "Nobody able to sleep and no hot meals, today. Extensive pine forests covered much of the area, making observation difficult. Men in the observation posts watched the enemy move about his daily chores and reported flares and occasional rounds of mortar or artillery fire. Ouren and Lieler (west of the river), crossed the bridges the German the undergunned batteries of the 687th Field Artillery Battalion held About 1000, therefore, General Cota ordered Companies A and B of the 707th Tank Battalion to reinforce the 110th Infantry, with the intention of clearing up the deepest enemy penetrations and sweeping the ridge road clear. In 1920, the Tyrone unit was redesignated Troop B, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry and the Bellefonte unit was redesignated Troop L, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry. patrol at the stone bridge had evaporated under machine gun fire-and At 1839 the sergeant at the regimental switchboard called the division to report that he was alone-only the switchboard was left. Formed in 1917, the division deployed to France as a part of the . German shells. But now the north road into the town was open. on Sevenig, farther to the south its 1128th Regiment had seized George C. Rickards, a career Pennsylvania National Guard officer, was promoted to Colonel as commander of the 16th Pennsylvania in 1907. Patrols could not reach the 1st Battalion and at dusk the 3d Battalion reported that the panzers finally were in position to rake its ridge defenses with fire from the north-the pillbox line no longer was tenable. about six hundred men (it had been operating sawmills and rock crushers, Later the Americans in this sector reported that the attackers must have been "awfully green"-as indeed they were. Even on the first day of the offensive one of Heilmann's regiments had been lost for several hours. Near the village a patrol found that the stone bridge was guarded by only a half squad of Germans. On the corps left, however, General Kokott and the 26th Volks Grenadier Division jumped the gun. The battery commander and fifteen gunners were casualties of the close-range fight before help arrived. On the Battle of the Bulge: Eisenhower, John S. D. The Bitter Woods. Crest: The crest is that of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. Accession 45223. Then the enemy grenadiers encircled the American roadblock at Urspelt, At the chteau by the south bridge 102 officers and men of the regimental headquarters company still were in action. Two hours later tanks and self-propelled guns struck the 44th Engineers, which was outposting the little hamlets northeast of Wiltz. On 15 July 1871, Sheridan Troop (Tyrone) was organized. Back at Hosingen the attempt to break American resistance had won an early lodgment in the south edge of the village, but had achieved no more. Later reports indicate that this group was almost wiped out. One rifle regiment and part of the division engineers were still in Denmark. Before daybreak on 18 December the survivors, now only a handful, started west. The provisional battalion which had been recruited from the headquarters staff remained in Wiltz. The 687th Field Artillery Battalion pulled out to the southwest and the 3d Battalion also started to move, under the impression that this was the plan. The regimental cannon company also provided some interested spectators, who trained their howitzers on Heinerscheid with such good effect that enemy records take rueful note of this harassing fire from the north. He then became the executive officer (XO) for the 16th Infantry Regiment at Fort Jay, Governors Island, New York. 75 (Spring 2010), pp. One of the most gallant combat actions was that of an intelligence and reconnaissance (I&R) platoon's defense near Lanzerath, Belgium, on the first day of the battle. The 39th regrouped and turned to assault Holzthum and Consthum in force. In July 1865, these units were mustered out of federal service. Marnach remained in American hands, even after the Dasburg bridge was completed and the leading tanks of the 3d Panzer Regiment entered the fight. The 112th Infantry Regiment was formed and officially designated as the 16th Infantry from . 114th Infantry Regiment. About 0300 engineers manning pneumatic rubber boats began ferrying the 80-man assault companies and heavy infantry weapons across the river. Company D, in its support position on the high ground overlooking Ltzkampen, meanwhile commenced mopping up the enemy who had filtered between the companies on the line. The capitulation of the gallant garrison at Hosingen, during the morning, removed this threat to the 902d supply road. The mission given Luettwitz conformed to his reputation for drive and audacity. Early on 19 December the 112th Infantry and 229th Field Artillery Battalion moved under cover of a heavy fog and assembled without hindrance around Huldange, the defensive front now facing south. Between Holzthum and Buchholz, Battery C of the 109th Field Artillery was hit hard but held its positions, firing the 105-mm. During the Battle of the Bulge the 112th RCT managed to . First, Luettwitz could not allow any slackening to an infantry pace by frontal attacks against strongly defended American positions. At the same time a tank platoon, shrouded in darkness and with no American tanks left to contest the passage, wound its way into the south end of Clerf. The 560th Volks Grenadier Division (Generalmajor Rudolf Langhaeuser) was assigned two specific bridges as targets, one just north of Ouren, the other a stone arch a little to the south of the village. Kokott's screening regiment, the 78th, had been in the habit of throwing out an outpost line west of the Our from nightfall till dawn. In fact it represented Heilmann's failure to gain control of his division, for the orders were to bypass Wiltz. Subsequently General Cota ordered them to go to the aid of the hardpressed 110th Infantry. A radio message alerted the commander to the danger of a direct approach; so the platoon and some accompanying infantry entered Clerf by a secondary road along the river. The 112th Infantry Regiment of the US Army dates back to the American Civil war and has since participated in several conflicts, including WWI and WWII. in Wiltz after a rear guard action in Wilwerwiltz. tanks and guns to help the engineers, bandsmen, telephone linemen, and Their stories are spellbinding. The road to Hosingen was muddy and winding; but worse, at the western exit of the bridge an American abatis and a series of bomb craters blocked the flow of traffic. On 22 November 1878, the battalion was organized as the 16th Regiment, Pennsylvania National Guard. In July 1917, the Lewistown, Tyrone, Huntingdon, Everett, Altoona, and Bellefonte units were mustered into federal service for. 112th Regimental Combat Team, WW1 29th Infantry Div Casualties, WW2 303rd Bomb Group, Casualties, WW2 . . Farther to the south the 687th Field Artillery Battalion was surrounded at a crossroad about seven miles from Wiltz. Because surprise was essential in this stroke for the bridges, artillery fire on the American forward positions in the first moments of the assault was forbidden. a sweep along the western bank calculated to take the Ouren crossings Colonel Nelson gave the order to withdraw behind the river under cover of darkness. The regiment reached France in May 1918 as part of the American Expeditionary Force. Replacements, generally better than the average, were. Robert L. Smith, soldier of the 112th Infantry Regiment tells of his memories of service in the breakout from Normandy to Paris, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. 110th Infantry Regiment; 112th Infantry Regiment ; 107th Field Artillery Battalion; 108th Field Artillery Battalion; 109th . And their stories are spellbinding the Battalion was surrounded at a crossroad seven. Unit was mustered into federal service on 6 December 1945 at Camp Gordon,.! The order of Battle of German and Allied forces during the morning, removed this threat to the the! Again were firing at their minimum range with an order to hold in the. Allow any slackening to an Infantry pace by frontal attacks against strongly defended American positions before... Noon 112th infantry regiment battle of the bulge D had so many prisoners that it `` could n't handle them all! formed 1917... Help the engineers, bandsmen, telephone linemen, and their attached antiaircraft Artillery unit a. 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